LOST: My Motivation

WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
Lost: My Motivation
Last Date Seen: About a week ago
Location: Somewhere around Valentine's & Birthday Parties

HELP! I have lost my motivation and cannot seem to find it! I recently quit my job to stay at home with my 9 month old. I love being home with her but I have completely done away with our old routines. I no longer have a clock to punch and no real sense of a routine yet. It has only been one week but since my career change I have completely stopped working out & I even (gasp) starting eating fast food a gain! I am in desperate need of motivation and to be reminded why I am on the path to a better lifestyle. Any words of advice to get back in the swing of things- or words of encocuragement are greatly appreciated! :)


  • When you feel like giving up-Remember why you started in the first place:happy:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    If it's routine you're craving, make one! Arrange it around the baby's naps. It could be something like:

    7 am - wake up
    7:30 - eat breakfast
    7:45 - wash breakfast dishes
    8:00- workout
    9:00 - snack and housework
    10:00 - baby's naptime

    And so on. Just do what works for you guys. Think about the things you want to get done in a day, and fit them into your schedule. You could even make it a loose routine: Morning, During first nap, Lunchtime/Between naps, During second nap, Evening, Bedtime, etc. Break your day up however it makes sense to you. Write your routines down on a piece of paper and tape it to the wall or something so you can easily reference it and stay on track.

    When you first started your job, it took a while to get in the groove, right? The only difference is that then you had a boss to tell you what to do. Now, you're the boss, so you have to tell yourself what to do. Find ways to remind yourself what comes next so you can get into a rhythm.
  • Randee75
    Randee75 Posts: 234
    Your just going to have to dig deep and find your want again. I am an at home mom so I know its not easy at all but find workout routines you can do at home. You can do this for all the reasons you were doing it before. Just remember you might have lost a battle or 2 but not the war!!
  • christabeltoria
    christabeltoria Posts: 129 Member
    Can you try some activities with your child? Going to the local swimming pool? Stroller hikes? You can use this as an opportunity to get the next generation started out on the right foot!
  • I know how it is to be working and than to stay at home. I did exactly the same thing as you have done. When you aren't punching the clock it is so easy to put something off till later because you feel as though you have all the time in the world to get to it. Well for me it took gaining 10 more pounds to plunge me into the I better make a change and fast! I got a white board and set up a routine. I consider my workouts and domestic jobs my work and I punch the clock at home :-) I set a realistic schedule and have a fun day every week left open to do whatever suits my fancy! Also I have heard fake it till you make it. Good luck!
  • tjsusong
    tjsusong Posts: 195 Member
    Creating a schedule is key. I am not a stay at home mom, but I was laid off in September and finding a routine was key. The first week or so I couldnt get into any sort of pattern. But then I started making lists of everything I needed to get done in a day. That very next day, I just dug deep down into my core and said ENOUGH and got back on the ball. Then everything started falling into place and I had a habit again.

    You just need to find your routine and then dig deep down and remember why you started your journey to begin with!

    Good luck in your journey. I have faith that you can do it!!
  • Have you heard of the 'Fly Lady'? She has lots of tips for organizing your life & getting into a routine. As a SAHM, I use some of her ideas and it has helped me a lot! Hang in there! you can do it!
  • TopKat
    TopKat Posts: 13 Member
    If it's routine you're craving, make one! Arrange it around the baby's naps.

    It's been a while but I agree, you need to creat you own routine. My weightloss was most
    successful when I was home with plenty time to dance around with baby
    and plan proper meals. Now I find I fall off the wagon at the weekend where there is little or no structure
    winding down from work
  • bsed18
    bsed18 Posts: 41 Member
    Congrats on deciding to become a stay at home mom! There is so much you will gain from being at home with your child--but don't let weight be one of them. Being a "stay at home" mom is a job...it is work, so treat it as such. Find yourself a new routine/schedule that will provide you just as much "me" time as "mom" time.

    If you want motivation, look at your beautiful 9-month old. Remember that you are the role model. Your baby will develop your habits. Begin teaching your child that exercise and making healthy eating choices is just what you do.

    I have included my 2 year old daughter in my workouts. She gets really excited when I ask her if she wants to work out with me. She'll stand in front of the 30 Day Shred video and try and do some of the moves with me. I have even caught her "coaching" me. When I am doing pushups or sit ups on the ground, she'll come stand over me helping me to count or support my back with her tiny hand.

    So, again I say, if you are looking for motivation look at your child.
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    I know how it is to be working and than to stay at home. I did exactly the same thing as you have done. When you aren't punching the clock it is so easy to put something off till later because you feel as though you have all the time in the world to get to it. Well for me it took gaining 10 more pounds to plunge me into the I better make a change and fast! I got a white board and set up a routine. I consider my workouts and domestic jobs my work and I punch the clock at home :-) I set a realistic schedule and have a fun day every week left open to do whatever suits my fancy! Also I have heard fake it till you make it. Good luck!

    I loved your post! I am looking into starting a routine especially because I'm going to watch my friend's daughter three days per week so that will help to feel I have some time management needed. It is easy to put things off I am a procrastinator through & through which makes this whole process 10x harder for me. BUT I need to do this for my daughter & set a good example for her! Something I wish I had when I was growing up! :)
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    Congrats on deciding to become a stay at home mom! There is so much you will gain from being at home with your child--but don't let weight be one of them. Being a "stay at home" mom is a job...it is work, so treat it as such. Find yourself a new routine/schedule that will provide you just as much "me" time as "mom" time.

    If you want motivation, look at your beautiful 9-month old. Remember that you are the role model. Your baby will develop your habits. Begin teaching your child that exercise and making healthy eating choices is just what you do.

    I have included my 2 year old daughter in my workouts. She gets really excited when I ask her if she wants to work out with me. She'll stand in front of the 30 Day Shred video and try and do some of the moves with me. I have even caught her "coaching" me. When I am doing pushups or sit ups on the ground, she'll come stand over me helping me to count or support my back with her tiny hand.

    So, again I say, if you are looking for motivation look at your child.

    Thank you so much! Its funny because I stayed at home with her for the first 6 months, went back to work, and decided I just couldn't do it. I completely understand and respect woment who want/have to work but I literally cried almost every day I dropped her off and I even taught preschool at the same daycare she was at! I saw her a few times throughout the day but in the end I couldn't bear the thought of someone else seeing her first steps or any other milestones! The only reason I started working again is because money is so tight but, my husband graduates in about a year and things will be completely different so I feel we just need to make it through til then. If there's a will there's a way, right?!

    But yes, I've tried to have her do things with me. Its so adorable, I DVR Namaste Yoga & she will watch the girls on tv and watch me doing it and then I swear she tries her own moves. Its hillarious! :)
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    Have you heard of the 'Fly Lady'? She has lots of tips for organizing your life & getting into a routine. As a SAHM, I use some of her ideas and it has helped me a lot! Hang in there! you can do it!

    Thank you! I haven't heard of her but I will def check this out! :)
  • You are very pretty, get back into it!
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    You are very pretty, get back into it!

    LOL thank you! ;)
  • You have already taken your first step in understanding that there is risk with not having a routine.
    Give yourself a pat on the back for that one.

    My downfall was when I decided to quit work and be a stay at home "wife." It sounded GREAT! Then next thing I knew, I was cooking all day, watching Life Time movies and became depressed. The end result: I gained 40 pounds in 5 months. I didn't have any routine except what to cook for dinner. Wow, now that I typed that, it sounds sooooo depressing!! LOL I finally went back to work, but the damage was already done. I wish I could go back and do what your doing now.......Getting on top of it before it gets out of hand.

    Good luck and stay strong!!
  • WanabeHotMama
    WanabeHotMama Posts: 102 Member
    You have already taken your first step in understanding that there is risk with not having a routine.
    Give yourself a pat on the back for that one.

    My downfall was when I decided to quit work and be a stay at home "wife." It sounded GREAT! Then next thing I knew, I was cooking all day, watching Life Time movies and became depressed. The end result: I gained 40 pounds in 5 months. I didn't have any routine except what to cook for dinner. Wow, now that I typed that, it sounds sooooo depressing!! LOL I finally went back to work, but the damage was already done. I wish I could go back and do what your doing now.......Getting on top of it before it gets out of hand.

    Good luck and stay strong!!

    Thank you very much! I've started jotting down a few ideas for a schedule & we'll see how it goes tomorrow! :)

    Thank you everyone for your advice & input! I very much appreciate it! I have salmon defrosting in the fridge for dinner & I'm getting ready to go to the gym as we speak! :)
  • am_lowe
    am_lowe Posts: 113
    first of all, congrats on your new sahm status! how exciting!! i have a 16 month old daughter who i stay home with. this is what works for us - i workout during her first nap, which is around 10:30am. usually i run on the treadmill and do a little bit of circuit training. or i do a jillian michaels dvd (30 day shred, burn fat boost metabolism). i try to grab a glass of chocolate milk for some protein after, then jump into the shower before she wakes up. when she gets up i make us lunch, then we get ready and run errands/go to the store.

    what i like about working out during her naptime is that it gives me energy for the rest of our day. if i don't workout on a regular basis i start feeling run down and then simple things like laundry and grocery shopping start to feel overwhelming. so keeping active really helps me stay energetic.

    you'll find something that works. just try to set and keep goals (exercise Xminutes this week, or run X miles) and that will help you start each day with intention. and feel free to add me as a friend!
  • debnu1
    debnu1 Posts: 1,568 Member
    Making your own routines is the biggest part! If you fail to plan you plan to fail...When I am most motivated I have planned my food and activities the night before. I second flylady! She is great!

    I find having goals makes a huge difference too. You don't know where you are going if you don't have them.

    I am a sahm also--just passed the one year mark! It is the best decision I ever made! I know you won't regret it!
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