Cabbage Soup/ "Wonder Soup" diet

KDien Posts: 5 Member
edited September 24 in Health and Weight Loss
Hey everyone!

I went to my DO yesterday to talk to her about my struggle to lose weight despite healthy eating and lots of exercise.

She suggested doing a cleanse for a week and gave me a handout for the "wonder soup" diet, which is also known as the cabbage soup diet.

Has anyone done this 7 day cleanse before? I'm very tempted, it doesnt look too difficult, except that I can't have any caffeine (and i looove my morning coffee).

Im just curious if it is worth doing? I know some people are skeptical because they say you would just gain the weight back, but with the amount of jogging I do, I truly believe I could keep it off.

Thanks everyone! This is my first post, and let me just say, I love MFP!! :happy:


  • Jacquelyn913
    Jacquelyn913 Posts: 300 Member
    I have friends who have tried it and had great results and I definately think you can keep off what you lose as long as you are eating right and not too much. How do you make this 'wonder soup'? Id like to give it a try myself =)
  • richiefixo
    richiefixo Posts: 104 Member
    Fad diets are FAD diets may loose weight but risk messing up your metabolism as well. plus you WILL gain the wain back regardless of your jogging, if you are jogging now, counting your calories and eating clean now and still not loosing weight, jogging wont help you keep the cabbage weight loss off. you might have hit a plateau and you need to either increase your intensity of your exercise and not only jog, mix in strength training, interval training ...the works 6 days a week and have a HUGE cheat meal on the 7th, you will shock yourself into loosing weight again.

    gdluck regardless of your choices
  • I have a different cleanse diet I use and it works great!
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    AHHHHH - when I was in college my roomate tried to do this multiple times, but hated the soup - we ended up 'tweaking' the recipe, using tomato juice instead of water as the 'broth' and adding chile and cayenne powder and black beans - sort of a really hearty veggie chile - it was actually pretty tasty :) I personally would not recommend the diet, however.
  • Suzy12
    Suzy12 Posts: 284
    I've done it several times - all with success. But you have to make wise choices after to keep the weight off. It's great for losing a quick 7-10 before a reunion, wedding, etc.

    It was easy for me too, cause I love soup.
  • TuDominicano
    TuDominicano Posts: 120 Member
    Fad diets are FAD diets may loose weight but risk messing up your metabolism as well. plus you WILL gain the wain back regardless of your jogging, if you are jogging now, counting your calories and eating clean now and still not loosing weight, jogging wont help you keep the cabbage weight loss off. you might have hit a plateau and you need to either increase your intensity of your exercise and not only jog, mix in strength training, interval training ...the works 6 days a week and have a HUGE cheat meal on the 7th, you will shock yourself into loosing weight again.

    gdluck regardless of your choices
    Very well said......Oscar Tu Dominicano
  • cabbage soup is really gonna make your rear end stink!
  • 2bfitforever
    2bfitforever Posts: 87 Member
    Fad diets are FAD diets may loose weight but risk messing up your metabolism as well. plus you WILL gain the wain back regardless of your jogging, if you are jogging now, counting your calories and eating clean now and still not loosing weight, jogging wont help you keep the cabbage weight loss off. you might have hit a plateau and you need to either increase your intensity of your exercise and not only jog, mix in strength training, interval training ...the works 6 days a week and have a HUGE cheat meal on the 7th, you will shock yourself into loosing weight again.

    gdluck regardless of your choices

    I agree with having a cheat meal. My scale has been stuck for two weeks -- I have only been "dieting/living healthy" for 3 weeks so it was a shock to see the scale stop so early in my process. Last night I gave into Dominos pizza and wine with my neighbor. I stepped on the scale this morning to see what the damage was and I was shocked to see it .6 lb less than yesterday -- even with all the sodium and wine. Try to up your calories for a day and see what happens. Good Luck!
  • the odd high calorie day is good for your metabolism, helps to prevent plateauing
  • KDien
    KDien Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the advice... I'm still debating. I might just give it a try for the heck of it, and I will let you all know first hand how it goes! :)

    But here is the recipe in case you were curious, since the soup sounds tasty and healthy either way!

    1 large green onion, 1 green pepper, 1 can diced tomatoes, 3 carrots, 1 container mushrooms, 1 bunch celery, half a head of cabbage, 1 package lipton soup mix (or make your own broth), 1 cube of bouillon (optional), 1 48 oz can of V8 juice (low sodium if possible), and any seasonings you'd like (curry, parsly, garlic, etc.), all chopped and put in covered pan with 8 cups water. Cook for two hours on low.
  • I have a different cleanse diet I use and it works great!

    Please share :)
  • I never did the cabbage soup diet as the "cabbage soup diet" but did make the soup to snack on during the day while eating 3 meals a day. I found this was perfect for me as it was filling, tasty and warming in this cold weather. Don't think I would have managed to survive on nothing else though, even for a week.
  • I still find it amazing how many people want the magic pill or magic diet. Diet and exercise will work. I know it don't always work as fast as we like but it will work. This is for your life because soon as you lose the pounds if you go back to the same old thing you put weight right back on. Patience it will all come in time.
  • kettlewitch
    kettlewitch Posts: 277 Member
    I did this years ago. There was soup all over the place and it was ok for the first couple of days. I took it to work in a flask and everything. By day 3 it was starting to get a bit much and when I came homefromwork and opened the fridge the smell of it made me puke. So that was the end of that!
  • KDien
    KDien Posts: 5 Member
    I never did the cabbage soup diet as the "cabbage soup diet" but did make the soup to snack on during the day while eating 3 meals a day. I found this was perfect for me as it was filling, tasty and warming in this cold weather. Don't think I would have managed to survive on nothing else though, even for a week.

    It's actually not only the soup, each day you get different foods on top of the cabbage soup. For instance day 1 you eat all the fruit you want, day 2 you get all the veggies you want (and they suggest a stir fry or a salad with a tsp of oil), day 3 is all the fruits and veggies you want, etc. I agree, just the soup would be difficult, but with the different foods, i think it's more tolerable!
  • humpalc
    humpalc Posts: 140
    The original version didn't have any soup mixes, boullion, or v8 in it - otherwise, pretty much the same - adding a pre-packaged mix, with the chemicals and sodium they contain doesn't seem very cleansing...
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    I did this years ago. There was soup all over the place and it was ok for the first couple of days. I took it to work in a flask and everything. By day 3 it was starting to get a bit much and when I came homefromwork and opened the fridge the smell of it made me puke. So that was the end of that!

    Me too...same thing...the very thought of it makes me shudder.
    This "soup" diet has been around for years!.......It's amazing how it refuses to go away.........But...we had to try was the latest fad........ may drop a few pounds...but..they come back....the minute you start to eat real food again......
  • backinthenines
    backinthenines Posts: 1,083 Member
    I know some people are skeptical because they say you would just gain the weight back, but with the amount of jogging I do, I truly believe I could keep it off.

    Well,... I'm a runner and I doubt cabbage would adequately fuel my training. Never mind the undesired extra bit of propulsion from the extra emmissions... :sick:
  • I will post my cleansing diet here next week...
  • crystal_sapphire
    crystal_sapphire Posts: 1,205 Member
    i've never done the fad diet itself

    with that being said, i make the soup often. it's great source of veggies and fibre. nice and warm for this time of the year and helps me to not overeat during my regular meals
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