One Seat or Two?

I haven't flown in years and I' wondering if my butt can fit in an airplane seat. Does anybody know if I will have to buy two tickets? What about the seat belts. Do they have extenders for us fat folks? Does anybody have any advice for me as I plan a trip where I will have to fly?


  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    You should call the airline. They will advise you. I think it will depend on the airline and how crowded the plane is. My friends husband was charged for two seats and he was close to 500lbs. He said it was the first time.
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    google airline seat sizes--I have done it before. They will tell you how big the chairs are in width and depth. It really depends on how big you are, hun. But they can give you an extender as well.
  • CallejaFairey
    CallejaFairey Posts: 391 Member
    i am just over 300lbs, working on that of course :), but i flew just over a year ago, and i wasn't made to get a second seat, but depending on the age of the plane, i did need an extender. i find newer planes have larger belts, the older, and smaller way was that going around my waist! lol. also, if you have to use an extender, you are not allowed to sit in the emergency exit seats, at least through Delta, and i believe they said it is pretty universal. has nothing to do with capability, i am plenty strong and would be able to handle those doors no problem. just something to think about if you get to choose your seats.
  • JeriBlair
    JeriBlair Posts: 10 Member
    Thanks! Very helpful.