I really need to get my weight down...

AstroAthena Posts: 1
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I'm not great at exercising, in fact I'm extremely bad at it. I quit easily and I get upset easily if I can't do it, so I quit. I need ideas on what kinds of exercise I can do besides walking that will keep me engaged for 1hour. I need help! I really want and need to get my weight in-check by this summer. Not just to look good but because I have a major field trip that requires students to be in-shape.

Please, anyone out there who can help, please!


  • trimslim
    trimslim Posts: 4 Member
    Try a dance class like Zumba,or playing a sport. Get a partner that helps.
  • I work out in chucks of time. I am lucky enough to have a gym in the basement of my apartment building, but I also use fitness videos that are 15-20min long that I can do 1 or 2 of a day.
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    I like swimming, just getting in the water and moving, form doesn't matter when you're just starting. Get in and move. I'll go to the adults only sessions when I really want to swim or the family sessions when I want to play around, the kids get a kick out of throwing a ball back and forth, if you work at chasing it you'll feel it after.
  • A workout partner is helpful. it is also helpful if they aren't like your best friend. The logic is, that if the person you workout with will push you and hold you accountable, and you do the same for them.
    Weight training is a great way to burn calories. You can burn more in an hour of solid weight training than you could walking or running for an hour.
  • KellieR56
    KellieR56 Posts: 135 Member
    same here! I use a stationary bike and watch tv or text while biking; it makes it go by faster. :]
  • mageepilot
    mageepilot Posts: 289 Member
    I like the WII Fit. It's a great starting point. You can do it at home. It has very short times for each activity. There is a lot of variety. If you don't like one, you don't have to do it again. I thought it wouldn't really be much of a workout, but it turns out if you put effort into it you will get a good workout.
  • I love my aqua aerobics. I hate to sweat but love being in the water! This gives me the best of both worls - you can work as hard or as little as you want. The cool things is that the classes are full of little old ladies - so when I push myself and want to surrender I look around and see these 80 year olds doing it - then I think to myself "hell if they can make it the full hour I sure as hell can!"

    They are also social addicts who question me when I miss a class - it holds me accountable - even if I miss just cause I had to work - they always want to know why I missed a day!

    Busy Bodies are saving my life!
  • Pandorian
    Pandorian Posts: 2,055 MFP Moderator
    Forgot to mention even the walking, get something to help distract while doing, be it a workout buddy, an mp3 player, I've got some audio-books loaded on my mp3 player and don't even notice the time, the one I've been listening to recently is in 50 minute chapters so I put one on and the walk is over before I realize it caught up in listening.
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