Working out: morning, noon or night?

SirJFK Posts: 49 Member
edited September 24 in Fitness and Exercise
Hey all,

Just wondering how people workout during the day. I have been doing the 1st Power 90 program and after 2 weeks I went to the 3-4 set as the 1-2 wasn't giving me much of a burn. I have been doing this at night after putting the kids to bed. The 3-4 set is roughly 42mins long and takes me 50mins as i have a small area to workout in and have to pause at times to set up for the next exercise. Just wondering if working out earlier is better for losing the pounds then at night... any thoughts?


  • madamelaporte
    madamelaporte Posts: 404 Member
    when I do my workout dvd I do it at night once the children are in bed snoring their little heads off.
    When I do powerwalking I do it late morning - days that hubby is home so he stays with children!
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    I don't know what time is "better" to workout, but I always find I have more pep and enthusiasm for my workouts in the morning!
  • I like to work out at night, i dont know why. lol
  • I like to work out at night, i dont know why. lol
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I workout in the morning to P90X and jog at lunch a couple of times a week. The best time to workout is the time that you have to get it in. Simple as that.
  • OLP76
    OLP76 Posts: 768 Member
    I'm DAY 74 of Power90...

    I did the Circuit 1&2 (Dec 6 2010) for 40 Days...Mornin'

    Day 41 (Jan17) I started on Cicruit 3&4...Mornin'

    Feb 1 - I do double workouts now....I do Circuit 3&4 in the Mornin' & Circuit 1&2 in the afternoon.

    I even doubled up Ab Ripper 200 on my Circuit 3&4 - I do Ab Ripper 200, Sweat 3&4 & again Ab Ripper 200. - than in the afternoon I do Sweat 1&2 & Ab Ripper 100.

    It's my personal choice...I'm 3.9 lbs. away from sayin' I lost 20 lbs. while doin' Power90.

    Just depends on what you want and can do - I guess...I'm just obsessed at lookin' at my body now while workin' out and see Abs that I have never seen before come out :)
  • Panda86
    Panda86 Posts: 873
    I do mine in the morning, because it wakes me up too much in the evening and then I can't sleep. Plus a morning workout gets my metabolism revved up for the day.
  • mopargrlny
    mopargrlny Posts: 1 Member
    I usually do my workouts in eve after I get home from work. I've been calorie counting for a while and up until recently I was only using gazelle and ab lounge. A few weeks ago I borrowed p90x from a friend... although I don't do it six days a week like the schedule says I have definitely noticed a difference in toning. If I eat dinner first I usually skip that evening... so I try my best to do something before eating dinner :-)
  • I do yoga and some light pilates in the morning to stretch. Before I go to sleep I do some hard cardio because it makes me sleep like a baby.
  • dawnemjh
    dawnemjh Posts: 1,465 Member
    If I dont do it in the morning, I wont do it, so I almost always wake up early before my daughter gets up to workout!!
  • AnnetteEtch
    AnnetteEtch Posts: 2 Member
    I have a hard time with this one as well. If I could, I'd work out around 9 or 10 AM. Since I work full time, days, that's not going to happen. I've been getting up at 5:30 AM to work out in the morning. I am doing Tony Horton's 10 Minute Trainer (3 sets) so it's a little faster. I have P90X sitting in my work out room and I'm setting a goal of when I can start using it. If I got home early enough in the evening I'd probably work out in the evening because I'm not a morning person. I have heard that working out too close to bed will make sleeping difficult. If you are finding that what you are doing is working, then stick with it. It's better than not at all! Keep it up!
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    I wish i could do mine in the morning however i am too lazy therefore i usually work out at night which gets annoying as i run out of time. Must start getting up early!
  • LarryPGH
    LarryPGH Posts: 349 Member
    I'm an evening/night workout person -- I just can't crank up any intensity in morning workouts or runs!
  • I work out in the morning before everybody else gets up....if I wait/miss alarm clock it is too hard with little ones running around.
  • I used to work out early mornings with a group of co-workers (before kids) and I loved that when I got home I felt like I had already accomplished so much. Now after I work out I am exhausted so I do it in the evenings after I get home from work or after the kids are in bed. Do it when you have the most drive to stay at it and push yourself cause having a "good" workout is going to make you lose the most not the time of day.
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