Low Blood Pressure?

Hi All
I know you're not doctors and this might not be the right place but I'm curious.
I seem to have all the symptoms of low blood pressure - dizzy, feeling like i'm about to faint, sick, palpitations - have had this about a week. I thought it was anxiety as I have a history of depression.
Anyway, I'm totally exhausted and suspect low blood pressure.
My sister is a paramedic so I'll get her to check it as soon as possible or get to my GP if she isn't available but I was wondering has anyone had this sort of thing happen to them following a new exercise routine?

I've always exercised to a degree but only recently got back to the gym after a 4 month break and am working out more than before.
I am fitter, lighter!!, even feel as though I'm breathing better but now I think maybe it's blood pressure and not anxiety.

was wondering if anyone had, had any experience and now think I'm repeating myself so will stop!



  • teramae
    teramae Posts: 78 Member
    If you are getting dehydrated (not good) you can be having similar symptoms and will lower bp. It would be good to have your GP check it out for sure esp if you are having heart palpitations. I don't know what kind of new routine you started, but it would be good to get the ok from the GP for that as well.
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Definitely get it checked out. I have extremely low BP as a rule (they always take it twice, thinking their device is broken) but I don't have the symptoms you listed on a regular basis. I don't do a lot of yoga or up/down stuff in aerobics class b/c I get dizzy easily but other than that, exercise in general hasn't affected me. But, everyone's different. It's good to know your numbers.
  • pen282
    pen282 Posts: 168 Member
    Hi Amanda

    Its funny timing this post as i have been noticing the same thing recently... i wouldnt say i feel dizzy a such, but have been feel a little lightheaded (head rush feeling) and off-unstead - mostly it seems if i stand up to quickly, or weirdly, sometimes when having a hot shower...

    like you, I suffer with generalised / health anxiety and i know this (dizzyness / unsteady feeling) can be a symptom, and one of the longest to hang around.. for me, it only happens now and then, which again, makes me think anxiety...

    I'll be interested to hear repliesand hope ur doing ok :-)

    penny x
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    , but have been feel a little lightheaded (head rush feeling) and off-unstead - mostly it seems if i stand up to quickly, or weirdly, sometimes when having a hot shower...

    penny x

    This is it exactly. :O|

    Thanks for the replies all.
  • 20carrots
    20carrots Posts: 279 Member
    Let us know if you find anything out at the doc!
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    Will do.
  • MissTomGettingThin
    MissTomGettingThin Posts: 776 Member
    My paramedic sister has taken my blood pressure today and it is a little low.
    Nothing major though.
    My mom was there and wants me to see my doctor.
    My sister said the same.
    I don't feel AS bad today although a walk this morning nearly killed me.
    If I'm still not my normal self by Friday I'll phone my doc,.
    Thanks all.