Heart Rate Monitor?

beautymkt Posts: 60
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
I am at a loss right now. I have read that a few of you use an HRM and some don't. Which way should I go? Do I need one? If I am working out on strength training .... MFP doesn't register it with calories lost and I know we do lose calories from it as well. Also, if I am taking any cardio training classes.....MFP doesn't have the options to choose from, therefor my calories are inaccurate. I think I have already answered my question. hahaha Question is which brand and the cost? I don't want to spend too much. Help!


  • foxxybrown
    foxxybrown Posts: 838 Member
    The only way to really know how many calories you are burning is to get one.
  • lal73
    lal73 Posts: 116
    Polar brand, they are pricey, but i bought a used one on Ebay and it works just fine.
  • I bought a very basic one at Wal-mart for $27.77. I can't remember the brand off-hand. I like it for two reasons, I can more accurately track my workouts by the number of calories burned AND I can see how much I am really burning for hours after the workout. Good Luck and I hope that helps!
  • I finally get that, however which brand? There are so many out there. What am I looking for in one? I don't want to spend no more than $50
  • smilebhappy
    smilebhappy Posts: 811 Member
    I am interested in what everyone has to say about this too

    I have been thinking I need a HRM also and have been doing alittle research as to different brands/models
    but I have not yet decided which to go with. There are so many on the market today.......
    I've heard Polar makes a good one but which model is the best??
  • crys30
    crys30 Posts: 43
    I bought a bowflex one.. and it works really good. I think I paid $39.99 and it has alot of settings that I havent figured out all of them yet. But when I work out I have my heart rate and the calories that I'm burning. It also comes with a chest strap btw.
  • I want a HRM that won't break down on me in a few months and I am only interested in seeing what calories I am burning during exercises and throughout the day with daily activities. I don't need alot of features and one that will strap to my arm. Thanks.:smile:
  • amysj303
    amysj303 Posts: 5,086 Member
    I got the Ekho Fit9 HRM for women, it was just under $50 at Walmart and it has a chest strap-which really is more accurate, and I just tuck into my sports bra, it doesn't bother me, usually. Anyway, I thought it had a calorie-counter feature and it doesn't, so I was sort of bummed about that. But if I am on the treadmill, the treadmill can talk to it and tell my heart rate and that makes the treadmill's calorie-estimate more accurate, but for home workouts I have not been able to figure out how to set it up to track my avergae heart rate, then I could calculate the calorie-burn, but that is a lot of trouble. So, moral of the story, I guess, don't get the one I have:laugh:
  • A HRM is not designed to be worn through the day to give you a daily calorie burn. They are just not accurate when used outside of aerobic activity. I have read aren't even very accurate for weight training. MFP will estimate weight training if you search for strength training under cardiovascular exercise and enter in the time you spent. Even though the HRM is an estimate for non-aerobic activity, it still may be better than MFP. If you want to know how many calories you burn during a day you need something like a bodybugg. Those are more expensive than a cheap HRM and require a subscription service.
  • Thank you all for your responses. I am still unsure as to whether or not I should get one and what brand. lol:laugh:
  • mkingraham
    mkingraham Posts: 445 Member
    Since every person achieves different levels of effort for different amounts of time during different exercises a HRM is the only way to know how YOU did. I got one for christmas and have used it everyday since and it has really motivated me not only during my workouts but throughout the day to eat well.

    You only wear it when working out and it uses your heart rate, age, height, weight, and gender to determine how many cals you burned. I have a polar FT60 which is a lot fancier then a lot of people need- espeically when you are just starting out. I know a lot of people have the polar FT6 or polar FT4 and really like it.

    I would 100% say get a HRM and you will definitely see a change in your workouts. Good luck!
  • The brand I got at Wal-Mart is Sportsline and it is a watch. It tells the time, it is a stop watch, and it counts the calories burned.
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