Food Advice!

Hey guys! Okay so I am a college student & don't have my own kitchen or anything but I do have a mircowave and that's about it.. so I need help with HEALTHY low calorie food and snack ideas that I can buy at a grocery store! I go to Safeway on Sundays and get my meals for the week (there is a free car service that takes students there)!

Also, being a college student it's hard to avoid fast food places since they are all over campus and a quick way to eat. What are the best fast food options I could choose?

Thanks!! :drinker:


  • bethannkish
    For microwavable healthy food choices I like Healthy Choice meals and also Lean Cuisine. I was very surprised at how good they are and they seem to be on sale quite often. You can also look online and get a microwave steamer, you can cook all kinds of meal in them. Also, is there anyway you can get a george foreman grill? They make life (and healthy eating) so much easier. I hope some of this helps. Good Luck!:smile:
  • deb1096
    Hi there. Safeway sell cooked chicken , remove skin and serve with veggies, noodles. Salmon is great in the microwave . Add herbs and spices for interest or you'll get bored with bland food. Omelettes add lots of veg. Every where sells the bacon, egg attatchments for microwave.
    Also if you have a kebab takeaway, have a grill chicken shish with salad, that let's u feel like your having something naughty ! Lol
    Add salad to meals to bulk plates as it's lots to do with wot your eyes see and tell your brain! Large plate a no no! Always looks empty to me. Bought myself a smaller ( mine only ) plate and fill it. Works! I've lost 12lbs in 5 weeks. Love this app. Good luck , hope I've helped a little. Xx
  • AbbyRedwine
    Funny you said healthy choice's! I bought some last time I was at the store and I did enjoy them! :smile: Thanks for the tips! & I probably won't invest in the grill until I get an apartment of my own (which will be in May)!! I'm thinking it will be a lot easier to eat healthier when I have my own kitchen and cooking utensils! :bigsmile:

    & Thank you!! I like the egg idea! I always love eating eggs with salsa yum! & I never thought of the large plate thing before but your SO right! :smile:
  • LornaW
    LornaW Posts: 27
    Watched a programme on British tv about diet and low fat healthy food...A model eat nothing but these foods (breakfast bars, lunches, dinners and snacks) for 1 month, at the end of it she had put 3lbs on and was constantly feeling sick and bloated. It was a real eye opener :ohwell:
  • AbbyRedwine
    Watched a programme on British tv about diet and low fat healthy food...A model eat nothing but these foods (breakfast bars, lunches, dinners and snacks) for 1 month, at the end of it she had put 3lbs on and was constantly feeling sick and bloated. It was a real eye opener :ohwell:

    NO WAY! :noway: ahhhh I hope that doesn't happen to me! That seems illogical!
  • itbegansasofnow
    Veggies are always good for snacking. Things like carrots, celery, cucumbers and such. You can either buy them pre-cut, or cut them yourself (which is less expensive) so that when you want it, it's already ready for you! Before I did this, I was having issues with food perishing, but it seriously just makes life way easier. Fruit's always good too.

    I'm currently in the same position, college student with not a lot of healthy food options or cooking stuff. I find that eggs have been really good for me since they're extremely easy and quite delicious. :)

    If you're having protein issues, a good naturally preserved jerky is nice too. I hate the meat on my campus.
  • jen0619
    jen0619 Posts: 414
    Since you are very limited with the packaged meals just the watch the sodium content of them aim for <500 generally. :)
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    Watched a programme on British tv about diet and low fat healthy food...A model eat nothing but these foods (breakfast bars, lunches, dinners and snacks) for 1 month, at the end of it she had put 3lbs on and was constantly feeling sick and bloated. It was a real eye opener :ohwell:

    NO WAY! :noway: ahhhh I hope that doesn't happen to me! That seems illogical!

    to clarify (and the programme was pretty eye-opening!!) - she was restricted to eating processed low fat ready meals, such as weight watchers, as opposed to cooking healthy stuff for herself.

    They looked at some of the ingredients used to bulk out and replicate fat, one of which was methyl cellulose, which is also the main component of wallpaper paste.......

    she put on weight because she was constantly starving as the meals didn't fill her up, plus she was lacking in fibre and generally depressed. She also suffered from memory loss as the brain needs fats to run properly. The moral of the story was to eat REAL food,

    If you only have a microwave you can still as suggested get a microwave steamer - perfect for veggies, and the grill idea is good. You could also look at getting a slow cooker.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I careful with the frozen meals...sodium can bloat (I posted a pic thread of myself after a week of watching my sodium).