Absolutely Shocked

OK, so my friend on facebook just posted that she had lost 5kg & everyone was asking how she didnt and she said that all she did was eat healthy foods. no counting calories no exercising, nothing just eating healthy. and im pretty sure she lost this weight in a month, maybe 3weeks. So I was just thinking if she can lose weight from just eating healthy imagine how much i can lose when i am eating the right amount of calories and exercising.

I've also realised that i waste ALOT of time on Facebook, so tomorrow I deleting and putting all my focus into my weightloss, my boyfriend, cleaning and looking after my house, and with the extra spare time i'm going to add in an extra walk in the afternoons, might even ask my boyfriend to join me :)

Just thought I'd share my little epiphany with everyone :)


  • FemininGuns
    FemininGuns Posts: 605 Member
    I think this is an awesome idea!!! People waste a lot of time doing mindless things (like facebook and watching TV) - including myself. I used to live without a TV and didn't use the internet so much... I was SO productive and SO present in my life. Great going on taking the initiative in being more present in your life.

    With this post, I am reminded that I need to cut down on internet - so I am canceling my WoW account (game online) to put my energy into all of what you have mentioned in your post.

    CHEERS! :bigsmile:
  • tdixon00
    This is a very good idea, I'm glad you have been motivated to make some very healthy changes. Don't know if you have been using this website for very long, but it's really great, and everyone is supportive. Good luck!!
  • kwardklinck
    kwardklinck Posts: 1,601
    A lady I work with has become very thin in the last two years. She runs and watches her portions but she doesn't count calories.
  • 2bFitNTrim
    2bFitNTrim Posts: 1,209 Member
    You can indeed lose weight without counting calories & exercising. I did it while I was in college in the dinosaur era b4 computers & cell phones :laugh: How? I decided to copy the eating style of my thin dorm mates. It worked! I did very well. Nowadays, thank goodness for MFP because it is such a useful tool to make sure I am eating healthfully, not just less.

    Re: facebook, I didn't delete my account, but I only visit it about 1x a week now. Just enough to catch up w/everyone. I don't miss it.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yep... I need to stop messing around on the computer so much myself. Makes it hard since I need to use the computer to log on MFP (I don't do internet on my cell phone) and then I'm just here... maybe I'll start meal planning and writing out my meals and snacks on a dry-erase board so I don't have to check it all day. Hmmm...
  • MissLadyInWaiting
    i can't wait to quit facebook. my boyfriend recently quit smoking and said that since he is doing without than i should quit facebook (he hates having me wasting my time on it haha, he calls it wingebook.) i would quit now but it's 1am here in Australia and i want to let all my mates on there know that i'm quitting it and how they can contact me haha.

    i start my healthy lifestyle tomorrow. i'm going to try and cut bad foods during the week and let saturday be my cheat day. then eventually i will completely cut it out. i really need to focus on eating healthy and getting into a routine of exercising otherwise i might lose the weight with just eating less but it definately won't stay off forever.

    Healthy lifestyle here I come! :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    i can't wait to quit facebook. my boyfriend recently quit smoking and said that since he is doing without than i should quit facebook (he hates having me wasting my time on it haha, he calls it wingebook.) i would quit now but it's 1am here in Australia and i want to let all my mates on there know that i'm quitting it and how they can contact me haha.

    You can do it now! Post a status update with your info, and email everybody that you can email. Send private messages if you don't want to put your info on your wall. Tell them you're deleting on Tuesday morning and need their contact info, and if you haven't heard from them by then, they'll have to look you up in the phone book. :) And then just don't log in until Tuesday morning when you delete. That's what I did when I quit Myspace. Best decision I ever made... and then I found Facebook... :laugh:
  • superninjatam
    superninjatam Posts: 44 Member
    Stop wasting time on this message board!
  • dunztar

    First of all you don't have to delete Facebook to pursue your weight loss goal. You just have to distribute your time better. Ever since I started working and dedicating more time to my girlfriend I only check facebook for a few minutes and close it (by nature). Most things posted on facebook are silly anyways.

    The only things you need is motivation and determination. You can only eat healthy and you will lose weight... this is because your body loses calories even when you are slacking off on FB and/or sleeping... but exercising not only accelerates the process, it also gives you more satisfaction and motivation. When you are working out you are less likely to eat bad food for various reasons:

    1. If you eat greasy food: It makes it way harder to work out and you might even puke it out.
    2. If you are working out hard, you will hate to gain those pounds right back up after all the hard work.
    3. Your body will improve in many areas, more energy, speed, and strenght.
    4. Bad food simply makes you feel bad.

    Determine your goals and remember that exercising does a lot more than just help you lose weight... it will relieve stress, and do many positive things for you.

    Good luck