
ok I know this is not good but I weight myself twice a day once in the morning and then at night, how do you know which weight is right? I know people are going to tell me not do weigh myself so much but something I have aways done. :frown:


  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    In the morning, after your pee, naked is your correct weight, hahaha.
    Weigh yourself the same way everyday, before you eat.
    When you weigh at night, you're still holding undigested foods, water,etc.
    I always weigh about 2-3lbs heavier at night.
  • xonashwaox
    once a week only and in the morning after you pee and stuff. dont do it more than once a week though. by weighing in as much as you are now it only causes doubts & frustrations. good luck!
  • cyndi101
    From everything I have ever read, it is best to weigh yourself first thing in the morning after a shower and before you have eaten.
  • chopper91
    thank you ok I have been doing it right then because I have been using the weight in the morning after a pee :wink: