Wii "Just Dance" is the greatest!!

Man, I got that game last night and I loved it. Didn't even notice I was working out, it was so much fun. I could loose weight on that game alone. You guys have to get it.


  • mom2cebab
    I love it too!! My kids and I have competitions!
  • ngr1973
    ngr1973 Posts: 334
    Its what got me started on exercising too!!! Been using it for the last 2 weeks and loving it! You'll have to try Wii Zumba Fitness - its a bit more aerobic but I do that for 20 minutes then dance for about 30 ... lots of fun!
  • otm25
    otm25 Posts: 106 Member
    Such a great workout, and so many fun songs I had forgotten about! YGG!
  • mrmchap
    mrmchap Posts: 31 Member
    I have it as well, and while I didn't get into it at first, after playing it last night with my 3 year old I noticed how much I was sweating and still enjoying myself! I like that they have the "sweat" feature on it, and it is something my kids can do with me and I don't feel like they are in the way!
  • proverbs31chick
    proverbs31chick Posts: 485 Member
    I always hear people say do something you like, and I love dancing, so even though you do burn calories, its more like fun then hard work. Still hitting the gym, though.

    I have to get the wii Zumba next.