Any other hypoglycemics?

I have learned that high protein and low sugar helps keep my levels more consistent but I still have some trouble, especially if I drink more than a couple cups of coffee. I have to eat at least 5x per day and am always looking for healthy low calorie snacks. The more portable the better. An apple w/string cheese & Fiber One bars are favorites of mine, as well as instant low sugar oatmeal with 1/2 a scoop of Jillian's protein powder and a few walnuts. Vitamuffins are awesome but not good on a tight budget. Any other tricks?


  • brandiyund
    brandiyund Posts: 9 Member
    I eat every three hours whether I want to or not. I'm not a coffee drinker, I drink decaf tea. I eat the Supreme protein bars. They are small and fit into my purse. The peanut butter and the rocky road are the best. The pb you can buy at Wal-mart or Krogers!
  • Nikayla11209
    Making your own protein bars is a good idea, you can make them with as much protein as you need and as little sugar, cheaper and it only takes up a little bit of time when your not busy :)
  • anubis609
    anubis609 Posts: 3,966 Member
    I'm diabetic, but since I started losing weight I've been a bit on the hypoglycemic side, which is completely opposite of my symptoms when I was first diagnosed, but the same rules apply.

    I will pack seasoned carrots and celery, a serving of dry cereal, I buy Glucerna snack bars which are delicious but can be a bit pricey if not bought in bulk like at Costco. I'll also have fruits like apples and bananas with me. Also, sandwich thins with 1/2 tbsp of peanut butter or bagel thins with fat free cream cheese are good snacks. I'll even have fruit and some beef/turkey jerky.
  • Skye76
    Skye76 Posts: 28
    I have a small cooler with lunch meat, cheese, and veggies in it. I admit, I probably look a little strange eating turkey, cheese, and spinach rolls at my desk occasionally, but it keeps the blood sugar from crashing.