How to know how many calories to burn a week

Okay, so I really like to know how many calories i need to burn exactly to lose a certain amount of weight a week, i really don't like just guessing that i'll lose a lbs and then find out that i did burn enough. so i did the maths and figured out how much i have to burn with exercise and how much food to eat etc. here is my calorie burning chart. Sorry it's not in a picture grah thing, i dont know how to add photo's to posts :P Also this is calculat on my BMR and food intake, to figure out your you will have to put your BMR in and your food. and i will show you how to calculate the calories.

Caloire Intake - [Put in your food intake eg. {daily goal x 7 = weekly amount}]
BMR - [Put in your BMR here eg. {your BMR - daily food = deficit} {deficit x 7 = calories burned weekly}]
Goal Burn Exercise - [how much you need to burn from exercise eg. {calories from weight you want to lose - weekly deficit from BMR = how much you need to burn a day from exercise} then devide by how many days a week you workout .

i really hope this helps people. sorry if it's abit confusing. feel free to ask me if you have any questions or if you need me to figure out how much you need to burn.
My Calorie Burn Chart

- 4kg - 28,000 calories

Calorie Intake - 1,200 daily (weekly - 8,400)
BMR - 1,950 calories (deficit - 750) (weekly - 5250)
goal burn - 3,250 a day (weekly - 22,750)
- 3.5kg - 24,500 calories
1kg -7,000 calories

Calorie Intake - 1,200 daily (weekly - 8,400)
BMR - 1,950 calories (deficit - 750) (weekly - 5250)
goal burn - 2,750 a day (weekly - 19,250)
- 3kg - 21,000 calories
1kg -7,000 calories

Calorie Intake - 1,200 daily (weekly - 8,400)
BMR - 1,950 calories (deficit - 750) (weekly - 5250)
goal burn - 2250 a day (weekly - 15,750)
- 2.5kg - 17,500 calories
1kg -7,000 calories

Calorie Intake - 1,200 daily (weekly - 8,400)
BMR - 1,950 calories (deficit - 750) (weekly - 5250)
goal burn - 1,750 a day (weekly - 12,250)
- 2kg - 14,000 calories
1kg -7,000 calories

Calorie Intake - 1,200 daily (weekly - 8,400)
BMR - 1,950 calories (deficit - 750) (weekly - 5250)
goal burn - 1,250 a day (weekly - 8,750)
- 1.5kg - 10,500 calories
1kg -7,000 calories

Calorie Intake - 1,200 daily (weekly - 8,400)
BMR - 1,950 calories (deficit - 750) (weekly - 5250)
goal burn - 750 a day (weekly - 5250)
- 1kg -7,000 calories

Calorie Intake - 1,200 daily (weekly - 8,400)
BMR - 1,950 calories (deficit - 750) (weekly - 5250)
goal burn - 250 a day (weekly - 1,750)

Hope this helps :)


  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Well 3500 calories is 1lbs. So you need a deflect for 3500calories to burn off 1lbs. But you also need to remember other factors like too much sodium can cause you to retain water weight.
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    yeah i know that. i'm not saying you will definately lose the weight but if you are burning around that many calories you will have a chance of lose around that much. i just thought people who just wing it and dont actually know how many calories to burn would like something to go off. i find that since i know how much i need to burn it makes it alot easier to know when im slacking off or doing way to much.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Well if you have a daily deflect of 750 then times that by 7 and you get a weekly deflect of 5250. Divide 5250 by 3500 and you get 1.5lbs a week loss. Or you could look at it this way. 3500 X's 2 is 7000 calorie deflect need to lose 2lbs. 7000 subtract the 5250 you lose threw your eating per week leves 1750 calorie deflect needed threw work outs to lose 2lbs.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    I should also say there is debates on here if you should eat back your work out calories. If you included your work outs into your BMI number then you should not be eating your work out calories anyways. But there are people who feel that if you did not include your BMI number then you should eat your work out calories back. If you eat your work out calories then you would not include your work out calorie numbers in that deflect equation. You would still only be losing 1.5lbs a week.
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    mine equation is for people who don't eat the exercise calories. which i don't see why you should exercise if you just gunna eat back the calories you worked so hard to burn off, it just seems like a HUGE waste of time. people exercise to burn extra calories to lose more weight, so i dont see why they should eat extra.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    If I understand that the number 19,250 is the number of calories a week you burn threw work outs. Then add that number to 5250 which is the number you deflect threw eating your total deflect of the week is 24500. So 24500 divided by 3500 is 7lbs loss. At least that is my understand of the numbers you are posting but I could be reading your numbers wrong. You might be better off doing the math your self.
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    also your equation using my BMR deficit is exactly what mine says, just that i've workout it out from 1kg - 4kg :)
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Oh wait I just noticed your work out calorie burn off is not the same each day so it would not be 7lbs. You just need to add up the number you deflect threw work out for the week with the number you deflect threw eating and then divide by 3500.
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    i know, thats what the post shows, it just lets people know how many calories are in how many kgs they want to lose a week.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    Well you just need to figure out how many lbs you want to lose a week. If your weekly eating deflect is always 5250 then the rest of the calories have to come threw work outs. So if you can work off 1.5lbs threw eating try burning off 1.5lbs threw work outs. 5250 divided by 7 is 750calories a day needed to be burn off each day to make sure you lost 3lbs for the week.
  • Caper88
    Caper88 Posts: 418 Member
    How many lbs did you lose anyways?
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    i aim for 1-1.5kg. so far i've been able to lose 1kg a week and thats with exercise nearlly everyday and then have the occasional day where i do go over my calorie goal.