Need a lil help!!!`or something

Well I just need a lil help at supper time. I try to do the 5-6 meals a day and do pretty good up through out the day untill supper and I just want to go back for seconds. I use to be a heavy eater and have cut down alot and drink plenty of water and work out 2-3 times a week for a couple of hours. Any Sugesstions???


  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    You could try bulking the meal up with loads of veggies so it feels like you are having more. Or, it may be partly psychological because your mind is used to you having second portions. You could try to use a smaller plate, put half on the plate then you get to feel like you've had 'seconds' for the same amount of calories.
  • dianam1973
    Give yourself about 20 minutes once the food digest.......then you will feel full. The problem is that you will still feel hungry because the food hasn't digested.

    If you are still hungry after 20-30 minutes, maybe eat a small bowl of healthy cereal.
  • kdao
    kdao Posts: 265
    I always drink a large glass of water before and after dinner and it really helps. It usually takes 30 minutes to start feeling full. I also have a large bowl of lettuce or veggies with dinner and it helps a lot. Keep up the good work, you are doing great!
  • gdotman
    thanks for everyones suggestins I have felt my stomach gettin smaller but I think it is just a bad habit that I need to quit and I have been burning a whole lot more calories then what I'm use to. Will try the glass of water before and after a meal.
  • maffydavison
    maffydavison Posts: 51 Member
    Well I just need a lil help at supper time. I try to do the 5-6 meals a day and do pretty good up through out the day untill supper and I just want to go back for seconds. I use to be a heavy eater and have cut down alot and drink plenty of water and work out 2-3 times a week for a couple of hours. Any Sugesstions???

    Look at the quality of the 5-6 meals you have. Make sure you are getting enough veggies, fruit, and protein. Cook everything al dente (i.e., firm but not hard) and make sure to limit the processed foods. If the manufacturer processes the fiber out of the food (i.e., high temp cooking for canned veggies and soups, pulverized flours, small flake oatmeal) then your body won't have much to do to process the food -- leaving you feeling more hungry than if YOU are doing the processing. Eat the fruit instead of drinking the juice, add in a little protein when you have a piece of fruit (like a small 4oz yogurt or a a light cheese stick) to make your body take even more time processing the fruit because protein takes longer to break down, and log everything. You'll find things that work FOR YOU if you log it and can look back and see good days (i.e., you weren't over-hungry) and bad days (i.e., you were starving at dinner). I only know what works for me, but I hope my experience helps. Keep going. Keep logging. Don't give up! :)
  • gdotman
    thanks for the input
  • salto
    salto Posts: 30 Member
    Try finding something else to do after dinner so you're not sitting around thinking about wanting more. Why not make it a habit to take a walk every night right after dinner? Or do some other sort of gentle exercise. Even something like brush your teeth or chew gum after eating. Just something to make your brain shift gears. It would also be a great time to put in teeth whitening trays if your teeth need a little sprucing up! lol
  • gdotman
    lol I think we all could use a lil sprucinging on the teeth