Advice on HRM

I really have no idea how to choose an HRM. Honestly, I'm not even sure how they work but I want one :smile: I've googled them and see that have a very wide range in prices.

If anyone has any thoughts on one to get, that is reasonably priced, please let me know.


  • robjuliew
    my polar f4 is great, it cost around $80
  • stacybrowning
    It depends. What do you want it for? Just when working out? YOu can get some pretty cheap at ****s, they wrap around your ribs and has a watch to go along. Or you can get more advanced ones that cost alot more.. It just depends on why you want one. To keep track of calories burned during a workout? I got one when I was pregnant, so I could make sure I didn't go over my max heart rate, but other than that, I never use it. I just go by how I'm feeling when I work out.. I can tell when my heart rate is high and I'm really pushing myself.. I do like to use hrm when I spin, cuz then I can tell if I'm not pushing myself hard enough and I can really push to my limit and burn more calories. Sometimes we tend to slack off and not push as hard as we should, so the hrm motivates....
  • RaeannePemberton
    RaeannePemberton Posts: 382 Member
    my favorite brand is polar but there are many out there... i recently got a bodybugg/bodymedia and i like that i wear it all the time so i don't have to think twice before working out... you can read more at my blog if you are interested. i just reviewed it: and the blog is called 'buggin' out.'

    PS. I just wrote up a new blog here.... thanks for the inspiration. :-)
  • sjcply
    sjcply Posts: 817 Member
    any of the polar brands are good and reasonable priced. I personally have a polar f6 and I am happy with it. It does what I need and is not complicated to use!
  • mmelaniewalters
    i would say its worth investing in one that does calories burned as well as hr ..
  • Grace76
    That's great. Thank you. I want it to track my calories while I work out. I'm not sure that the database here is always correct.
  • dmkaiser83
    I'm looking at the polar FT4. it's less than $100 and seems to do everything you need!