Need tons of encoragment!

carolineeffler Posts: 14
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I dont know where to start! Im completly confused with the whole workout/losing weight process. Thanks for the input please help me out with where to start.

I have purchased:
Jump rope
Fitness Ball
2 5 Lb weights
yoga mat


  • Staceslim
    Staceslim Posts: 100 Member
    Hi I didn't have a clue either but we have an eliptical trainer so I have been going on it for about 30 - 40 min a day so that is really good. I also have been doing some floor excercises & I have already noticed a difference. I would say that if you have the yoga mat & the weights & ball to just start doing some floor excercises; jumping jacks, jumping rope, planks, push ups. I guess it all just depends on what you are trying to acheive weight loss, toning strength training. Good luck, have fun.:glasses:
  • You can do lots with what you have! Jump for 30-60 sec, do bicep curls, jump 30 sec, do sit ups on your ball, jump again, do triceps, etc...
  • Thanks guys :)
  • jenbusick
    jenbusick Posts: 528 Member
    1. Breathe!
    2. Smile!
    3. Do you know your height, weight, and gender? :wink: Go put them in the goal calculator, along with the weight you're aiming for. If you are obese, set your weight loss goal at 2lb/week, if you're overweight, set it at 1 lb/week, if you're at a healthy BMI but trying to get to your ideal weight, set your goal at half a pound per week. The calculator will tell you how many calories per day you should eat in order to lose that amount of weight each week.
    4. If you stick to your calorie goal, exercise is not strictly necessary for weight loss. But if your calorie goal makes you wail "What? NO MORE CUPCAKES? WAAAAAAAAH!" or if you'd like to tone up as you go, find a workout that gets your heart rate up, that fits into your life on a regular basis. Add those calories into your diary, and eat them, so that your body will know it has plenty of fuel to burn, and will keep burning away happily.
    5. Get back into those skinny jeans, girlfriend! :bigsmile:

    (adding a weight loss ticker to your sig is, like, totally optional!)

    Very best wishes to you!
  • fouchou09
    fouchou09 Posts: 154 Member
    Shape magazine is great for showing your exercises with basic equipment, like the things you bought. There are probably lots of great websites or even youtube videos that could help you get started!

    Good luck! Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like!
  • dietracker
    dietracker Posts: 17 Member
    I would add DIET. I just had a baby and lost all my weight in the first 4 months. I didnt work out, just ate very clean (by clean I mean, limited processed foods, tons of fruits, vegetables, fish, and chicken.). Now, I am working out and trying to retone my prepregnancy body and lose a little weight. For exercise, commit to doing a little every day first. My biggest mistake is always taking on too much and having unrealistic goals and expectations. Give yourself a treat at the end of the week if you kept close to your calorie needs for the week. The treat can be food, or a new shirt, pair of earrings, etc. I didnt realize I was eating too many calories until I started recording them on here and now I get it that even if your putting all health in your much will be stored as fat. Hope this helps.
  • speacock
    speacock Posts: 2 Member
    Use myfitnesspal to log your food, do not allow it to give you more calories for your work outs, it tries to and sometimes it's not so accurate so you end up eating more than you burn. Just go as close to the original goal it sets for you without exercise.
    Tell yourself I can do this. Check out youtube videos for the different equipment you bought, sure you will see tons. Good
    Luck... You can do it.
  • my best advice would be to keep your heartrate up while your lifting.. I like that you got 5lb weights because you dont want to build muscle on top of fat... You can youtube some good fitness ball excercises... there are great ab ones that I do quite a bit..

    Try to workout for as long as you can and then progress.. start 20 minutes work your way up to 45-60 minute cardio workouts...

    Run in place;jumping rope;high knees;FROG JUMPS work wonders; hopping on toes; high knees; and popcorn are all good for keeping heart rate up... choose a few to do in between your toning and weights

    in between some ideas would be; lunges; throwdowns(lay flat on back keep legs together and lift them as high as you can bring them back down); bicep curls; flys; dead lifts; theres plenty you can do just try not to let your heart rate go down for more then about a min... so for ex.

    Jog in place 1 minute
    1/3 set of 15 lunges
    jog in place 1 minute
    2/3 set 15 lunges
    jog 1 minute
    3/3 set 15 lunges
    skip rope 30 seconds
    1/3 set of 10 bicep curls
    skip rope 30 seconds
    2/3 set 10 bicep curls
    skip rope 30 seconds
    3/3 set bicep curls

    you get the idea if you need any help let me know
  • Thanks to all of you im just trying to find my place lol
  • Jump rope - do it for 2 min blocks. That will kill you LOL or maybe it just killed me LOL

    Good luck & there are plenty of positive encouraging people here to help you on your life changing journey :-)
  • novatri
    novatri Posts: 262 Member
    The diet is more important than the exercise. A good pair of shoes is great. You can just walk if your starting out. Even walk at the mall and window shop as you burn calories.
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