Insanity & nutrition guide

xoDDC Posts: 33
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
did anyone here do the insanity and not follow the guide and still get good results? I haven't been following it, I'm on my 4th week of insanity and haven't seen results and finally today Ive decided to follow the nutrition guide... I am hoping this was the problem and will start seeing results now. Has anyone else had this problem?


  • stevemcknight
    stevemcknight Posts: 647 Member
    I can't even tell you how many people I know who just did the workouts, but didn't follow the guide and were disappointed with their results. Nutrition is 90% of the whole thing! It's really important - I've been saying this for years now, but only recently did I finally understand how much you really have to eat to fuel the beast! I'm up to 3,000 calories and still losing weight (actually to my dismay...)

  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    I have eaten a few things from the book, but not too many (besides the protein shakes and tuna salad in a tomato thing) Just many of the recipes aren't meals I would eat.

    I just completed week 4 and I started at 141.8lbs and am now down to 133.4 (on doctors scale) /135 (on my home scale) I should be starting Recovery Week, but was getting bored with Insanity so doing TurboFire for a week before moving onto either doing Insanity Month 1-don't think I am ready for Month 2 yet
  • gemgemwill
    gemgemwill Posts: 7 Member
    I have been doing the Insanity workouts and not following the food guide. I have been combining the workouts with 30 day shred as well, and have lost 10lbs so far.
    I started with just Insanity but hit a plateau after about 3 weeks hence adding the 30DS.

    As long as you eat healthy and sensibly I think you will still loose or even tone up using the Insanity DVD

  • I don't follow the guides that come with Insanity or P90X. I don't like the way they're written. Basically if you follow a clean eating meal plan, you're doing what they tried to explain to you - only whoever wrote their guides sucks.
  • I haven't tried that. Just following the nutrition guide and trying to exceed my daily protein intake by 20 percent. It really works for me. I'm trying to gain some weight... Insulin spikes is the enemy! When insulin is spiked no fat burn will happen. Keep your sugars down low and you'll lose weight.
  • cinico
    cinico Posts: 294 Member
    I am on week 5, and I didn't have but one pound drop until the 4th week! I have read that many don't se changes till month 2! I know how you feel we want to see pounds come of with all that hard work! About the nutrition guide I just started after week 3 eating closer to the meal selections! So far it's been good and it's not hard tO follow Idk why I didn't just start with it!!
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    You don't need to follow it but you do need to use their calculation in the guide to get the calorie load you need. It tells you subtract 500 for weight loss.
  • ashlee2407
    ashlee2407 Posts: 65 Member
    My husband just does the workouts..I havent started on insanity yet, because im still on turbo fire-but honestly, every beachbody work out I do, I skim through the nutrition guides for pointers and then go on my own a bit. Insanity has a great one though (reasonable food-not too expensive) so if I HAD to pick on to follow, it would definitely be that!
  • RachM
    RachM Posts: 113 Member
    I have finished week 7, I ate clean (not to their guide), and I didnt lose a pound. I feel more toned, and I can start to see my abs, but other than that...nothing :)
  • pyro13g
    pyro13g Posts: 1,127 Member
    Insanity is going to change your body composition. If you are at maintenance calories with insanity you won't lose weight , maybe gain some, but you'll have less fat and a little more muscle on your frame.
  • xoDDC
    xoDDC Posts: 33
    thanks for the pointer everyone! i just have to be patient i just see all these people online that have had great results with in 60 days and expect the same but i have to face it everyones body is different! i will cont. to be patient i know its working because something new is always soar in my body and i am already on week 4 so it must be working somehow..
  • fredaro2002
    fredaro2002 Posts: 35 Member
    I have finished the first month of Insanity and decided to take this week off before starting the recovery and second month. I did not follow the nutrition guide, but I followed the calorie and nutrition count from MFP and have already lost 13 lbs and 4.5 inches off my waist alone. I think if you control your portion sizes, then you should be fine.
  • pragya728
    pragya728 Posts: 250 Member
    I don't really follow it. Or actually I can't really follow it since I am vegetarian. I looked it for reference and see what things I can substitute and still follow the nutrition guide a little bit. I am just trying to eat the calories that MFP gave me and eat back some of the exercise calories. It seems like it's working though. Although I think I can do better with the eating. So I am trying to work on that.
    I have lost about 2 lbs this week though. But I want to work on eating better and see if I can lose more.
  • Meowsti
    Meowsti Posts: 1
    We just finished week one.. about to go into week two and we are sticking to the diet... week one I lost 0 pounds, my husband lost 5.... we will see what happens.. I keep you posted.
  • FittingIn
    FittingIn Posts: 162 Member
    The guides never helped me. The best info I've found is here
  • Wil00
    Wil00 Posts: 21
    With Insanity, use your measurements as your guide. As for the nutrition guide, I never used it, but ate sensible. I lost about 16 lbs the first month.
  • Carolyn_79
    Carolyn_79 Posts: 935 Member
    I just finished month 1 and on recovery week now. I've lost 5 pounds and 5 inches since I started the program.
  • I am going to start the workout today......I have A LOT of weight to lose so im hoping this will help me and tone me up. I have been fat for far to long and it is time for a change.
    Does anyone have any advice for me just beginning? I probably won't follow the meal plan but will stay to the recommended calories.


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  • I just finished month 1 of Insanity. I didn't follow the nutrition guide, just counted calories on MFP. I lost 9lbs and a total of 15 inches of body fat all over. After a month you should see either some toning or weight loss. You may not be eating enough calories as the workouts are pretty intense?
  • ginamc04
    ginamc04 Posts: 113 Member
    You don't have to follow the FOOD they list in the guide, those are just ideas for meals. You do need to follow the calorie count though-and you can do that along with MFP. Thats what I do. I cook far more than the nutrition guide calls for but they are trying to keep it simple.

    I thought the P90X guide was designed & explained horribly! This one is much better.

    Eat 5x per day and reach your caloric goal based on the formula & get your workouts done-you'll do great!
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