Bet with a friend

kateslife Posts: 39
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Hey guys!

I recently made a bet with my friend that I am not going to eat junk food until Easter. I have been clean of it for like 3 days! She says I can't do it, because she knows how much I love sweets! I got this! Any tips for success(:?


  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    is the bet monetary? personally i find that to be a gr8 drive to win. GOOD LUCK, hope you win:bigsmile:
  • gaeljo
    gaeljo Posts: 223 Member
    I just posted how to kill the sugar crave on my blog today:

    Killing the sugar crave
    I've been looking at lots of people's food journals and I'm seeing a commonality, the sugar crave. Whether its cakes, cookies or candies, here are some helpful things I've personally done to kill this crave. Remember, I'm speaking from my own knowledge on the subject as I've been there, but do talk to you doctor, especially if you are a diabetic. No one loves peanut butter cups, twizzlers and skittles (sugar pellets) more than me, and other than my 8 oz of chocolate milk I drink after a workout (directed by my sports dietition), I've all but elminiated processed sugar from my diet.

    When you crave sugar, have a piece of fruit instead. The fiber found in fruit counter acts the sugar so it isn't like eating candy. Your body is craving some nutrient found in fruit, but rather than eating fruit, people gravitate to sugar. No one got fat eating too many bananas, so enjoy at least 2 pieces of fruit each day. I personally eat 4 pieces of fruit every day. My sports dietition said that fruit should not count as sugar grams, like those counted here in fitness pal. Eating fruit is NOT the same as drinking fruit juice. Eat your fruit, don't drink it.

    Fruit juice has been stripped of all its fiber, so you are drinking straight up sugar. While there are some small nutritional benefits, this doesn't compare to eating the entire peice of fruit. If you must drink juice, keep it limited like a dessert and make sure it is high pulp juice.

    Take a vitamin. I literally take a fist full of vitamins each day. I've noticed that the multi vitamins help reduce cravings. For myself, when I crave, I've noticed my body is in need of some nutrient that I'm not getting, taking vitamins has greatly improved this for me. I personally take:

    Omega 3 (vegan style, some people take fish oil, but I'm a vegetarian)

    Multi vitaimin


    Acai (antioxident)

    Green Tea Extract (metabolism booster)

    Vitamin D (to boost immune system)

    Chondroiten/Glucosamine (spelling?)

    Please do keep in mind that I'm a triathlete, so I may have more fruit allowances, but all the experts say 2 pieces of fruit each day and 6 servings of veggies is normal for everyone. I personally eat 4 pieces, but that may be too much for you. I hope this info helps you. Again, I'm no food expert, but I do believe in clean eating and balanced eating. I look forward to your feedback. Gael
  • Not with money, we just wanted to really see if I could do it. If i win, i get to pick out something that she has to wear and vice versa. Not really a big prize, but i just want the satisfaction and prove her wrong. thanks!
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    add regular doses of cinammon to your diet its a fanatastic blood sugar stabilizer I add it to my fruit/protein smoothy post workout and keep a small amount of dark chocolate at home for when you crave it, dark chocolate is much healthier and really kills that chocolate craving. With the added fruit/cinammon to your diet it will stabilize the blood sugar and stop the blood sugar dips that cause the craving to begin with.
  • This is great advice. As a matter of fact, when I go to the store, I am going to make sure to get lots of fruits and veggies. I have been trying to remember to take vitamins and thanks for the info!
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