Vitamin Water

I'm trying (key word being "trying") to stop drinking pop so much. Granted, I don't drink it that often, and when I do it isn't in large consumptions. I'll have a bottle or a can here or there. And Coke is usually the culprit. Orrr if I have a stomach ache, I generally drink Vernor's ginger ale. Again, I don't drink it a whole lot.

For awhile there I was doing REALLY well. My friend gave me the idea to slowly go off of it by drinking Chrystal Lite. Needless to say it worked. I was finally able to taper myself off from both pop an Chrystal Lite. Now I strictly drink water or tea (herbal tea). Now I'm back in to the habit.

Back when I was going to a weight loss clinic they said something about Vitamin Water, and I can't remember what they said. But now they've come out with a ZERO line. I'm just curious as to what the difference is (besides no calories). I'm trying to watch my sugar and sodium intake and it's hard, especially with pops and Gatorade (which I don't drink at all).

Just curious what your take is on it. Any input an advice is welcome. Thank you! :)

Eta, Once in awhile, I'll treat myself to Starbucks. But it is VERY rare that that happens, because the closest one is about 30 minutes away in Kalamazoo. And I can't drive due to medical problems. So that's kind of a huge convenience for me as far as my weight loss journey goes.


  • SpaceMarkus
    I saw on Good Morning America last week that Vitamin Water is pretty much just as bad as soda. The sugar content in those drinks is ridiculous.

    My girlfriend has been off soda for a month now. She found that green tea (like Sweet Leaf or Honest) and brewing her own tea worked really well. Most of these have calories, but if you account for them the trade offs are great. Zero Cal doesn't necessarily mean healthy or good for you :)
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I slowly eased off the soda, energy drinks (vitamin water was my fav), and now working w/ my juice & starbucks (which are all around me even in my work building). I "was" the typical drinking my calories person. I am pretty good w/ food if I don't go out but drinks was my problem. I switched to just water, and gatorade (g2) 30 calorie drinks (1 a day) . . . then looked at the sugar and got off of that. If I want that juice taste I'm trying to just have a piece of fruit w/ water. It's hard for me but it's manageable. I'm down to 1 cup of 100% juice or a smoothie and light starbucks once a week or nothing. If I have coffee I try to make my own so I can control the contents.
  • sophieshaped
    sophieshaped Posts: 228 Member
    I don't actually know but I would bet that the ZERO refers to calories only and this will doubtless mean that it's packed with even more artificial sugars etc. Given that CocaCola are the company that makes it and they think aspartame is alright. I'm sure you know the bad stuff about artificial sugar already so I'd say avoid it and stick with your great herbal tea habit :o)
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    vitamin water is a waste of money
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    Vitamin Water is just as bad as any other sugar water out there. They add the word vitamin to trick people IMO.

    Years ago I was a pop addict, 15+ cans of Mountain Dew a day. I then started Atkins, and it recommends diet pop if you are going to drink any at all. I HATED the taste of most, until I "discovered" Diet Dr. Pepper. It helped to make that transition easier because it does taste pretty close to the regular.

    Since that time I have not been able to go back to regular pop and only drink very little now, mostly water all day.
  • MmhmmStephanie
    I still having my daily amounts of water. It's just the sugary sweet stuff I'm having a hard time letting go. Which sucks, because I'm still in the pre-diabetic range. :( lol