MFP Nutrition vs. P90x question

I am doing the P90x exercise program if I did my calculations right I should be eating 3000 cal/day. MFP set a goal for me to eat 1200 cal/day. This is a huge difference. Any clues as to why?


  • mommyhof3
    mommyhof3 Posts: 551 Member
    I do P90x but dont use their calorie intake. I eat 1500 a day plus my exercise calories. I wear a HRM for the exercises and eat those calories that I burn
  • jerseynomad
    I just started the P90x but I did not look at the nutrition side of it. My guess is that the more you excercise the more calories you need. I was planning on following the MFP calroric number and if I was too hungry then I would add a few snacks.
  • troycarroll
    There's probably more detail to this that others are more qualified to give, but this site calculates your BMR. That's the base number of calories you need based on your height, weight and goals. The P90X is using your height, weight and the number of calories burned during exercise.

    Now, that doesn't help you decide what to do, but hopefully explains why the numbers are different.
  • johnporcaro
    johnporcaro Posts: 76 Member
    MFP takes into account activity level, days working out, and weight loss goals for the week. So, it starts with your "at rest" calorie needs, then adds in activity level, then takes OUT your exercise calories, and takes out your weight-loss goal calories.

    So, if you don't count your "exercise calories", and you want to lose 2 lbs. a week, you'd get a number around 1300.

    EAT YOUR EXERCISE CALORIES! You'll starve yourself if you don't.
  • mgriffin51
    mgriffin51 Posts: 17 Member
    In MyFitnessPal their recommendation is not how many calories you eat per day, but your Net Calories per day. That is (for you) 1200. So you are actually supposed to consume 1200 calories a day, plus however many calories you burned working out Example: you go to the gym and burn 300 calories on the elliptical. You then add those 300 calories to your 1200 and consume 1500 calories that day, leaving your net calorie intake (1500-300) at 1200. I hope that makes sense. P90X probably recommends a whole lot more calories because you'll probably be burning a lot more calories (but 3000 does sound really high) Good luck!!! I hope my explanation of how the calorie counting on MFP works makes sense for you.
  • Tuckersn
    Tuckersn Posts: 149
    I keep track of my jogging miles/workouts on and they just added a nutrition section to keep track of your diet as well. The recommended I eat 3456 calories a day!! Even if I was running 10 miles a day, I couldn't imagine eating that much food! hahaha! Interesting. I'm sure its all to do with their calculators, activity level, etc.