Scale is not moving!

I lost nearly 52 pounds and kept it off for a year. Now I joined MFP hoping to get over this plateau. I curently just started to work out 4-5 days a week about 2 weeks ago and have not saw the scale move yet. Well let me take that back ihave been losing .5 pound every week. I'm am fed up! set my MFP goals to lose 2 pounds per week. So with exercise and a 1230 calorie goal wouldn't you think my weight would just drop off..NOT! I am very frustrated and this is very discouraging. But I haven't given up just yet. I need tome advice on why the scale is not moving. I hope someone out there has experience the same thing and can give me some advice on what to do.


  • Grammy54
    Grammy54 Posts: 21 Member
    I know what you are talking about. I lost 60 pounds and I can't seem to loose any more I have tried everything. When you find out how to do it please let me know.
  • getfitdiva
    getfitdiva Posts: 1,148 Member
    I would start tracking my sugar and sodium. Lots of sweets in your diary and lower your sodium intake (2000-1500). I would keep eating out to a minimum. Food is key :-)
  • eaglzdude05
    eaglzdude05 Posts: 3 Member
    I know this sounds contradictory but to move that plateau you may need to eat more or more frequesntly. I haven't looked at your log but make sure you are eating 5 times a day. Especially when you are working out your body will store everything it's getting if you aren't eating enough. When you eat regularly your body knows it is getting more, and will release and burn a little more easily. My trainer taught me that and it seems to work for me to break through those scale plateaus.

    Awesome job so far by the way. I just started on here this week.
  • cutelashawn
    I dont eat out much.........I like subway subs. But this past week I did go out to dinner for Valentine's day. I know do a great job at the gym but just don't know what else. Thx for the comment
  • monicaP413
    Don't get discouraged and definitely don't quit!!! Your body reaches plateaus and will stop losing weight for a period of time. Just keep doing what your doing and whatever you do, don't give up. It's normal and happens to most, if not all people. You're doing great!!! Hang in there!
  • cutelashawn
    thanks alot :)