Swollen Knees

Whos knees swell up sometimes after exercising a lot? Mine do and it's very irritating, they also crunch when I walk upstairs...I'm 29 years old, bad knees already? What does it mean?


  • lisateachawa
    lisateachawa Posts: 166 Member
    My knees crunch and swell also. Unfortunately - my knees are bad. Yours may be also. I would go get them checked. Do they hurt? Mine do often. I have arthritis in them. I've had arthroscopy on one, but it is back to where t was beforeI already
    and the other one is just as bad. I am 45 and don't want knee replacements. Being overweight is hard on your body. Good luck!
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    My knees crunch and swell also. Unfortunately - my knees are bad. Yours may be also. I would go get them checked. Do they hurt? Mine do often. I have arthritis in them. I've had arthroscopy on one, but it is back to where t was beforeI already
    and the other one is just as bad. I am 45 and don't want knee replacements. Being overweight is hard on your body. Good luck!

    I haven't had them checked but I'm thinking maybe I should. I was a lot bigger than I am now for a few years but I've always been somewhat overweight, maybe it's all the stress and weight I've put on them. Sure doesn't help me any by hindering my exercising and reaching my goals!
  • StephanieBFree
    StephanieBFree Posts: 39 Member
    I do not have bad knees but they do tend to get sore and swollen from time to time. I know my triggers are: If my running shoes are getting older and no longer have the support I need. Also, if I am doing a lot of lunges or squats and am not using my proper form that will cause my knees to swell and hurt.

    If you go to a gym see if you can have one of the professionals check that you are doing your exercises properly. Also, it may always be worth it to make sure your shoes have the right support for your exercise.

    If it is neither of those things then maybe consider talking to your Doctor to make sure you can eliminate any other problems.
  • shaweetie
    shaweetie Posts: 33 Member
    Mine do the same thing. I have to be super careful, and not over exercise, or do things that are too hard on my knees. I've been to multiple Dr's who can't figure out what the heck is going on, as it will come and go. I've had to get them drained, and that worked wonders! It's seriously such a pain, and so stressful! I hope you get feeling better soon! I'm hoping that as the weight comes off, the problem will go away!!!
  • MissMandyB
    MissMandyB Posts: 4 Member
    It might be your trainers, my knees were swelling and feeling stiff after excercise but a new pair of good quality trainers fixed them! It's always good to double check with your GP though.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    Osteobioflex or generic. I swear on it. Research it, your joints will thank you.
  • demone00
    demone00 Posts: 31 Member
    I need 2 have my knees checked again. A few yrs back (3 I think) I had fluid so bad on my knees I was in pain. I did notice last month my knees were puffy w/some pain but that went away in a week. I had not worked out in a good month when this happened but was doing various house projects such as painting. Now that I am back to working out on the regular, my knees now feel stiff/tight after my workouts.
  • jessicamarie81
    jessicamarie81 Posts: 441 Member
    Thanks everybody for the comments....guess what, I don't exercise in shoes most of the time, since it's been cold I've been exercising indoors and I don't wear shoes, that's got to be a problem. Swollen knees don't bother me unless I squat down but man it sure is painful when it happens.
    sbrmers, you are right, I may be doing certain moves wrong. I've been doing yoga, squats and lunges, but mainly have been exercising with Walk Away the Pounds which isn't a lot of knee work and on my Kinect doing cardio and they tell me when I'm doing something right or wrong. I noticed when I was doing the 30 Day Shred they became swollen too. It's always my left knee!!
  • Staceslim
    Staceslim Posts: 100 Member
    My knees weren't necessarily swelling but they were quite sore so I talked to my doc (this was years ago). She thought it was probably arthritis so I started taking tylenol for it specific stuff for arthritis but if my knees were hurting in the day time I didn't want to take the tylenol (it makes me sleepy). So then I bought A535 & it was helping but I realized that it would last on my skin for a few days afterwards, wasn't really thinking about it too much till the nurses at work were talking about joints & soreness & they said something about Glucosamine (sp) & Chondrtin so I bought some quite expensive but man does it work my knees are amazingly fine now. I don't know if this will help you but its an idea.