Question on calorie limits

Hi all,

I'm a girl who's NEVER had trouble getting all her calories in, lol. But lately, now that my body's used to running on 1200 calories a day, sometimes I feel satisfied after only 1000 calories. BUT some days I still eat 1400 or even more per day. I'm absolutely not starving myself so my question is, as smart as our bodies are, is it ok to have a 1000 calorie day every once in a while as long as the rest of the week I eat at least 1200 or more so my body doesn't go into starvation mode?

My inclination is to think it's ok, especially since I've had a few high-cal (2000ish) days lately. I think my body will even it all out.

What do you think?


  • michelex200
    I think 1000 is just too low. I started working with a personal fitness trainer and she thinks 1200 is too low too. So I upped my minimum to 1350 and even more if I work out. If you dont get enough calories your body can go into starvation mode and will hang onto whatever fat it can, even if you are just eating 1000 calories a day. I think eat those extra calories even when you don't feel like it. Just make it something healthy.
  • Aeriel
    Aeriel Posts: 864 Member
    It all depends on how extreme you go. If you are even most days and have one low and one high day(within reason), you should be okay. However, if you go low consistently, and then try to even it all out in one big day, you'll hurt your progress and probably gain.

    Edited to agree with post above me. Try for minimum 1200 per day. If you have issues reaching that, keep some calorie dense foods around to help you. Nuts are great (unsalted) or dairy, or avocado to name a few.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Yes, once in a while it's ok. One day isn't going to screw your metabolism. Even two days in a row won't do it. It's if you do it every day for a while that you run into the problem. As long as your average net cals for the week is above 1200, you're good to go.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    It's not awful to have a low day occasionally, as long as it's not a habit, and as long as you're still getting good amounts of protein, good fats and plenty of fruits and veggies. Don't stress if it's once in a while. :wink:
  • bluespring
    bluespring Posts: 201 Member
    This is what is called zig zag calculate your calories for the week...and change it up.

    There are few threads on it here...just check for it using the Search option........

    Ashley explained it like this:

    Example: MFP gives you a daily goal of 1500. A week's worth of this is 1500 x 7= 10,500 calories/wk. Just make sure you zig zag your calories up and down by a couple hundred or so (I go as far as 500) and don't go over a total of 10,500 in that week. That way you are still staying within the goal MFP gave you to lose however many pounds per week you chose when setting your goals. You can zig zag however you want. I go by how my body feels. If I'm not hungry one day I make it a low cal day. Then the next if I'm super hungry I go way over. There's not an EXACT number you need to go by just fluctuate your cals a bit to keep your body guessing. I have read that you need to AT LEAST have a difference of 200+ for your body to recognize the fluctuation.

    This way you keep your body guessing...and some have lost more weight this way.

  • Jade_Butterfly
    Jade_Butterfly Posts: 2,963 Member
    It depends on your body proportions, and your fitness level. When I was my fittest in my life I was eating 1000-1200 calories a day, but it also depend on what you include in your diet. I was taking a good vitamin supplement.
  • auntiebabs
    auntiebabs Posts: 1,754 Member
    My low-cal days seem to be followed by high-cal days. They usually even out roughly so if you are at 1200cal/day and you eat 1000 cal one day and 1400 the next I wouldn't worry about it. Your pretty much evening out.

    If I eat 1400 one day though I never try and deprive myself the next day to make up for it. Each day is a new start.