Daily template for designing your menu - anyone have one?

I want to tighten up my diet this week. I am adjusting to thinking in terms of calories in/out, but now I feel I need more guideance on composition of those calories - for example, how many servings of nuts should I have per day? How about lean protein? How about beans? Dairy?

A couple of days this week, I did well with calories, but man - it was mostly nuts or nut butter - definitely not enough veggies in general -

So, I think it would help if I had a template to go by. If daily, I allowed myself:

2 servings of dairy
1 serving of nuts
3 servings of beans
3 servings lean protein
The rest is fruit and veggies

Would that work?


  • callipygianchronicle
    You might have more flexibility if you try and even out your nutrients over the span of the week, versus day-by-day. An example would be Alton Brown’s plan that aided him in losing 50 pounds:


    whole grains
    leafy greens
    green tea


    oily fish
    sweet potato


    red meat


    fast food
    processed meals
    canned soups
    “diet” anything
  • Abrewe223
    eat 5 or 6 small meals a day spaced 2-3hr apart
    dont eat anything 3 hrs before bed (if you must eat something hight in protein) like cottage chees or protein shake
    eat 1 serving of fruit a day (fuit is high in carbs and sugar)
    have 2-3 servings of veggies a day (raw or steamed)
    Make sure you get enough calories bc if you dont get enough you metabolism will slow down and come to a dead stop
    Make sure you are eating lean meat like (turkey and chicken)

    My meal
    5am -protein shake
    8 am- protien dairy
    11am- protein,veggie,carb
    5pm- protein,carb,veggiex2
    8pm- protien
  • SolidGoaled
    SolidGoaled Posts: 504 Member
    This kind of advice is EXACTLY what I was looking for! Never thought about looking at it a week at a time - cool...
  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    Wow, I had never heard that about Alton Brown before! Good for him and working with food all day long, too. He has it mastered! I think it looks like a very sensible approach. The more fiber and fresh veggies that I eat, the more satiated I feel. I really feel like I've eaten because the volume is large! I'm glad I'll eat any veggie, and the combos and seasonings are endless! I also make my own salad dressing with olive oil and different vinegars. It is delicous beyond compare to the icky store brands! I think real food is healthier than diet anything. I like his zero times a week list! Thanks for the helpful tidbit!