running calf pain

So I started a c25k 7 weeks ago, last week I started to develop pain in my calf, its still there this week, Im still running and its bareable, (I must be over compensating as im using my right leg more). It also feels like my knee is going to go backwards if that makes sense? I stretch properly and have started to use the power plates at the gym to help get a proper stretch, has anyone else experienced this or do you have any advice? (preferably ones that dont involve stopping running as thats not an option)


  • Sassy_H
    Hi, I started running 5 weeks ago and had pain in my left calf and then my left hip. It was more painful when I wasn't running and I was stretching using power plates etc.

    I saw my trainer at the gym and he told me to go for a gait analysis. So I went to my local sports shop and they got me to run barefooted for 30 seconds, they then freeze frame you're movement and measure the angles of your joints. It clearly showed my left ankle collapses when I run so my cross trainers weren't giving me enough support.

    I've invested in some support trainers to limit that collapsing and it has improved loads. I do sometimes still get pain but it seems to be when i vary my interval training and increase my weights, its not from the running.

    Hope that helps... and I've not told you to stop running :O)
  • jim0822
    Hi! I agree with Sarah to go to a good running store and have your gait checked - the proper shoe can make a HUGE difference. I also have shin splints in my right leg (probably partially due to a prior injury) that can happen sometimes if you over train by increasing your distance or speed too much, too soon. Try to ease back a LITTLE and see if that helps because it can become a stress fracture if you are not careful. I know the feeling of not wanting to stop running - I am training for my first half and then full marathon this year. Good luck and stay strong!:happy:
  • donna3084

    I was also experiencing this. When I do my zumba class I am fine when I dance around, but when it comes to jogging on the spot it hurts. I could go out and walk for hours on some days, and some days the pain is so bad I can hardly walk around the house.

    I went to see my GP who diagnosed Plantar Fasciitis. She referred me to a I was given a leg / foot support to wear at night which seems to help.
    Get it checked out, the longer that plantar fasciitis is left the worse it can get.

    This web page below gives some info on it.

    D x