In need of friends and support...

Lexie28 Posts: 219
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Hello all,

I'm new here....just wanted to say hi and let you know that I'm looking for plenty of friends and support. I am most looking for diets that work....any tips and tricks....Please feel free to drop me a line :):flowerforyou:


  • kristarablue
    kristarablue Posts: 702 Member
    Great job coming on board. I find that I can not do diets because it makes me obsess about food. However I am very careful about what I eat and excersize lots. You will do great!!!! Try to find the amazing ways you feel as you loose weight and take pleasure in how you feel in your clothes.
  • ajcookie
    ajcookie Posts: 8 Member

    I try and look at it as not being on a diet, but a Lifestyle Change. I eat what I like and make sure I write down everything that goes into my mouth, excerise lots and drink lots of water, at least 8 cups a day. You can do this, and we're all here to help you.
  • In the week that I've been using this program, I've learned it's not about dieting, but about making healthy choices and decisions. I plan my meals out the night before and it keeps me from making the bad decisions. Yesterday I was surrounded by bad decisions (cookies, donuts, fried foods), but I didn't give into temptation (though my PMS wanted me to - haha) because I knew how much fat / carb / sodium it would contain! I added the sodium and the iron to my food diary (you can do this under tools).

    I've been struggling with my weight for 10 years now...and this is the only place that has really worked. It's almost as good as going to a nutritionist! Make sure you log in every day - and you will stay motivated!!!

    Good luck!:wink:
  • Hello and welcome! This website and the smartphone app are incredible! Calorie counting has never been easier for me. I have the app on my android phone and with it you can actually scan in food that have a barcode. I have lost 15 lbs total since beginning. Here are some things that have worked for me...

    Cut out milk! I still have cheese on occasion but I no longer drink and milk or puit it on cereal, etc.
    Smaller portions and better choices and I nibble along all day. I do not feel deprived of food either!
    Exercise 3 days a week. I have myself up to 46 min on the eliptical trainer and then I work out different muscle groups.

    Make sure you input your starting weight when you begin into the app. I did not do that so my progress looks different, but I know in my head that I have lost 15 lbs. Good luck and welcome!
  • page68
    page68 Posts: 220 Member
    I've found that logging my food on MFP every day is ESSENTIAL. I'm not on a diet, I just log what I eat. In the beginning, logging helped me to navigate a day's worth of eating. Knowing I would be accountable for every bite, I made sure to tic and tie what I was eating with my calorie goal for the day. Over time it becomes easier. I'm not a big exerciser, YET, but I do track exercise and I do rely on that outgo to help balance incoming calories. Hope this helps.
  • Welcome!

    I can't suggest any diets (I've tried my fair share - they all lead to disaster and binges after a few weeks), but I can suggest a few good tips!

    Exercising as often as possinle (even if it's just walking on the treadmill for a half hour) adds up - it tones your muscles and keeps you active. It also earns you more calories that you can eat and when you log it on MFP!

    Logging into MFP daily. It helps SO MUCH to have your daily food intake laid out in front of you, and it also helps you plan out your days.

    As a huge snacker (which is why I am here), I keep a few foods around the house that let me feel satisfied without blowing my calorie intake when I get those urges to munch.
    - String cheese
    - Chobani greek yogurt (in all flavors - this stuff is amazing!)
    - Salsa and an all-natural chip of some kind
    - Pirate's Booty corn snacks
    - Fruit, fruit and more fruit.
    - Eggs
    - 100-calorie packs of popcorn
    (as you can see, I LOVE salty, starchy foods... these snacks save me from going overboard and bingeing like crazy)

    There are also a bunch of delicious, healthy and easy recipes that MFP members post on the message boards - make sure you browse through there! Lots of the members even include serving sizes and nutritional info at the end of their recipe posts.

    So, basically, the one tip I'll leave you with is GET ON MFP DAILY! There are tons of tips and a lot of support available to you on this site. It works, and sooner or later you'll find that it's not so hard to manage your exercise and diet.

    You can do it!
  • cfred40
    cfred40 Posts: 151 Member
    Welcome Lexie. As someone who has yoyo dieted over the years, I have came to the conclusion that it really must be a change of lifestyle. Diets won't sustain your newfound achievements. Educate yourself and eat healthy, become more active, and surround yourself with support. (this site is awesome)

    It may not be the response your're looking for, but in my honest opinion, really is the onlyy way to sustainable results. You will get alot of opinions & advice here, some good some bad, mine included, just remember we're all unique and what works for one, may not work for you. In any case, welcome, and best wishes on achieving your goals.
  • Good morning (at least where I live). I am looking once again for something that is going to keep me focused and on track. So far I am finding MFP to be a great tool. As with all ways I have tried to lose weight, I am a bit obsessive about it, but right now that is working for me.
    I get so tired of thinking about food all the time, worrying about my weight, but I keep trying again and again.
    I hope to find support here as well as maybe be able to help others.
    I do find that keeping track of everything I eat is the best way to keep me honest. I do like seeing what nutrients I have lacking in and then finding foods that will help with that.
  • Focusonfifty
    Focusonfifty Posts: 105 Member
    welcome aboard. i don't to "diets", i am just very concious of what and how much i eat, and stay mobile. lots of movement and exercise while drinking plenty of water. it's a liftestyle you must maintain if you wantto lead a healthy lifestyle with the benefit of losing weight in the process.
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