Going No Where

Bob1062 Posts: 38
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
I just celebrated my 45th day of logging on MFP and what did I have to show for it? I stepped on the scale and gained almost another pound. That brings my net loss for my 45 days to 1 pound. That comes out to .4 ounces a day. Hardly what I call great success for exercising 6 days a week and keeping calories under 2000. My energy level is about the same and my clothes fit the same as they did 45 days ago. I'm beginning to think maybe the pizza and beer diet might be next. Can't get much worse than the way things are going now. Anyone else have similar problems? Did they ever resolve? Open to new ideas:grumble:


  • amuhlou
    amuhlou Posts: 693 Member
    2000 calories per day doesn't seem like much of a daily calorie deficit. What did MFP say you burned from daily activity when you set your goals?
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    What are you eating? Good food or overly processed food? Also, you might need to up your caloric intake if you're exercising that much! When I lifted weights, I never lost a pound but after 30 days I did see a few inches drop - it can be totally frustrating. :(
  • lulu1994
    lulu1994 Posts: 7 Member
    Sometimes its a matter of portion control and what we're eating as much as how much. I'm trying to really watch the carbohydrate intake because even though I eat within my calories, if it's alot of carbs, I don't lose anything. It's really important to get those veggies and clean foods, at least for me. Lots of veggies, fruit, water, and small portions of lean meats help me most. Maybe take a look at the balance of what you're eating?
  • kbdelarosa
    kbdelarosa Posts: 183 Member
    I am with you. In a month I am down 2 pounds. I wanted to cry this morning when I stepped on the scale. I think in my case I need to UP my calories. I am working out like crazy and not netting 1200 on most days. Are you netting 2000?
  • Really need more information to make any real suggestions, but here goes....

    Can't see your diary so don't know what you're eating for those under 2,000 calories. Maybe it's not how many calories, but what those calories consist of.

    What exercise are you doing and for how long? What did MFP set as your calorie goal?

    Are you drinking your water?

    Do you watch your sodium intake? That's been huge for me. I never realized how much sodium I was eating in a day till I turned it on in my food diary.

    Check out this post:


    Hope this helps...
  • Goal_Seeker_1988
    Goal_Seeker_1988 Posts: 1,619 Member
    You may be under your calorie goals however, you may want to take a look at what you are consuming. Your diary is not public so I can't give you any advice on what to change. However, if your diet is not healthy that could be the problem. Another thing, you say you are exercising 6 days a week. What type of exercises are you doin? Are you doin cardio? If so are you gettin your heart rate up so you can burn off the calories? Are you doin any weight training? Are you drinkin enough water? Are you cuttin down on carbs? There are alot of things that can attribute to the lack of weightloss. One more thing: Have you had your tyroids checked? That can attribute to lack of weightloss as well.
  • schobert101
    schobert101 Posts: 218 Member
    IF you don't have tremendous amounts to lose sometimes it starts out slower as your body changes composition, ie might be still losing fat and gaining muscle. I have been doing it since September and the scale did not move for at least 6-8 weeks. Very frustrating............BUT as I stuck with it I am now losing 1/2 to one pound per week and clearly can see the difference. Do not give up......you know in spite of the scale the pizza and beer diet isn't as good for you overall. I think if you are honest and logging everything and stick with the program it is still not to late to start seeing changes. This is not an unusual scenerio but it is why some people just give up and are not successful. As others suggested, make your diary public so we can see how you are doing and also check all your calculations to make sure you are set for the right amount of calories. As a male you probably are at the right amount.
  • Bob, I'm 58 and I am also tired of being bigger than I should. I started January 25 and have lost 6 pounds. Started at 175, now at 169. You said you are trying to stay at 2000 calories. That sounds a little high. It takes 1600 calories to maintain your weight. So you are 25% over that right now. Try to get under 1600. The system gave me a goal of 1200. That's too low for a male, but I normally stay under 1500. I have to watch serving size. I am eating a serving of cereal now ( 1 cup) not the almost 3 cups I was eating before. Don't go in a fast food place--they're a killer to weight loss. You can do it. But it is a slow process.
  • After reading your other entries I think you ought to consider giving up your cheat days. Are you logging in your food on those cheat days or are you just eating whatever you want? If you don't monitor it, you can easily eat back all the deficit from the other days. Good luck bud.
  • I think it is important to be honest as to what it is that you are eating. Just because you fall below your calorie goal doesn't mean that what you are eating is good for. You also need to make sure you are eating throughout the day. Breakfast, snack, Lunch, snack, Dinner and another snack. Make sure that you are drinking lots of water! Take away the Fried Foods and Soda and Sweets and you will start to see the difference. I have lost 14lbs in 30 days! I hope that this info helps you and Good Luck!
  • 2000Kcal/day for me would be close to a maintenance intake. If there's an energy deficit at that intake level, it bears zero tolerance for any "cheat days", and measurement errors. Measurement errors are those in which portions are (usually) under-estimated. At the 2000kcal intake/day, a single cheat day, and/or a 10% average daily measurement error would more than wipe out any real energy deficit for two weeks or more.

    You might consider significant intake reductions, and looking at weighing everything... in grams.

    You. can. do. it! :)
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