Anyone on WW

Snowlilly49 Posts: 9 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hello All,

I am currently doing WW the new points plus. I was wondering if anyone else out there is also going it. I have been doing so good on the program and have just hit a little plateau and am stuck! If you are also stuck or have been we can help each other out!


  • no sorry, I dont believe in paying money for someone to tell me how to eat. Personal education is the way to go for me
  • Leannek74
    Leannek74 Posts: 374 Member
    My sister inlaw was very successful with Weight Watchers. She hit a couple of plateaus too but all she did was ride it out and change up some exercise.:smile:
  • i follow the WW guidelines and count points, but i'm on the old system. i owe all my success to weight watchers :)
  • Snowlilly49
    Snowlilly49 Posts: 9 Member
    Yes it is sure a great program!
  • I'm not on the new ww program but have done it in the past with great results. WW leaders can be really helpful and encouraging through those inevitable plateaus! At times I have found that increasing my excercise just a bit or changing it up can help. Keep with it and you'll do great :)
  • Snowlilly49
    Snowlilly49 Posts: 9 Member
    Thank you! It is so hard when you try to hard and loose nothing! But that is okay, I just have to try harder! Thankyou!
  • The other day I was waiting in the deli counter line and I spied something called Weight Watchers Fresh Meals…wondering if anyone has tried them. I’ve never seen them before.
  • Yes! I discovered these last week. I had the 3 Cheese Macaroni, yum, yum, and YUM.
  • I was on WW until 2 weeks ago. In 3 months of sticking to the new points system like glue, I put on 3lb. That is why I am here.

    For me the zero point fruit and veg thing just did not work. I eat a lot of F and V, and would not want to cut down on that. So I was eating all my points as instructed, then eating another 400-500 calories per day on F and V. Well I was never going to lose like that was I? Now on here I count every calorie in every vegetable and have started to lose.
  • ECarrier7-Are the meals frozen?
  • Are the meals frozen?
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