Workout challenge!

juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hi there!
So we have all kind challenges around here and I really like them b/c they keep me motivated and on going! But I dont belong to any of them bc I do a variaty of stuff.
Then I though we could have a workout challenge whre we post our workout schedule and keep each other accountable and motivated!!!
Lets do it!!!!! I could use some support, motivationa and some fun!!

This is my schedule for this week:
Monday: I did 1 hr with personal trainner (weight loss challenge program at the YMCA)
Tuesday: Nothing... : (
Wednesday: Shred
Thursday: Swim 40 min
Friday: Shred and Turbo Jam (20 min each)
Saturday: Shred and Turbo Jam (20 min each)
Sunday: Shred or 40 min turbo jam

I still trying to finish my 30 day shred, have 9 days left...

Good Luck to us! And let the fun begin!


  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Sounds good to me.

    Monday.....30 day shred
    Tuesday..... walking 45 min including stair hunting for over 3 hours
    Wednesday.....45min zumba class
    Thursday.....45 min sculpt calss and or 30 day shred
    Friday..... Yoga class
    Saturday..... probably a rest day but I try to squeezs in a walk or 30 day shred
    Sunday.... 30 day shred.

    Best of luck to you :)
  • For this week, and every week............With situps and leg lifts

    Monday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Tuesday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Wednesday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Thursday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Saturday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Sunday 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Ok so today I did the shred level 3!! My body is definately not used to this level, I am always light headed by the end... I got my period today, sorry, so I am feeling a little yucky!
    I need to try TaeBo, never done it!
    I am planning on buying a Zumba DVD, the classes at YMCA are too early...
    Good workout for you guys today!!
    Remember to drink lots of water (this is me trying to make myself to drink more!!!!)
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Ok so today I did the shred level 3!! My body is definately not used to this level, I am always light headed by the end... I got my period today, sorry, so I am feeling a little yucky!
    I need to try TaeBo, never done it!
    I am planning on buying a Zumba DVD, the classes at YMCA are too early...
    Good workout for you guys today!!
    Remember to drink lots of water (this is me trying to make myself to drink more!!!!)

    Awesome Job!

    I did my zumba class as planned and I rocked it...effort wise not rhythm wise. I may do an aqua class in stead of my normal sculpt tomorrow. I haven't been to a class with my friend Beth in awhile.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    For this week, and every week............With situps and leg lifts

    Monday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Tuesday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Wednesday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Thursday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Saturday: 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Sunday 45 min of--TAE BO Fat blasting Cardio 400 to 600 burn cal.

    Glad you joined us :) Good luck!
  • Hi!
    I'd like to join too. Can I? :)

    My workout plan is pretty much the same every week but i know that community challenge is the best way for me to stick to a plan.
    here it is:
    Monday - 30 min Shred, brisk walk to work - 25 min, evening - 15 min lower body Jackie Warner
    Tuesday - 20 min D.Austin Burn Fat Fast, walk to work - 25 min, evening - 15 min upper body J.Warner
    Wednesday - 30 min Cardio Kickbox, brisk walk to work - 25 min, evening - 15 min abs Jackie Warner
    Thusday - 20 min D.Austin BootCamp, brisk walk to work - 25 min, evening -20 min Rapid Results Pilates
    Friday - 30 min Shred or Cardio Kickbox, walk to work 25 min, evening - 3x8-minute strength training workouts
    Sat - Sun - rest :)

    This week i did all Monday and today, Tuesday - only 15 minutes D.Austin and walked to work 25 min. Wasn't feeling well after work, so skipped Jackie Warner
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Please join us!!! Dont you love the exercise DVDs? Especially the short ones! I love them!

    Well I havent workout today yet and I need to change my plan for today. I forgot my kids have swimming lesson so I will do something at the gym today, maybe I jog/walk or do the elliptical. I will let you guys know!
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    So today instead of swimming I did some stuff at the gym. I did 10 minutes of Elliptical and created my own version of circuit trainning. I did a total of 35 minutes. During the circuit trainning I did few min of weight trainning and then 1 or 2 laps. My HRM says I burned 667 for 35 min!
    Hope you guys are doing ok!
  • Woah! I had a very successful day today :)
    We were kinda running late for school this morning and i'm just too stubborn to drive if it's just a 10-minute walk so i ran (sometimes with my 5-yr old daughter in my hands) to school for 5 minutes and then walked fast back, then skipped 20-minute morning workout as had ppl waiting for me in the office 1 hour earlier than usual... buuuut...

    the whole day sums up to:
    total brisk walk time - 35 min + 30 minute normal evening walk
    evening workout - whole Denise Austin 3-week bootcamp DVD (48 minutes)

    Can anyone help me find a topic on eating or not eating carbs after i'd say... 7 pm? I don't eat cookies or anything like that but sometimes feel like if i won't eat that apple or orange - i'll eat someone instead. I usually go to bed at 1am.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    The weather was amazing in VA yesterday so I did a 40 minute round trip walk toe teh grocery store with hubby to pick up some parm chesse for our baked eggplant parm. ( only 302 cals per serving)

    Today I hope to get 20 minutes on the treadmil before yoga class.
    Minovido... Sorry i don't know anything about carbs after 7pm. I eat dinner late so I definalty get carbs later in the eveing but I am still losing. over all I tend to have a higher protein and lower card diet.
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi guys! You guys had a great day working out!!! Congrats to us!
    Today is my weight in and I lost 1.1lbs and I am in my period so I am pretty happy with my loss!

    Minovido - Well I don't know why you could not eat carbs after 7pm, especially being good carbas from fruits and you going to bed later. I will try to find a tread about it too!
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    Decided to take advantage of the good weather again. Did 30 day shred and then took a 25 minute walk outside with hubby.

    I hope everyone has a good, relaxing yet productive weekend. I hope to get at least 1 shred and a walk in.
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    no exercise over the weekend unless you count all the stairs I climbed looking at houses.

    No exercise on Monday we were singing the house offer after work and i felt like junk.

    Today i did 10 minutes of laps in the pool and the aqua aerobics class. Planning 45 min zumba class tomorrow.

    I hope everyone had a good weekend and is having luck completing their exercise this week :)
  • juliana1977
    juliana1977 Posts: 153 Member
    Hi there! I have been so extremilly busy I havent workout much... : (
    Monday I went to the weight loss challenge program thing and almos pass out! I did not eat a lot that day and was not feeling good... I had to stop b/c I was nauseated and my HR wasnt going down! So i only did it for 25 min. Tuesday I went to the airport and yesterday I did not get home until amost 9pm and very tired! I know I wont workout today... So hopefully I am able to add something tomorrow and in the weekend.
    I will try to do:
    Friday: Shred plus turbo jam
    Saturday: Swimming or 35 min of circuit trainning/elliptical
    Sunday: Shred and turbo jam
  • fuhrmeister
    fuhrmeister Posts: 1,796 Member
    I did some walking around Monticello On saturday and tons of extra cleaing on Sunday but no reall work out.

    Plans for this week

    Monday: Meeting with morgage broker. Hopefully I'll be albe to fit in a 15min walk today. or maybe a late evening 30 day shred
    Tues: yoga and aqua class
    Wed: Zumba
    Thurs: 30 day shred
    Fri: yoga

    Julianna. I hope you are feeling better since your last post. Good luck with your work outs this week.
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