Healthy Snacks

Here is a list of some healthy snacks that a co-worker (who is also a registered dietitian) gave me:

• Half a peanut butter sandwich on whole wheat bread
• Low-sugar, whole grain granola bars that have at least 3 grams of fiber
• Whole grain crackers or whole wheat tortilla with hummus or nut butter
• A handful of unsalted or lightly salted dry-roasted nuts
• Individual unsweetened applesauce with a few (6) dry-roasted or raw walnuts
• Small apple with 2 teaspoons peanut butter or 1 ounce low-fat cheese
• Ants on a log – celery with nut butter, topped with raisins or other dried fruit
• Low-fat string cheese with a small piece of fruit or a few whole-grain crackers
• 4-6 ounces of low-fat yogurt contains both healthy carbohydrate and protein
• High-fiber dry cereal with a few nuts or seeds and dried fruit (put this in a baggie for a make-your-own trail mix)
• Individual packs of carrots, celery sticks, or apple slices, with a protein source like a tablespoon of nuts, nut butter or low-fat cheese
• 15 Pretzels and 1 ounce low-fat cheese
• Whole-wheat cracker sandwiches made with natural nut butters
• 1 ounce of lean meat and a few whole grain crackers
• 3 ounces of low-fat or fat-free cottage cheese and a few whole grain crackers
• 1 whole graham cracker and 1 teaspoon nut butter (i.e. peanut butter)
• Raw vegetables with 1/4c low-fat ranch dressing
• 100-calorie pack of low-fat popcorn rich in whole grains and fiber
• 15 tortilla chips and salsa (try for salsa with beans in it)
• Small bowl of whole-grain cereal with skim milk or low-fat yogurt
• Laughing Cow light spreadable cheese wedges and a few whole wheat crackers
• 6 ounces Chobani greek low-fat or non-fat yogurt contains 14g of protein or more
• 1/4c low-fat mayonnaise egg salad and a few whole wheat crackers or 1 piece of whole wheat bread
• 1/4c low-fat mayonnaise tuna salad and a few whole wheat crackers or 1 piece of whole wheat bread
• Mix 1/4c plain non-fat Chobani yogurt with 1 tablespoon of natural peanut butter for a sweet dipping sauce. Dip apples, pretzels, whole wheat crackers or veggies in it.
• ¼ cup black bean dip with a handful of whole wheat crackers, tortilla chips, or one 6 inch corn tortilla
• 6 ounces of soymilk and 1 small piece of fruit or ½ cup fresh berries
• 1 hard boiled egg with 1 small piece of fruit or ¼ cup dried fruit
