
I need a lot of support.. I can honestly say I have never been on a diet, and stuck to it to get to my goal weight.. currently I weight 150, I would like to get down to 135, and I would love to be able to wear a bikini! Anyways, today my sister made brownies.. i actually had it in my mouth and was about to bite down when i changed my mind and threw it away.. its going to be a rough next 5 weeks, but I cant wait to have the body I have always wanted!
Anyways a dream of mine has always been to be a runner, I would love to wake up in the morning on a nice summer day and start my day off with a run.. the problem is i live on a very busy road, i cant run here! So I can drive 5 mins down the road to a state park. Second problem is I am very nervous to look funny when I am running, i dont know why but i feel like i look like a fool when i run! I dont know.. should I just bite the bullet and wake up tomorrow and go for it, run at the state park with my dog?

also anyone know how far/long i should start my running???


  • kristinlough
    kristinlough Posts: 828 Member
    Check out Couch to 5K, Bridge to 10k, there's one about an 8k. Figure out how fit you are and download a podcast and go from there!

    (Great job chucking that brownie!!)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Google Couch to 5k. It's a great program to get you started. If you have an iPod you can download the podcasts that tell you how long to run/walk with little cues. I did it last spring and I ran my first two 5k's!!!! I'm 38 and had never ran a mile before that, and now I'm training for a 10k.

    Good luck! And don't worry.. .I look like a dork when I run but I don't care! I look worse sitting on the couch eating potato chips all day long!!!! LOL!
  • GufoBianca
    I wouldn't worry about how you look while you run....If someone wants to sit and judge how you look, then that is their problem. At least you're out there doing something good for yourself! I would try interval training, such as 30/60s or 60/120s. Sprint for 30 seconds and then jog/walk the 60 seconds. It will build your endurance :-) Just get out and do it! You will not regret it :-)
  • merrillfoster
    merrillfoster Posts: 855 Member
    Go for it! You'll feel great all day, and your dog will love it! I'd start relatively small (remember, however far you run, you have to run that far back!), but do what feels right. Maybe start with a light jog and go from there. If you don't do it for yourself, do it for your dog :)
  • npuntini
    Thanks everyone I did the couch to 5K for the first time this morning! It was a challange but I want to stick to it!! (Also, your right, my dog LOVED IT!!)
  • Nikstergirl
    Nikstergirl Posts: 1,549 Member
    Awesome!!! Keep going and you'll find you just HAVE to get out and run!!!! I can't believe how addicting it is. If you can look about 2-3 months away and find a 5k in your area to run. Sign up for it NOW and you will be committed to the program! I find it's easier to stick with if I've already committed to a race. You don't have to win, just finish!!!! I just signed up last night for my first 10k... no backing out now!!!

    Good luck, and keep going!