Admiting weight

Hi. So does anyone else have a hard time owning up to how much they weighed? I weigh 283.5 right now but I started at 310. I am so afraid to tell my husband how much I used to weigh even though I know he loves me and supports me. I am hoping to be comfortable sharing this with people so I can share my success. :)

Lemme know if I am crazy or what!


  • lildazey
    lildazey Posts: 86 Member
    I definitely have a hard time admitting it. I slipped to my son the other day, and I wanted to run and hide! But honestly, who is going to like you any less because of a number? People who aren't worth your time! Good luck on your journey!
  • purplespeckle
    Hi. So does anyone else have a hard time owning up to how much they weighed? I weigh 283.5 right now but I started at 310. I am so afraid to tell my husband how much I used to weigh even though I know he loves me and supports me. I am hoping to be comfortable sharing this with people so I can share my success. :)

    Lemme know if I am crazy or what!

    Hey you are 283 right now Who cares about the 310 right? It's done with If he loves you then it doesn't matter Plus when you tell him your SW and CW he'll see how much progress you've made I tell my husband my weight every since time I weigh in lol He makes me feel great about myself when he tells me what a great job I've done :)

    edit/ BTW other than my husband I only share my weight with close friends and MFP ;)
  • 12skipafew99100
    12skipafew99100 Posts: 1,669 Member
    Congratulations on your 27 pound loss! Thats terrific!
    I don't like admitting my either. I think its a basic female thing. :smile:
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I own it. Who the hell cares. Yes, I was 205. Yes, I used to be 105 ,but then I had children and health issues and got lazy and sat around and ate crap.

    Yup. 205. Maybe more? I stopped weighing.

    Now, I'm 185 :-) And losing. I took my weight into control and I'm kickin its *kitten*!

    Own it. It's not's just the body you're in :)
  • traceybarbour
    traceybarbour Posts: 226 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing. I love the fact that you feel comfortable enough to share that here. As for you husband maybe you should just let him know if and when you are comfortable, Im sure it won't matter to him but since it does to you make that your call when you are ready. You are doing a wonderful job keep up the good work!!!
  • hop3
    hop3 Posts: 61 Member
    I don't admit mine to anyone but my husband....
  • scd78
    scd78 Posts: 77 Member
    This site has made me face my fear of telling others my weight. Before this I would share with my hubby but noone else. I had a hard time understanding how my hubby could love my body when I didn't.
  • sarahcrawford75
    Congrats on your weight loss!! That is FANTASTIC!! I also have a hard time admitting to anyone...even my husband...what my weight is. When I say the "number" it feels aweful and makes me feel like Ive let myself down for even getting here. Hopefully this site will help me on my new weight loss journey :0)
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    It's a girl thing. I always log out of my account so my husband won't come behind me and see my weight. I even whisper to the nurse in the delivery room or use sign language to convey my delivery weight.
  • SweetTooth68
    SweetTooth68 Posts: 169 Member
    I'm sorry but no - I will NEVER voluntarily tell hubby what my start weight was.....particularly because it's more than he weighs. Besides, he has no interest in knowing, so I am going to leave it at that! Yes, I'm probably being silly, but he has NO idea what this is like and has never had an issue with weight in his life...
  • KarleeMusick
    Honey, you went from 310 to 283, there is NOTHING to be ashamed of about that! That's awesome! I'm a freshman in college and gained the classic "freshman 15" (if not more... :S ) And new to my fitness pal. I hope I get great results like you and other women that posted on here!
    Keep up the amazing work! :D
  • luv2ash
    luv2ash Posts: 1,903 Member
    I dont give that info out to hubs either!
  • AmeMahoney
    I almost never tell anyone I used to weigh over 200 pounds. I lost over 100 pounds and it's been 12 years. That's pretty much all I say, and only when it comes up. Most people just tell me that don't believe I "used to be that big" anyway. Their quote, not mine.
  • LaCubana9
    My first starting weight before I found MFP was 264. I remember back then, I'd never tell a soul. In one year with diet and exercise I had gone down to 183! Losing 81 pounds on my own became quite an accomplishment, I would even tell people I had just met if weight loss came up in a conversation. Later I had gone back up to 225 because of a bad break-up and wouldn't tell anyone. I was even lying to myself that I had started to gain it back. Now I found MFP and am back down to 198 and going strong. I think that as you lose weight you gain the courage to admit to everyone, including yourself, your secrets. Dedication and hard work make you shine like nothing else. I know that you'll reach that point. It comes with time. Keep up the good work! It gets much more exciting, I promise!
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I weighed more than my hubby when I started highest weight was 176. After 46 days on here I am down to 158.8 or 159. I know my hubby loves me but I was like damn I weigh more than hubby and I am not pregnant!!! He is 163 lbs. and 5'11"........I am 5'5". They say the 1st step is admitting........blah lol
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    I weighed more than my hubby when I started highest weight was 176. After 46 days on here I am down to 158.8 or 159. I know my hubby loves me but I was like damn I weigh more than hubby and I am not pregnant!!! He is 163 lbs. and 5'11"........I am 5'5". They say the 1st step is admitting........blah lol
  • MoonMyst3
    MoonMyst3 Posts: 423 Member
    I have the same issue... I don't tell anyone - friends, children not even my spouse!! I don't know why... well, actually I do - I'm ashamed of my weight and that I let myself go to this extent. Ya, I could give you a list of legitimate reasons why the weight piled on but in the end, they don't change the fact that I am at a unhealthy weight. I won't put up a ticker that has my weight on it - just what I've lost (which is the number I tell my hubby and everyone else) and how much more I need to lose. My goal is to be comfortable enough with my weight by... my birthday in December... to announce how much I once weighed and how much I've lost. I want to be an inspiration to other family members who have many of the same health issues I do but for now, baby steps!! :wink:
  • Wildflower3475
    Wildflower3475 Posts: 79 Member
    I feel the same way, but here goes...My starting weight was 210 and currently at 206 and counting.
    I've never told anyone that except my guy and even that was hard, but he loves my body for some strange reason. I don't understand it, but I'm grateful for it. :o)
  • indycello
    indycello Posts: 147 Member
    Thank you all for your support! I told him and you know what?! The world did not end and he feels better knowing in case there is an emergency and he needs to know my weight. HE STILL LOVES ME!!! This has been so liberating. Thank you all so much!! I have nothing to be afraid of he is my husband and he wants to be with me until death do us part and he wants to make sure that is a long time from now :)

    Yet, I still want to hide under a rock and I am afraid to make eye contact....
  • eystelle
    I totally understand where you guys are coming from! I myself have just got to the point to where I can tell my husband just about everything! I began to realize that he has seen it all! lol I used to be 330 in may of 2010 now I am 279! This weight loss is a journey and if we are not honest we will not be able to help other people through! I think we should expose the number to our loved ones so they can be there to encourage us through the tough times like when we plateau and have to be reminded how far we have come!