Female P90Xers

bakerp90x Posts: 17
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hey All!

I am loving the encouragement on this site and would also love to add some friends that are also doing P90X. So, if you're doing P90X, please add me - or post on here and I will add you. I know I need all the encouragement I can get!

Let's Bring It!!


  • And, does anybody else blog about their dieting/fitness?

    It's SO motivational for me to read other peoples struggles and successes on their fitness/weight-loss journeys!
  • I am going to start it soon. I think I will need some encoragement also to stick with it. I will let you know how it goes. LET"S DO IT!
  • thanks for the link!
  • Hello...I am new on this site and will start P90X tomorrow...I am excited about the different daily discs..I have been trying to figure how to add this to the exercises.. Good luck and have some fun..:bigsmile:
  • murf19
    murf19 Posts: 453 Member
  • Started (again) this week. I've dropped out 3 times in the past due to over-doing it (I'm just like that) and soreness. This week I backed way off, started really slowly (which was killing me, but I decided that's the way it would be). I've had minimal soreness (as in I could still walk around and lift my arms every day), and lost 1 inch off my waist, and 1 inch off each thigh. Today is my rest day, and it's killing me! I'm ready to go! :sad:
  • Hi!

    I started p90x two weeks ago and I love it! I'm already feeling toned! I'm new to this as well and need much support because I always seem to give up halfway into this weight loss process. My friends here at school aren't so supportive so if anyone is stuck in the same hole, don't feel hesitant to add me :)
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Hello! See my signature ... I am starting 2-28 (got pushed back because of my illness) but I am excited ...
  • I'm just starting week 3. I'm doing the lean version for now. my second round will be classic. it's hard to stay motivated when there are so many other things i could/should be doing. with 3 kids and a navy husband there are always things that need to be done. it's hard to find that hour to devote. it shouldn't be but it totally is! good luck ladies!
  • Ok..now that Im over the flu...Time to get busy....:glasses:
  • KelGuam
    KelGuam Posts: 2 Member
    Im on week 3 of P90x and Im loving it as well!! I havnt kept up with the nutrition aspect of the program, but that is why I just joined this site.. so far, so good!! So glad to see other women on her doing the same program I am! :)
  • i don't follow the nutrition guide exacly and i have been seeing results. as long as it's healthy, i eat it. i seriously don't have time to measure everything out and count every nut and ounce of meat. heck i'm lucky to find the hour a day to workout! looks like everyone is doing great! this is day 19 for me, legs and back with ab ripper x.
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