I HATE the scale - need a pep talk!

Please someone, talk some sense into me before I give up on this elusive thing called "weight loss." I lost 6 lbs last week (by following a very sensible 1500 cal diet and working out) and this week after 5 days, I got on the scale (because its Friday and I like to check in with myself on Fridays to make sure I'm on the right path) and I actually gained 1.5 lbs. GRRRR It makes me SOO mad!

I have been diligent this week - even had a double workout day one of the days. (because I got a new HRM and wanted to test it out)

The only sin I have to confess to is last night, I did drink 4 beers, but they were MGD 64, AND I figured those cals into my daily total. Gosh - I can't have a few beers and still lose weight? I am very frustrated.

EDIT to add: I don't expect to lose 6 lbs a week - I know that was just that flukey "beginners" water weight. But I am hoping for at least one lb per week - not a 1.5 lb gain!
I am sorry if I sound like a baby. I wish I never weighed myself. But on the other hand, I KNOW that this will keep me in line this weekend. :/


  • llstrength
    llstrength Posts: 44 Member
    Are you drinking enough water. I never realized how much water matters until I started on this site!
  • chanstriste13
    chanstriste13 Posts: 3,277 Member
    hide your scale. i've been having the same issues - my weight flatlined for about 5 weeks even though i was doing all the right things. but while i was obsessing on that number moving down, i've lost inches and been able to fit into a pair of jeans i've had hanging up with the tags still on, which are actually now a bit loose, even though i still haven't moved my number. i am also getting increasingly toned, i just noticed this morning an ab line developing on my stomach, and i am much trimmer than i used to be.

    bottom line - the scale is not the only thing you should be judging your success with. lock it up and use it once a month or so. good luck!
  • FearAnLoathing
    FearAnLoathing Posts: 4,852 Member
    You cant let the scale get you down.It does not control you.If it has that much of a negitive effect on you you should toss it out!scale are evil they go up down up down.you cant let it sabotage you!
  • clahut
    clahut Posts: 211 Member
    I'd guess that it is water weight because you had a couple of beers. Drink loads of water for the next couple of days and weigh yourself again - it will probably have gone :smile:

  • Addresstheroots
    DON'T GIVE UP!!! It may be fluid. Don't focus on the scale! Focus on your caloric intake and track it diligently. Again don't focus on the scale as you should see the results in the mirror and in your clothes.

    You can do it!
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    The same thing has been happening to my friend and I. Our calories on track but we are still not always losing. It might be your body getting use to a workout program, you might have been over on your sodium or sugar and not have realized it or your body retaining more water then other weeks. I know a lot of people say losing weight is just a mater of calories in vs calories out but I do not believe that. I do agree you need calories out but there are other factors to look at as well. I know some people are putting away their scales for the month because it is discouraging them. May this is a good option for you if the number is bothering you.
  • ZebraHead
    ZebraHead Posts: 15,207 Member

    Your doing this:

    Eating the 'right' stuff not just staying in your calories.

    Weighing in the morning right after your 'bathroom' business
    In your birthday suit
    Digital scale in the same spot (not on rug)

    Now that we have that out of the way.

    Get away from those scales!!

    Start measuring yourself


    *Remember this journey is for the rest of your life. There will be peaks and valleys (as in life). Just keep doing what your doing and pick up knowledge as you go.

    You'll be fine and we're all here for you. Hang in there!

  • poarche
    poarche Posts: 62 Member
    I totally understand where you are coming from. have you checked your measurements? the fat could be transforming into muscle and muscle weighs more! I was losing inches the first month while everyone around me was losing pounds, so i started to check my measurements, and that was my triumph!
  • khykes
    Don't give up! I still drink beer (MIller High Life Light-110 calories each), and have still been able to lose by keeping within my calorie allowance and offsetting my indulgence of beer with exercise. It's probably gonna slow us down, but I still want to enjoy my life while still having some fun. Also try not to be a slave to your scale and pay attention to how you feel, your clothes fit, and your measurments change. Good Luck!
  • taiyola
    taiyola Posts: 964 Member
    Sure weigh yourself if you want, but also make sure you're measuring yourself! I put on 0.8lb since I joined at the start of the week, but half lost half an inch. I'd definitely be rather losing inches!
  • cherrieruns
    cherrieruns Posts: 342 Member
    I'd guess that it is water weight because you had a couple of beers. Drink loads of water for the next couple of days and weigh yourself again - it will probably have gone :smile:


    this is exactly what I was going to say. Beer, even light beer can make you retain water. If you ate right, worked out and kept to your calories then you should see the numbers coming down. The scale can be a very powerful self abuse tool. We live by it even when it is not showling a true 'number'. Try to stay away from it for a bit and see what happens!
  • sarwood1
    sarwood1 Posts: 48 Member
    Just keep on doing what you are doing! You will get there!
    My best advice... stop watching the scales. I know its hard to do, but it just discourages me. Because I, just like you, will lose a few pounds then gain a pound.
    Hang in there and don't stop.:flowerforyou:
  • Grace76
    hide your scale. i've been having the same issues - my weight flatlined for about 5 weeks even though i was doing all the right things. but while i was obsessing on that number moving down, i've lost inches and been able to fit into a pair of jeans i've had hanging up with the tags still on, which are actually now a bit loose, even though i still haven't moved my number. i am also getting increasingly toned, i just noticed this morning an ab line developing on my stomach, and i am much trimmer than i used to be.

    bottom line - the scale is not the only thing you should be judging your success with. lock it up and use it once a month or so. good luck!

    I completely agree with this. My scale didn't move this week but I can notice a big difference in my energy levels. I've never had any trouble going up the stairs at work, but coming down them, I felt really stiff and felt like I thumped my foot down each stair. This past week, I've been able to "skip" down them and feel really light on my feet.

    It's the little things that you count to get the big picture. Don't let the scale ruin your success so far.
  • douglw
    douglw Posts: 25
    I think you just don't have enough data points. I weigh myself everyday, right when I get home from work and before I eat any food. That way, I get the most consistent measurement possible to compare to past numbers. Every once in a while, I see a weird number pop out of nowhere. Sometimes, down, but more often up. That tends to smooth itself out over the next day or two and I get right back on track.

    Additionally, you probably didn't actually lose 6 pounds of fat in the first week. It sounds like you're certainly going in the right direction, but if you were a little dehydrated last week, and a little overly hydrated this week, you could have lost fat, but gained weight.

    My message here is to keep it up and watch the trends over a longer period of time. Little variations in fluid intake and the like have a big effect on short term trends, but over time their effect will become less important.

    One more thing, I just read your post a little closer, and noticed the comment about the beer. When I drink beer, I tend to put on a bunch of weight for the next couple of days. It falls right off though. It must add to fluid retention or something.
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    I never usually weigh myself more than once a week, in fact, think fortnightly is even better, but yesterday, feeling "slimmer" i jumped on the scale to find I was 2lbs UP :angry: ......BUT today, I was 2LBS back down again! :smile: I think your weight can even fluctuate from morning to night, especially if you have a desk job.. keep up the moral, betcha in a weeks time its a different ballgame
  • Nailrep
    Nailrep Posts: 966 Member
    My opinion is that the 1.5 pounds isn't real weight gain. it's probably the bloat from the beer. Drink alot of water, avoid salt and BEER (LOL) the day prior to weighing in. I know the scale isn't supposed to mean anything, but it IS a major motivator in the weight loss struggle. Don't set yourself up to see a negative result.

    Remember, the day before you weigh in, no salt, lots of water.
  • sconns21
    sconns21 Posts: 92 Member
    You may be gaining muscle weight if you've been hitting the gym a lot and the beers may be water weight. Don't get too disheartened, did you weigh yourself a few days later? You may be losing inches but not pounds.

    I ate loads last night and I have put on 2 pounds by this morning. It fluctuates. You've probably flat lined for the week since your big loss and carrying a bit of water to make it seem like a gain. Your body is probably in shock from the 6 pounds.
  • geocookie
    geocookie Posts: 23 Member
    I'm thinking that since you've been particularly diligent in your exercise, you're probably building muscle. As you build muscle, I've read several places that you may actually gain weight, but you are losing fat at the same time. The key is to keep on going. As you build your muscle, you will also increase your metabolism, which will in turn, help with the weight going down on the scale. I had a similar disappointment last week too.. As long as I'm doing what I know I should be doing though.. I figure the loss will come over time! Hang in there!! ;-)
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    Thanks everyone - I do think I need to pitch that scale for a month. It is too demotivating. What do I use for a weight in my HRM? Should I underestimate a tiny bit?

    And to the comments about building muscle and how it weighs more than fat - how does that figure into the equation when you weigh 240 lbs? Same rules apply? I guess I feel because I have so much fat on my body, I don't want to turn ANY of it into muscle - lol... I just want it gone. Can't get that to sink into my noggin'.
  • geocookie
    geocookie Posts: 23 Member
    Fat and muscle weigh the "same".. a pound is a pound period. The difference is in the quantity of material it takes to make a pound. Think of feathers and bricks. When you weigh out a pound of each, the feathers will be this big, huge fluff ball, and the bricks will be nice and compact.. They will both weigh a pound, but the brick is much smaller.

    When you are exercising, you are building muscle.. Muscle requires calories to be used, so it burns calories and fat. Fat doesn't require anything.. It just sits there. Having muscle means your body will burn more, and you will lose weight when you have muscle around to burn the fat. Fat.. well it just sits there in one big fluffy blob.

    SO, you WANT to build muscle.. Fat doesn't turn into muscle, but muscle does burn fat.. It is a matter of getting your mind off of what you weigh on the scale, and looking instead at your body's composition. IF your body has muscle, it will be sleeker, trimmer, and be an energy machine. If you don't build muscle.. it will be more difficult to burn off the fat, and the fat will still sit there in an unsightly blob!

    Hope that helps explain a bit! ;-)