Shin splints?

SeanCruz Posts: 3
edited October 10 in Fitness and Exercise
First of all, I am new to this site and have dropped 7 lbs this week thanks to the motivation here, I'm hooked.This question is for my wife. She has been going to Zumba classes consistantly since Thanksgiving, and now just recently she is experiencing shin splints. Got her the zumba shoes which dont seem to help. She is going to get shoe inserts, but is there anything she can do? She loves the classes, but gets discouraged.


  • Walking on your toes helps reduce the pain. I have knocked on my shins with my fist before to help as well. Also walking or running on softer surfaces helps. Make sure the calves are stretched properly and every area of the calf is worked out.
  • I too get horrible shin splints when I run and take karate classes. The only thing that has worked for me is some ankle braces I got at Academy. They also carry some braces specifically for the shins...I use those too when they are especially bad. Hope this helps I know how painful and frustrating shin splints can be!!!
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    I recently had this problem with shin splints. Through advice of others I realized I wasn't stretching enough - I know do the ABC's with each foot (make the motion of each letter) and went and got fitted for shoes at a specialty store and I haven't had them since. BUT if she continues to have them she should back off what she is doing because she can get stress fractures from the impact she is putting on them.
  • mdb120776
    mdb120776 Posts: 34 Member
    Shin splints are tough. I am a runner and after a year of running I finally got them (because change of running location). They definately hurt. After each workout, she needs to take three ibprofen and ice the leg for at least 15 minutes. It took me about two weeks of this routine until the leg got better but it will work.
  • Shin splints are caused from your anterior tibialis muscle, have your wife massage massage the front of her leg to loosen up the muscle before and after she does zumba. I am a runner and used to get shin splints, my massage instructor would work on my shins, right on the bone, and I no longer get them. It may hurt at first but it is so worth it! Good luck!
  • As a dancer, I know i get shin splints when i don't properly put my heels all the way to the floor after a jump or something. make sure when she's doing Zumba that she's not on her toes the whole time. Also, i suggest leg warmers or high socks (cute, right), to keep the muscles in the leg warm while exercising.
  • Msvalsworld
    Msvalsworld Posts: 53 Member
    I am having the same problem now and lookig for help I love zumba and I am not ready to give it up
  • DisneyAddictRW
    DisneyAddictRW Posts: 800 Member
    I got shin splints from running. It made a huge difference when I got the right fitting shoe. I also have certain socks I wear that make help. Nothing fantasy just the thickness makes a difference. I also have compression socks I wear when my shins start to bother me or after a long run. I use ice packs to help.
  • The same thing happened to me. I bought Bosch dance shoes and they helped a lot. I also limit the amount of jumping that I do in Zumba class. In addition, I never go two days in a row anymore. I break it up with weight training in between. I didn't want to give Zumba is the best exercise.
  • Trilaina
    Trilaina Posts: 61
    I used to get shin splints when I was in high school track, I would buy tall socks and wear those (up to the knee). I tye-dyed them later so they would at least have a little character. :)
  • ImNotThatBob
    ImNotThatBob Posts: 371 Member
    Drink water, milk and eat bananas.
  • bbkohn
    bbkohn Posts: 29
    Stretching, stretching, and more stretching. I run varsity track at my school and i am no stranger to shin splints. Stretch REALLY well before you run/zumba/power walk/ect. and stay hydrated. Thats all there is to it.
    And when i do get shin splints I run to a jar of Icy Hot. The stuff works magic and it's cheep/easy to find. Rub it on your legs, take some advil, and stretch lightly until the pain subsides
  • cw106
    cw106 Posts: 952 Member
    Drink water, milk and eat bananas.
    bananas and custard for dessert tonite then.
  • amtru2015
    amtru2015 Posts: 179 Member
    arch support inserts solved my problem. But she needs to stretch her shin muscles as well after workouts. Usually this is easier with another person to help. You tube some shin stretches
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