I can't stay away from JUNK FOOD!

Okay I try so hard to limit my chocolate and pizza but after I go 24 hours without it I usually tend to induldge myself. I've tried to find low calorie snacks but it's just not the same! I HAVE TO HAVE MY CHOCOLATE! What can I do?


  • ashleynicoleh04
    ashleynicoleh04 Posts: 195 Member
    I have a hard time with this as well. I have bought the special K chocolate cereal and typically this with satisfy my cravings with one serving.
  • swopoe
    swopoe Posts: 15
    I love chocolate too! I think that the Jello Chocolate Decadence Mousse Temptations is really good and satisfying. It is very chocolate-y, and it is rich tasting too. If you put it in the freezer for about 10-15 minutes before eating it, it is even better. Good luck to you!
  • winterjade
    winterjade Posts: 55 Member
    I buy expensive "good" chocolate....not just a regular chocolate bar and break it into pieces and freeze individual servings. It takes longer for frozen chocolate to be eaten so you actually have time to savor it :) currently I use Ritter Sport Dark chocolate with hazel nuts YUM!!!! its the best dark chocolate.
  • marinabrazil
    marinabrazil Posts: 106 Member
    I eat a little dark chocolate everyday...if you can fit it in your calorie goal...thats fine! Just don't avoid healthy food so you can fit chocolate in!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Can you portion control it and plan it into your meal plan. When you just deprive yourself all you do is crave it and then have to have it. Like can you say on Tuesday I can have 2 pieces... etc?
  • mapnerd2005
    Everything in moderation. I eat chocolate in some way, shape, or form almost every day, but in moderation. Dark chocolate is especially a non-guilty pleasure for me, because it really is good for you! Just don't eat a whole box or three candy bars. I eat two small squares (about 10 grams) as part of my post-workout recovery snack (about 50-60 calories). Or, I'll drink an 8 oz low-fat chocolate milk after a run, or eat the Special K chocolaty delight, or ....I think you get the point. You CAN have those things, just budget them into your daily meal plan. I do the same thing with pizza every now and then...though I've gotten to the point where I really don't crave it much anymore.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    My biggest tip would be just to not buy it. If you don't have it, you can't eat it.

    You can have chocolate in moderation. A lot of people are satisfied with a mug of hot chocolate, and I've heard that Special K cereal is really good. Maybe a granola bar with chocolate chips in it? Then as far as the pizza, there is a recipe on the MFP recipe forums for pepperoni logs -- take an egg roll wrapper and lay it flat, then put in a row of 6 turkey pepperoni slices and half a slice of mozzarella. Roll it up, spray with Pam, and bake it for 15 minutes. Super yummy, fairly low-cal, and can satisfy that pizza craving.

    There are healthier alternatives to everything. And when all else fails, when the craving hits, drink a glass of water with a little squeeze of lemon before you eat anything. It'll help fill you up so you won't eat as much. And when you do indulge, eat slowly. Take a small bite, chew it slowly, and then wait a few seconds before the next bite. Don't eat mindlessly while watching tv or reading a book or whatever. Focus on your food. Measure things out in a bowl or cup instead of eating out of the box/bag/whatever. Have one slice of pizza and then finish off with an apple or something low-cal, so you can satisfy the craving without going overboard.

    You can do this! You're stronger than food!
  • navvs15
    navvs15 Posts: 165
    Well, eating junk food in moderation is something that would be wise. I don't get rid of the chocolate, chips, etc. But I do limit my comsumption. Eat a decent portion of them once a day if you crave them, but I wouldn't eat half my calories in them either. :tongue:
  • cyndi101
    I read on here a few wks ago to add about a tablespoon of chocolate chips to a cup of berries (strawberries or blueberries) and eat it that way. I tried it and was so glad I did. If you try it, you will be surprised at not only how good it is but how much chocolate you will get with each spoonful of fruit. And try some Skinny Cow chocolate ice cream bars or sandwiches....Wow...they are soooo good, too. Other than that, All I can say is the best thing that has helped me is to just simply not keep those things that tempt you the most in the house. Keep that for a special occasion when you go out. As far as the pizza goes, I'm not sure. I love pizza, too...who doesn't? But I honestly can't remember the last time I had it. It was back before Christmas I think. Good Luck.:smile:
  • jesstroxel
    I have pizza once a week, but I make my own and it has alot less calories. I have chocolate almost everyday, either sugar free pudding, or a special K bar. Its just eating things in moderation and make sure they fit in your calorie goals.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Another thing that helps me with junk is to think of it in terms of calorie "cost." I have a budget of 1400 calories a day. Some foods, like apples, are "less expensive," so I can "buy" more of them with my calories. Pizza is expensive. I can have some, but I can't "afford" as much pizza as I can other foods. So I'll budget in some junk once in a while to keep cravings at bay (today I budgeted in a small hot fudge sundae) and then build my meal plan around that, filling it out with less "costly" items. Because if I go over budget today, I have to either work off the debt in exercise, or pay "interest" in the form of fat later. Who wants to accrue that kind of interest? Not me!
  • rlysrh
    rlysrh Posts: 244
    I heard on TV once that after you eat junk food your body craves it more for up to 48 hours after you ate it, but after that the craving should subside slightly. Try avoiding them for just a couple of day and then seeing if the cravings have gone. If they haven't gone after that then maybe try incorporating them into your diet in a healthy way? (: Good luck!
  • sweet_lotus
    sweet_lotus Posts: 194 Member
    A Hershey's kiss is about 22 calories and 1.3 grams of fat. I have a couple every night after dinner - staves off the chocolate cravings. If you're a proximity eater, stash them somewhere hard to get to.

    Pizza is not so bad if you keep to a reasonable portion size. I'm trying "naked" pizza tonight -- their website says that one slice of medium pizza w/ sauce and cheese is 131 calories! Not bad.

    I agree with the other posters -- no reason to deprive yourself iof foods you like if you can fit the calories in your plan!
  • tifanieb
    tifanieb Posts: 67 Member
    i make homemade pizza at home. it has fewer calories, i add veggies go light on the sauce, use real cheese, and sometimes bacon for flavor with chicken and veggies, frest basil, tomatos, and mushrooms. soooo goood. and very filling. and less calories than ordering delivery or buying it frozen.

    As for chocolate. i keep whatever i want in the freezer, reeces are my guilty pleasure, but i have other chocolate in there too. i will have one almost everyday to keep my sweet cravings at bay.

    You should never deprive yourself what you crave or you will just gain back when you stop tracking your calories. i am not on a diet i am eating healthier and changing my lifestyle!!!
  • kammy92
    kammy92 Posts: 408 Member
    Recently at Wegmans here they sell VitaMuffin VitaTops that are 100 calories and really satisfy my chocolate craving................plus they have 9g of fiber, only 1.5g of fat and 4g of protein, at least for the Deep Chocolate ones!!!!! But they are a bit pricey..........it was over $4.49 for 4 of them............
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    Buy a healthier alternative to chocolate. I switched from milk and white chocolate to dark chocolate not that long ago and if you need it every day 2 bite size pieces are enough. Try drinking tea with it as it makes you feel more full. Personally i like the old Jamaican dark chocolate mmmm!
  • StartSomething
    I am exactly the same!
    My solution.... I just don't buy junk food anymore! Simples. Make sure you go shopping on a full stomach and then you're not tempted to buy junk food.
    Or when you're doing a weekly/fortnightly shop or whatever just buy one pizza or one chocolate bar or something. Then once you've eaten it, you know you won't eat anymore for another week or two.
    It's easy to do once you get into the habbit of it.
    I find that if I don't eat chocolate etc for weeks at a time I go off it and don't want it any more.
  • LaCubana9
    I'm a chocolate brownie/cupcake lover. I've found Vita Muffin Vita Tops (in your Frozen Breakfast food aisle at grocery stores) in Double Chocolate. I just pop them in the microwave & indulge! They're 100 calories and have 50% of your daily vitamins! They taste almost sinful!
  • CJis
    CJis Posts: 11
    thank you everyone for your suggestions and advice. I have issues though with just not buying some things at the store because I have 2 growing boys who love their snacks. I mean they love their fruits, nuts, and such for a good snack but they also like their junky stuff too. So this causes an issue of temptation for me! Knowing it is in the cabinet and trying hard to not want it makes it even worse like a drug addict I guess :sad: I can try to fight harder. Maybe when I start to crave it I'll just do some tummy cruches instead and reward myself with a snack of fat free cottage cheese and pineapple.