Hello from Vermont

Heyo. I'm new to the site as of yesterday but loving it! I'm looking for friends on here to chat with about different foods, how the work outs are going, etc. I find that chatting with people who are in the same boat makes things that much easier! I have also started P90X as of Feb. 7th and have been on a strict diet along with following the program and adding running into the mix. I have yet to see the scale go below a 2 lb weight loss but I feel stronger and more energetic. With 40 lbs to lose, I need some buddies to give me motivation when times are tough when the work out is staring me in the face! Kind of like today!


  • Vicky14174
    Vicky14174 Posts: 715 Member
    Welcome to the family. Glad you could join us. It's an awesome place for your new lifestyle journey.
  • Colette1958
    Colette1958 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello my name is Colette and I joined this site today, I have to say I dont understand all the abbreviated stuff thats written but that may be a language thing lol

    What is P90X as I have noticed it in a few of the posts I have read?

    I hope you have lots of luck while on the site, its a great way of meeting people in the same situation, and there seems to be so much advice on here...... lets hope it works for the both of us.

    Take Care

    Colette (UK)
  • Chenoachem
    Chenoachem Posts: 1,758 Member
    :smile: Welcome to MFP. I used to live in NH. Great job for getting motivated when it is still cold.
  • MelissaE27
    MelissaE27 Posts: 682 Member
    Welcome this is a great source of information.
  • SeeJustinRun
    Thank you all :) Glad to see people already reaching out! Every journey begins with a single step. And I feel by joining MFP that one step will be a leap!
  • Colette1958
    Colette1958 Posts: 6 Member
    Hello my name is Colette and I joined this site today, I have to say I dont understand all the abbreviated stuff thats written but that may be a language thing lol

    What is P90X as I have noticed it in a few of the posts I have read?

    I hope you have lots of luck while on the site, its a great way of meeting people in the same situation, and there seems to be so much advice on here...... lets hope it works for the both of us.

    Take Care

    Colette (UK)
  • SeeJustinRun
    P90X is a 90 day program based on "muscle confusion". If you do the same work out everyday, your body gets use to that and although there may be progress, it's not nearly as fast as changing it up. P90X is very hard, and I find myself wanting to stop some days but by pushing through it, it's worth every second.
  • ptsmiles
    ptsmiles Posts: 511 Member
    Hi all!
    New to this community, but have had MFP for about 2-3mos. now. Started out okay, then petered out due to surgery. Hoping to get back into the swing of things.