I'm new :)

Just joined, Hoping to read through all this site has to offer and finally get to grips with this mad thing called dieting! Fed up with starting and not succeeding. This time...I'm sure lots of us all long for the same thing, to be free of this overweight burden, waking up each morning saying 'today I will suceed', going to bed and knowing yet another day has passed and I've failed, getting fatter and fatter and not even able to say 'well I've had a few delicious meals' no.. it's all been rubbish food, nothing nutritious just junk!:(


  • momof26
    Welcome! This site is awesome and you are going to love it! Good luck on your journey and we are ALL here for the same reason!~Brittany
  • promiseskept
    I know the feeling. You can add me as a friend if you want and ask me anything you want.
    I am a few weeks in, lost some weight and feel terrific!! I am learning so much about how I ate wrong before and am recreating eating habits that I will utilize even when this is all done. Which, will be a while yet.
    Have fun and enjoy and embrace the community, they are terrific!!
  • MrsRono75
    Im new here too.. just started today. My husband starting using this site and liked it so I thought I would give it a shot. What I am surprised at are the things I thought were healthy and really aren't, or having to really check labels. I LOVE coffee but really paid no attention to the calories I added with creamer. Just the first day has been eye opening!