Tonalin CLA

Quick question has anyone every tried it. And if so does it really work? I've read that it helps to build muscle while burning fat. It was suggested to me @ Sweet Annie's Herbs which is a local all natural store. I would love to tone up and I believe that I still have some fat under my loose skin. If I could only tone up my body I'd be soooo happy. Any ideas or suggestions would be awsome. Thanx in advance.


  • jaskelley
    jaskelley Posts: 62 Member
    A friend of mine used it for awhile a few years back and didn't see much in the way of results. It's worth a try, though, right? :-D
  • jammyone
    I've been on it for 2-3 days. Not noticed anything yet, but it's still early days of course. I've got 2 months supply so I'm going to stick with it. Any little bit of help to gain lean mass is a bonus for me.