Working out on the Wii

Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Does anyone here use Wii workout ware? Any kind of Dance/Workout game? I know there are quite a few out there, and I'm not sure which ones are the best/user friendly. I'm looking for something FUN with good music choices that will make me want to move while still providing a challenge. Also, how much room do you need to workout/dance?

Any suggestions?


  • rks6902
    rks6902 Posts: 29 Member
    The Just Dance is super fun. You will look like an idiot but I don't let that bother me when I am having fun and getting a bonus workout.
  • CarrieAbbey
    CarrieAbbey Posts: 378 Member
    good question, I would like to know too.:smile:
  • Knaroz
    Knaroz Posts: 23
    I use NFL Training Camp by EA Sports. Lots of different exercises and the 60 day challenge keeps you come back for more.
  • trixieflow
    trixieflow Posts: 31 Member
    i do zumba for wii and i love it. it's TOUGH.
    i wear my hrm to calc the calories burned.
    i hope you find something you enjoy!
  • might4
    might4 Posts: 99 Member
    I use EA Sports Active 2 and Just Dance 2. Both are great workouts and fun. You don't need a lot of space for either...maybe a 6-8 foot square.
  • i like wii plus cos it has loads of different things so you don't get bored of same programme. You can make your own depending on what you want to change about your body.:smile:
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    Does anyone here use Wii workout ware? Any kind of Dance/Workout game? I know there are quite a few out there, and I'm not sure which ones are the best/user friendly. I'm looking for something FUN with good music choices that will make me want to move while still providing a challenge. Also, how much room do you need to workout/dance?

    Any suggestions?

    I do the Wii Sports (that came with the Wii) and do tenis and boxing. We also just got Just Dance 2 and Just Dance Kids and those are good workouts, even for people like me that cannot dance AT ALL. I just got EA Sports Active 2 since it's on sale at Toys R Us for $19.99, but haven't done it yet. So far of everything I've done, very little space is needed at all.
  • tstevens20
    tstevens20 Posts: 10 Member
    I do Just Dance 2 and EA Active More Workouts
  • time2runnn
    time2runnn Posts: 252 Member
    I loooove Just Dance2!! I look crazy as heck with little rhythm, but it is seriously so much fun. :laugh: I can't sit and watch my kids play the game without wanting to join in.
  • I use Just Dance 2 and Dance Dance Revolution Hottest Party. Both can be great cardio workouts. With Just Dance, you're holding a remote and get a lot of upper body. DDR uses a special mat (get the genuine Wii mat. They work better.) You do footwork with it. There are several DDR games. The Disney one is cute, but not nearly as strenuous.

    Both games have songs I wouldn't choose to listen to. 6-8' sounds like a good amount of room. I have a lampshade I always have to move when we're dancing. :~)
  • WII Sports box and play tennis you will feel it in your arms
    Play Just Dance 2 you will sweat
    Micheal Jackson you will sweat on this one also
    WII Fit I usually on play hula hoop cause I can feel it in my sides what I do not like about this is after a 2 minute workout you have to stop to pick the next workout
    WII Active I like this one because you can play the premade usually about 30 min exercises or you can create your own so if you want to work your arms only today you can customize a boxing and tennis workout.

    I also like Dance Revolution for the kinect and Biggest Loser for the Kinect. I just wish on this dance game you could set a time and it would just go to the next song I hate having to start a new selection every two minutes. Biggest Loser is creepy it scans your body tells you your height how much you weigh, and it is right on. I had trouble with it cause I could not get the form exactly right on some of the exercises but it shows you on the screen and what position you are in and which one you need to be in. Now that I am more motivated I think I need to try it again.
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    I havent heard many good things about Wii PLus or Wii Fit, so today I ordered My Fitness Coach. Hopefully I will feel all inpired and raring to go everyday with it.

    Might order the Zumba game at some point too.
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    My husband has lost 10 lbs and the only exercise he's been getting is Wii Active 2.

    I've lost 13 lbs and I've been doing Zumba, Wii Active 2 (but have added 30 Day Shred) so I'm not sure how much is by Wii games and how much is walking and 30DS.

    I highly recommend both games. We have very little space but have room to do both of those games.
  • I have Zumba for the Wii!

    i LOVE it!! the music is fun, the dance moves are fun, and it really gets you up and moving!! i only do it when im home alone (which is every weekday) bc i look like a fool, but i highly recommend it. it's a good time!!
  • I have the wii Fit Plus but don't use it as much as i should. I like the cardio part. The Zumba sounds fun! Is there a Wii group here?

    Does anyone know how accurate the wii Fit board is for weighing? My floor is carpeted and I use the attachments. I don't trust my bathroom scales. I KNOW is isn't accurate. I wonder is I should swing be my dr's office ocassionally and see if she's weigh..? (I pass there at least twice a day)
  • phinners
    phinners Posts: 524 Member
    Looking forward to the Wii Zumba. It's due here till 2nd March.
  • This thread has me convinced to go out and buy it (the zumba). There is a used game store in my area... I wonder if they would have it!
  • savagegirl
    savagegirl Posts: 33 Member
    My Fitness Coach Dance Workout is Zumba inspired and awesome!!
  • Keightisgr8
    Keightisgr8 Posts: 121 Member
    Wow, this got so many responses, and good ones too! I think I'm going to try the Zumba and possibly Just Dance 2! i love dancing, I do it anyway, so I might as well play a game while I do it :) I was worried I wouldn't have enough room, but it sounds like I do :)
  • ebgbjo
    ebgbjo Posts: 821 Member
    i do zumba for wii and i love it. it's TOUGH.
    i wear my hrm to calc the calories burned.
    i hope you find something you enjoy!

    I love Zumba classes but have moved to another state since summer and missing my awesome Zumba instructor back home. How do you like the video? How many calories are you averaging burned on the Wii?

    I have Just Dance 1 (need to get 2), EA Active Sports, a Jillian Michaels one and My fitness Coach 1 & 2...need to start using them again to change things up from my Beachbody programs
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