Don't know where to start


I have about 100 pounds to lose and am at a complete lose so all the support and advice is very welcome. I have a small child and work a desk job full time so my time is very limited for working out. Right now the weather were I live is very crappy but I am hoping to get back to walking during my lunch breaks very soon.

I really need to stick with this to lose all this extra weight and to just get back to being healthy. I have been getting winded playing with my son and that has never been a problem for me before.


  • MB_Positif
    MB_Positif Posts: 8,897 Member
    Hi! This site has been amazing for me so far, I joined on January 27th! It really is amazingly convicting when you have to enter everything you eat in a keeps me in check! I have been trying to figure out how to fit consistent exercise into my schedule, but just reading everyone else's updates inspires me! You can do this! I started out having 55 pounds to lose and I have already lost 9! I'll send you a friend request!
  • MydniteJypsy
    You sound like you are in the same boat as I am. Its hard when you know you have so much to lose. What I am doing is where I have some from. When I first started this journey I was up to 363. I'm still at 290, but I'm down almost 100lbs. We can do this. This site is truly amazing. You will find all the encouragement you need, right here. Good luck!
  • LeenLeGrys
    What do you think you would enjoy doing for exercise? Some days I get up early and exercise before everyone else is awake and it makes for a great start to the day and I get so much more done. There are so many at home exercise options these days. What kinds of activities appeal to you or what sounds like it might be FUN? :)
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    Start out small. Work your way into the dieting & exercise regime. What worked for me? I found in the beginning that trying to eat right & exercise was TOO much pressure for me. So, what I did, was I took the entire first two weeks of my lifestyle change & i focused ONLY on my eating. I logged all my calories, made sure I was under my daily calorie goal & really focused on getting myself strong with my new eating habits before i incorporated any exercise. After the first couple weeks and once I got that down pat, I started incorporating walks with my kids. If you have young children, take walks with them, run around the park etc and include them in your workouts. I started out by just doing walks with my kids. Maybe 20 minutes per day. After that I started walking on the treadmill, but I never walked longer than 10 minutes. I did what I could. Work your way up to different exercises. Do what works with your schedule. Build yourself up.
  • kateslife
    Here are some tips to get a jump start.

    - Don't let the scale phase you, maybe even only weigh in once a week. (best in the morning before breakfast)
    - Say no to that cake every once in a while (don't deprive yourself, but moderation is a must)
    - You have to exercise (thats a given, but i know we all get lazy)
    - Learn about the good fats and bad fats (good- nuts, etc)
    - Do not go below 1100 calories if you can help it, because it enhances starvation mode.

    by the way- good luck!
  • carolyne2
    Take it in small chunks and set yourself small goals, that way it won't feel so daunting. I find just taking 10lb at a time is working for me. Good luck and if you would like to add me as a friend, feel free.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    The main thing is what you eat. Here are my seven tips/suggestions for planning meals:

    1. Spread your calories throughout the day: breakfast, snack, lunch, snack, supper, snack
    2. No meal should be more than 600 calories or less than 200 calories-
    3. Try to get at least 80 grams of protein a day (include protein at every meal)
    4. Get healthy versions of your favorite: low cal wheat bread, 100 packs, low fat cheese, skim milk, fat free frozen yogurt, peanut butter without added sugar, etc. etc.
    5. Try to come up with a few quick fix meal ideas for each part of the day, that way if you are desperate, you can fix something in ten minutes or less
    6. A lot of lower calorie foods add salt and sugar to make them taste better. Try to keep your sodium at about 1500 mg, and don't eat food with high fructose corn syrup (fruit sugars are unlimited)
    7. Invest in a scale so you can get accurate measurements for your food (as well as measuring cups)

    As for exercising, try to get in just 20 minutes a day, three times a week. You should slowly build up to 30 minutes a day, five times a week. If you start off too fast, you will get winded and annoyed within a week.

    Here are my favorite "healthy" grocery store finds that you can use all of the time: (there's a lot!)

    1. Schewebels Lite Wheat Bread (35 calories a slice)
    2. 100 calorie almond packs (perfect for snacks)
    3. Low sodium tuna pouches (80 calories a pack)
    4. Fuji apples (100 calories)
    5. Smucker's Natural Peanut Butter in glass jar (My addiction)
    6. Fiber one cereal-original (60 calories for 1/2 cup- TASTES AWESOME!)
    7. Egg beaters original (30 calories-1/4 cup) Just put serving in mug, cover and heat up for 45-60 seconds-Voila!
    8. Reduced sodium sara lee deli turkey (50-60 calories for 2 ounces)
    9. Canned, no salt added diced tomatoes (perfect for salads! 30 calories for 1/2 cup)
    10. No salt added green beans (70 calories for whole can, and yes, I eat the whole can)
    11. Frozen tilapia and shrimp- not breaded (Defrost in warm water and grill for 4-5 minutes 100 calories)
    12. Walmart has precut chicken tenderloins perfect for grilling!
    13. Zone perfect protein bars for indulging (200 calories with half the fat, sugar and tons of protein- YUM)

    Good luck, drink tons of water, eat your veggies, fruit, protein, whole grains and good luck!!!!

    P.S. I know I had a lot to say, and I hope I was at least SOME help :)
  • Sandikh
    Sandikh Posts: 116
    You sound just like me...! My ultimate goal is 100 lbs and I'm 30 lbs in. A friend told me about MFP when I was down 15lbs and I absolutely LOVE LOVE LOVE it..! Very supportive environment that keeps me on track and motivated. I too work a full time sedentary desk job and I'm a single mom with 3 kids who lives in a very snowy and cold northern climate. That doesn't leave a lot of ME time. And a gym membership...? PLEASE....if I actually had the money for that there would always be the issue of time to get out of the house without kids to do something like that. That is SO not going to happen in my world. So I've made some adjustments. I invested in a treadmill a few years ago that has been collecting dust in the basement since I bought it. I dusted it off and put a TV in front of it. Now I go down there in the evenings when the kids go to bed and put in a CSI DVD and watch an episode a night. Thats usually about 40-45 minutes. My problem has always been boredom on the treadmill but I LOVE CSI so it goes by quickly..! I also bought a couple of workout DVD's (right now I'm doing the 30 day shred). I get up a half hour early in the morning and get a workout it. THIS was the biggest challenge for me. Getting out of bed early is NOT my favorite thing. But I make myself do it because I feel SO MUCH better for the rest of the day when I do. Good luck! Friend me if you want extra motivation!

  • bradynsmom
    bradynsmom Posts: 23 Member
    My husband and I love to walk when the weather good and take family walks on a nightly basis, my biggest problem is finding something to while it is crappy out. My husband wants to ride bikes this spring but I can only go about a 1/4 of a mile and I am done. When we walk I usually walk atleast 2- 3 miles.
  • eating4balance
    eating4balance Posts: 743 Member
    Craislist has some awesome deals on stationary bikes that you could probably find in your neighborhood (I got an old, but sturdy one for 30 bucks)

    If you build up on the bike now, come spring and the warmer weather you will be able to go a lot farther and beat your husband :)
  • xtravisfx
    xtravisfx Posts: 44 Member
    Set up your goals and then stay within the calories that the site allows and you will lose weight, The exercise will allow you to eat more or increase your calorie deficit, but it is not required to lose the weight, at least not at first.

    I've lost 17.8 pounds in 7 weeks using this site. I also have a desk job and get little exercise during the day. I have been able to get to the gym more recently, but I wasn't at first and I was still losing weight just by eating the recommended calories. When I do get to the gym, I'm just waking on the treadmill.

    Commit to succeeding every day,
    One key for me has been preparation. We plan our meals for the week and I prepare my lunches and breakfast for the next day before I go to bed. Eat more protein and cut out as much bread as you can stand. I eat a lot of brown rice and chicken. Lean protein, fruits, vegetables are key.

    Getting your water in is also very important.

    I have about 80 pounds to go and I'm determined to be there before the end of the year.

    You can do this!
  • mytime60
    mytime60 Posts: 176 Member
    I just recently joined this site also, the support is amazing! I love tracking my food and exercise; it keeps me in check. I remember when my kids were small how I complained about not finding time to exercise. I had a friend suggest doing things with my kids. They think they are playing we know it's a workout. Even playing ball where they throw a ball and you retrieve it. They are alot of helpful hints on line if you just google excersizing with small kids. The wonderful part is spending time with them while you are achieving your goal.
  • Hotlips69
    2 suggestions even though you have an office job walk every chance you get, using stairs instead of an eleveator, also if your office doesnt mind substitute your chair for an exercise ball. There are many things you can do while just sitting on it. Get moving as much as humanly possible spreading workouts out through out the day. Break up walks to 2 30mn or 3 20 mn!