Supplements to help with weigh loss..

mrs_km Posts: 46
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Can anyone suggest some supplements I can take that will help with weight loss.. My weight has stayed the same for about a month now. I have increased and decreased my calorie intake, no availl. And the same with gym workouts (I can only get to the gym 1-2 a week due to finding a sitter for my 2 kids.)

Thank you.


  • i am taking a pill called fruta planta you can research on it on google they just recently took it off the market because it wasnt FDA approved but i managed to get a couple boxes so im still taking it n ive lost a total of 18lbs in 2 month
  • I'm not stalking your posts - honest!!!

    Supplements don't work - if they did we would all use them as part of a daily diet to lose weight. Sadly there's no magical pill or potion. If you read the packaging of any weight loss supplement it will say things like "COULD help you lose weight" or "MAY increase lean muscle mass", etc - they're not allowed to say that they DO do things because there is absolutely no scientific proof that they work.

    If your weight loss has stayed static it will be down to what you're eating / the types of foods your eating. I can't see your food diary but my initial guess would be that you're loading up on carbs and low on fat/protein which is the opposite of what you should be doing. I would also go so far as to say that you're not eating enough as most people on here don't seem to!
  • reesepieces
    reesepieces Posts: 253 Member
    My trainer suggested B-Complex with Vitamin C. You can find it at Wal-mart for about $5. She said it helps to boost metabolism (not much but a little) and build the immune system. Also, if you drink a glass of water right when you wake up, you get an instant boost of energy since you lose about a liter of water a night.
  • mrs_km
    mrs_km Posts: 46
    I'm not stalking your posts - honest!!!

    Supplements don't work - if they did we would all use them as part of a daily diet to lose weight. Sadly there's no magical pill or potion. If you read the packaging of any weight loss supplement it will say things like "COULD help you lose weight" or "MAY increase lean muscle mass", etc - they're not allowed to say that they DO do things because there is absolutely no scientific proof that they work.

    If your weight loss has stayed static it will be down to what you're eating / the types of foods your eating. I can't see your food diary but my initial guess would be that you're loading up on carbs and low on fat/protein which is the opposite of what you should be doing. I would also go so far as to say that you're not eating enough as most people on here don't seem to!

    Hahahahahaha I actually like your replys as they make a lot of sense. Yes, your right about the carbs! Hahaha. I love my rice and pasta! But I am trying to reduce that. My calorie allowance is 1600 odd and I make sure I have 1200 minimum. Its just annoying that no matter what I've tried, the numbers havent changed! I'm half tempted to try a cabbage soup diet! (Lool I wont purely cause it sounds rank!) x x x
  • My calorie allowance is 1600 odd and I make sure I have 1200 minimum.

    That will most likely be your problem - if you need a minimum of 1,600 based on your stats and you're only eating 1,200 then your body will have adapted to function on much less calories - not good! Whenever you diet you always gradually decrease the amount of calories you actually need each day - this is fine and normal. However! If you suddenly drop all of your calories (say go from 2,500 a day down to 1,200) then you're body will panic and drop that balance right down ASAP to stop you starving to death. Once you've lowered your 'balance' that far, that quickly then you've left yourself no where to go. My suggestions are:

    1) Cut back on the carbs if you're eating too many :wink:

    2) Slowly increase your daily calorie intake by 100 per day (700 total each week, so from tomorrow until this time next week 1300 calories a day, following week 1400, etc) until you're up to the 1600. Once you hit that point stick at it for a few weeks. You will most likely gain a little weight as your body starts adjusting the balance back upward again but once your weight has stabilised (this will likely take 3-6 weeks) then you'll find that you can maintain your current weight at 1600. NOW! Reverse the process, so drop 100-150 calories per day and stay with it until you stop losing weight, once you've plateud for 2 or more weeks, drop it again by a little and it will continue to come off. The problem with this site is that it encourages people to make a huge drop in their calories but leaves them no where to go when they stop losing weight. I lose around 2lbs a week eating 2,500 calories a day (I'm 5'7 and weigh around 204lbs) - simply because I lower my calories a tiny amount each week and don't panic my body :smile:
  • mrs_km
    mrs_km Posts: 46
    My calorie allowance is 1600 odd and I make sure I have 1200 minimum.

    That will most likely be your problem - if you need a minimum of 1,600 based on your stats and you're only eating 1,200 then your body will have adapted to function on much less calories - not good! Whenever you diet you always gradually decrease the amount of calories you actually need each day - this is fine and normal. However! If you suddenly drop all of your calories (say go from 2,500 a day down to 1,200) then you're body will panic and drop that balance right down ASAP to stop you starving to death. Once you've lowered your 'balance' that far, that quickly then you've left yourself no where to go. My suggestions are:

    1) Cut back on the carbs if you're eating too many :wink:

    2) Slowly increase your daily calorie intake by 100 per day (700 total each week, so from tomorrow until this time next week 1300 calories a day, following week 1400, etc) until you're up to the 1600. Once you hit that point stick at it for a few weeks. You will most likely gain a little weight as your body starts adjusting the balance back upward again but once your weight has stabilised (this will likely take 3-6 weeks) then you'll find that you can maintain your current weight at 1600. NOW! Reverse the process, so drop 100-150 calories per day and stay with it until you stop losing weight, once you've plateud for 2 or more weeks, drop it again by a little and it will continue to come off. The problem with this site is that it encourages people to make a huge drop in their calories but leaves them no where to go when they stop losing weight. I lose around 2lbs a week eating 2,500 calories a day (I'm 5'7 and weigh around 204lbs) - simply because I lower my calories a tiny amount each week and don't panic my body :smile:

    Aww cool beans :D. Im going to try that and HOPE its the push my body needs!! Thank you :D x x x
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