I need some support...ok lots of support XD

KimieEgger Posts: 27
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
I want and need to lose an enormous amount of weight. I just had a revelation 2 days ago and began eating healthy, smaller portions and excersising. But I know that without encouragement and support, I will go no where...Just like all my previous attempts. Any tips, advice and friend requests are very appreciated... I just need other people to hold me accountable...


  • lildazey
    lildazey Posts: 86 Member
    Good for you on making the choice! I just joined a few days ago, and I'm loving MFP. I'm sure you will also!
  • Reka2011
    Reka2011 Posts: 134 Member
    Welcome both of you!! Feel free to add me. I would definitely love to support you all! Thats what makes this site so great!!!
  • I really love it already. I am finding this site is going to have what I need.. support from my peers. Thank you for the add :)
  • cupcakelover103
    cupcakelover103 Posts: 197 Member
    Welcome :) You can do this. Use the support on here, it has really helped me pull through and stick with it.
    Don't give up. If you fall 'off the wagon' pick yourself up and remember that tomorrow is a new day.
    Good luck
  • Congrats for making the choice for a healthier lifestyle! I had lots of weight to lose after college, and I lost it with a low carb diet. I slowly gained alot of it back, and now I'm trying to lose it for my wedding this year! I'm not very athletic at all, but I've been trying to add exercise this time around. I've been doing Jillian Michael's DVDs and seeing huge results. I feel like the scale should be going down faster, but I know I'm losing inches and I have sooooo much more energy. Just thought you'd like to know what seems to work for me. :-) Good luck! You'll feel great in no time!
  • flukes9
    flukes9 Posts: 78 Member
    Just remember that every day is a new day and a clean slate. If you have a bad food day, don't stress...just move on and have a better day the next day. Also, I know you said you have an enormous amount to lose and I see your ticker is overwhelming. Maybe try to break it down into several smaller goals...like a 25 lb. weight loss goal...then you can be excited to reach it and set another 25 lb. goal. It's really helpful to hit your milestones, so it's more like climbing several hills instead of one mountain. Just my 2 cents. You definitely can do it and have support here.
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    Welcome! I'd be happy to support you along the way too, please feel free to add me.
  • I feel you! Add me if you want!
  • KelaLess
    KelaLess Posts: 11 Member
    Hi! Feel free to add me I just joined too. Great job deciding to do something that will be really great for you. I have found that if I do non-food incentives for myself like and mani-pedi whenever I reach a 20 lb. milestone works great for me. Try something like that to keep you going. I have the MFP app on my phone and it works really great becasue I know that I always have my total for the day literally in the palm of my hands. You can do it!
  • coldfeetsinger
    coldfeetsinger Posts: 2 Member
    I'm here for you!
    I need support too.
  • Thank you everyone! I am just so tired of being "the fat one" I am done. I hope I can do it. With new friends and supporters along the way, I am sure that I can.
  • cheppy
    cheppy Posts: 31 Member
    We are all here for you if u need us. We might need your support sometime too so be sure to keep working hard so we can help each other achieve our goals.
    Good luck on your journey.
    I am sending a friend request by the way
  • wendyco
    wendyco Posts: 122 Member
    ON THE SAME BOAT! definitely need friends! lol Especially if you're from my area (Redmond, WA) Just moved and cant wait to meet people with good habits!

    I'll be more than happy to help you through this or anyone for that matter...I know a decent amount of things just gotta stick to them! =)
  • knewbill72
    knewbill72 Posts: 133 Member
    I haven't been on this site for one week yet and it has really helped alot. I feel like I'm gently pushed each day to do better and to be consistent. Feel free to add me!
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