Why do you want to loose weight?



  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Why? Because I want to be a participant in my own life and realized that I was letting life pass me by!
  • melzteach
    melzteach Posts: 550 Member
    I want to be healthy look good in my clothes and feel good about myself.
  • dave4d
    dave4d Posts: 1,155 Member
    I've got a lot of clothes that I no longer fit in. I want to fit into my skinny clothes again. Also I am engaged, and I want to look good in my Tux.
  • That_Girl
    That_Girl Posts: 1,324 Member
    I want to look good naked.

    I also want to be how I used to be (before children) and just buy what I like to wear.

    Superficial? Kinda. The health benefits are good too...but that wasn't why I started.
  • noltes2
    noltes2 Posts: 202 Member
    You really want to know my motivation? It's one word.


    But you know what? It works for me!
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Gain a six pack!'

    I wish :) hahaha. nah i would like to be fitter and be able to say that im a runner instead of a shuffler
  • DianaPowerUp
    DianaPowerUp Posts: 518 Member
    1. To fit back into my clothes (I gained 15 lbs when we moved back to the States)
    2. I want to finally have the body (muscle tone) I've always dreamt that I could have
  • mariea1171
    mariea1171 Posts: 10 Member
    For me its my health. Also it's learning to make me a priority instead of everyone and everything else. So often you get caught in running around eating what every one else is eating and just not taking care of you. That's me. I want to prove to myself once and for all that I can do anything I put my mind too. Plus I want to look and feel hot! :flowerforyou:
  • I can't control anything else in my life: My finances are not in the best shape.... my college education is on hiatus because of my finances, and I'm far away from my family because I can't afford to move... In short, I can't control any other aspect of my life, so I'll control my weight...
  • I've always been over weight, and I became a massively compulsive eater in high school. I always hated the way I looked. Now, I'm out of the house, and a lot happier, and I've decided that I'm going to try and get healthy for the first time in my life.
    Also, I like the control.

    Created by MyFitnessPal.com - Free Calorie Counter
  • heathercd
    heathercd Posts: 20 Member
    I have been super inspired by my hubby who has lost over 50lbs in the past 1 1/2 years. I want to be with him for the rest of our long, healthy lives together. :) I'm also in the process of trying to have a baby and want to be healthy not only for the pregnancy but to keep up with our little one!

    Another big motivator for me is to finally be able to shop in the regular clothes size section again. Being just at the lower end of plus size and at the upper end of "normal" size leaves not a whole lot of stylish options for clothing!!!
  • losingwithlove1
    losingwithlove1 Posts: 2 Member
    I'm 50 years old but still want to look "hot" -- believe it or not! :laugh: Also, I recently realized that my 21 year old daughter -- in all her life -- has never seen me at my normal weight! The last time I was there was just after I had her...then the weight started creeping up.
  • cutting 15lbs of water weight every fight is difficult and quite stressful, mentally and physically. So recently, 2-3 weeks ago. I found this app on my phone and I figured I should learn better eating habits and lose unneeded fat, and at the same time make my weight cuts easier.
  • to finally be happy :)
  • mistyschoenly
    mistyschoenly Posts: 3 Member
    I want to find myself again! I have let life consume me, being a mom, wife, student, employee......I forgot who I was and let myself go. I want to be healthy again, I want to feel good when i go hiking with my boys or scuba diving with my husband. I am an active person but I have always been the one everyone else is waiting on. I want to be strong enough to pull my on weight and not have to take a break when everyone else wants to continue the run/race/hike or swim. The stronger I become the more motivated I become. I love the freedom of not worrying if I will make the climb or the run.
  • Katybun3
    Katybun3 Posts: 172
    I want to lose weight by summer so that I can get back into my summer pants. I only need to lose another 11lb and I'm there. Good luck in your journey :flowerforyou:
  • Limeinthecoconut
    Limeinthecoconut Posts: 234 Member
    I want to be more in control about how my body, skin, hair etc looks at any point in time. It's amazing how bad my skin gets when I have too much chocolate! And don't even get me started on what I looked like when I still ate Pringles...:embarassed:

    I am also loving the confidence which comes from eating well and exercising. It's amazing how it can change your mood! :smile:

    While I was with my boyfriend of 2 years I definitely became very comfortable and this impacted on my weight and then self esteem. Now that I am taking care of myself more I feel great!

    .....hmmm there may also be a slight ulterior motive also, it's great seeing the ex and getting all this attention from guys at parties because of my improved confidence and figure! :D
  • louisat1982
    louisat1982 Posts: 6 Member
    At 5ft9 I was at my heaviest in March 2009 when I found out I was pregnant at 10 stone 6! I proceeded to gain four and a half stones (I had terrible morning sickness al throughout the day and the result I just ate and ate) and the first two and a half stone fell off me but the other two and a half stone is so difficult! I had a stone and a half to lose to get to my goal weight (which is less then my pre birth weight) I now have only a stone (ish) to lose and thanks to MFP and Slimming World I'm getting there! I can't wait to get a whole new wardrobe and feel good about myself! I'm not a fan of the gym so I jump on my wii fit when I can - x
  • eellis2000
    eellis2000 Posts: 465 Member
    #1 i started exercising to help me pass my pt test for military duty and i realized if i lost the 20-25 lbs that would be easier
    #2 my doctor put me on cholesterol meds and hormone meds which made me gain weight. and i don't want to take medication.
    #3 i would like to fit into my clothes again.
    and finally,
    #4 my husband had 6 bypasses and i realized i was headed the same way if i didn't do something.

    along the way i found that exercising makes me a happier person. for some reason it takes away some of the depression and mood swings from early menapause
  • flausa
    flausa Posts: 534 Member
    For me. This is all for me. It's not for my husband, who's only ever known me fat. Ditto, the kids. Learning to be healthy is for me. If good comes to them as a side benefit - fantastic! But I am over and done with my life being about making everyone else feel and look good, and me not. So I'm being completely and utterly stinking selfish. Yay me!
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