
I seem to be staggering between 178-180. I’m doing well calorie wise, always staying under - sometimes even under my normal 1200, which I know isn’t healthy I’m just not hungry. I’m also not really eating my exercise calories - which maybe I should be doing? I’m not sure, just days when I burn 1000 calories I can’t justify eating that many you know. Somedays I only burn like 500-600 though. I also need to probably start eating breakfast again - I started missing my before workout meal and just eating one after because I read that you burn more calorie that way but I think it's seriously throwing me off ya know.

I lost my first 15 so quickly but of course now I seem to be on a different eating pattern and what not. I’m working out daily and drinking plenty of water also.

So…any ideas/advice/comments on how to push it up just a little.

Please & Thank you’s.


  • trainguy917
    trainguy917 Posts: 366 Member
    It really does sound like you aren't eating enough. You probably aren't hungry because you have your body in starvation mode and it's getting used to not enough food coming in. Not eating your exercise calories is iffy, but not meeting your 1200 is not good. That's the baseline absolute minimum to maintain your body's health, regardless of exercise.
  • Baby_Belles
    Oh I know and I normally hit 1200 and sometimes go over with the exercise calories I just haven't been lately. I'm def. going to try and eat more throughout the day starting today, all healthy of course.
  • mexiana
    mexiana Posts: 77 Member
    I agree with trainguy, you're not eating enough, and you HAVE to spread those calories out during the day. Eat breakfast!! A bowl of fiber one cereal and skim milk is only 286 calories! Might be all you need to do to get the scale moving again.
  • likes2bwet
    likes2bwet Posts: 275 Member
    I am not sure what your work out is, but when I hit a point that annoys me... I restrict myself for 1 week walking on the treadmill at a 15 incline at a 3.2 pace for an hour.... the last 15 minutes I lower a level until I am seems to do the trick every time and the weight starts dropping again... Anyhow, good luck and let me know if it works for you :)
  • NoAdditives
    NoAdditives Posts: 4,251 Member
    You should be meeting your calorie goal, not just netting 1200 calories. Your goal is set where it is because for most people, that's the ideal amount of calories that will help them to lose their desired amount of weight per week. I'm betting that if you start meeting your calorie goal, including eating your exercise calories, you'll start losing. Also, you shouldn't burn more than 500-700 calories from exercise. Burning more than that in a day stresses your body and can make it hard to lose weight.
  • Hourglass25
    Hourglass25 Posts: 340 Member
    I was also eating 1200 calories a day or a little less when I first started also, with no results at all!! I decided to eat more calories and started losing right away. It just sounds like you are not eating enough.
  • hpygirl64ColleenLinder
    eating breakfast is a MUST. Not only does it give you the fuel to start the day but it is proven to speed up your metabolism by 10% and YES eat all you exercise calories or your working against all that you've done to achieve. Feel free to friend me on here anyone, I leave daily health tips to keep you inspired. ;) Colleen
  • Tammysueless
    I know it sounds like an oxymoron "eat more to lose more' but it's so true. If you can just stick to eating the right kinds of carb with your protien, the scale will start sliding down again. Hang in there and Def. Don't Give Up!
  • utah_angel1971
    it really does sound like you arent eating enough. Plus remember when you start working out you're going to get more cravings. LOL i fell into that trap and so i wouldnt eat then realized my work out wasnt as effective. The more you work out the more your body needs to use to like running your car on an empty tank lol you can only do it so long. Plus remember we all plateu...
    The key to your exercises is muscle confusion. if you're doing the same things all the time you're muscles will hold on to that and wont do much after that or it takes FOREVER, so the key is to always switch up your routine, dont just always do the same exercises. I think once you start switching it up and introducing muscle confusion into your work out, and eating more you'll find you'll notice a change.