The teeth bashed in diet!

I just need a dose of sympathy:blushing: . On Sept. 2, the first day of school, I was working at a special education school. An autistic boy headbutted me in the mouth. After filling out a pile of paperwork, I was able to go to the dentist on workman's comp. I have 5 loose teeth, and the nerve root in two is lacerated and those might need root canals if they don't heal in the next month.

I have been on a pureed diet since then, and only in the last two days can eat soft foods such as chicken salad sandwiches. I'll be on soft foods for another month. Pureed hamburger is gross! Anyway, I have lost 10 lbs. in the last 10 days on the "teeth bashed in diet". I would not recommend this diet though!


  • laurie49120
    laurie49120 Posts: 21 Member
    I just need a dose of sympathy:blushing: . On Sept. 2, the first day of school, I was working at a special education school. An autistic boy headbutted me in the mouth. After filling out a pile of paperwork, I was able to go to the dentist on workman's comp. I have 5 loose teeth, and the nerve root in two is lacerated and those might need root canals if they don't heal in the next month.

    I have been on a pureed diet since then, and only in the last two days can eat soft foods such as chicken salad sandwiches. I'll be on soft foods for another month. Pureed hamburger is gross! Anyway, I have lost 10 lbs. in the last 10 days on the "teeth bashed in diet". I would not recommend this diet though!
  • jackeh
    jackeh Posts: 1,515 Member
    I just need a dose of sympathy:blushing: . On Sept. 2, the first day of school, I was working at a special education school. An autistic boy headbutted me in the mouth. After filling out a pile of paperwork, I was able to go to the dentist on workman's comp. I have 5 loose teeth, and the nerve root in two is lacerated and those might need root canals if they don't heal in the next month.

    I have been on a pureed diet since then, and only in the last two days can eat soft foods such as chicken salad sandwiches. I'll be on soft foods for another month. Pureed hamburger is gross! Anyway, I have lost 10 lbs. in the last 10 days on the "teeth bashed in diet". I would not recommend this diet though!

    that sucks!!! ouch!!!! the kiddo must have hit you pretty darn hard!!!:flowerforyou: i hope your teeth feel better soon

  • Manda86
    Manda86 Posts: 1,859 Member

    You poor dear!!

    I hope you're feeling better soon :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Fit2btied
    Awww, sympathy your way:flowerforyou: . Hope those teeth set correctly so no further dental procedures are necessary!
  • SuzieQT
    SuzieQT Posts: 188 Member
    The screwed up teeth diet sucks a bunch! I had to have my wisdom teeth cut out and over the course of 3 to 4 healing weeks couldn't eat anything but milk shakes and jello. I lost 15lbs though. I also lost 10lbs when I got my tongue pierced. :tongue: Not a very healthy way to lose it, but it sure makes the pain feel worth it to see the pounds falling off lol.

    Hope you feel better soon! :flowerforyou:
  • shorerider
    shorerider Posts: 3,817 Member
    Geesshh! They should make a show on Discovery about you--as one of the world's most dangerous jobs! Hope you're better.
  • BoPeep1967
    BoPeep1967 Posts: 42 Member
    :noway: Oh man! That sucks! Feel better! On the up side, at least the losing weight part is a plus...
  • GoGetterMom
    GoGetterMom Posts: 852 Member
  • laurie49120
    laurie49120 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you everyone! Yes, he hit me hard. He's been known to knock people out. I was just unlucky. I don't blame him, as it was his autism, not him personally attacking me, that caused harm. I was in the nurse's office for over an hour crying my eyes out in pain. Yes, working with autistic children should be up there in the dangerous jobs category! Also, in my plea for sympathy here, I also wanted to mention that my lip and cuts in my mouth became infected :sad: Luckily, this has cleared up in the last few days.

    I was on a plateau before this weight wise. Hopefully, I can keep it up afterwards. I added some protein shakes because of this to my diet, and I love them. It's weird what some situations bring about positive things unexpectedly. Now on with that sympathy, people, I'm loving it! :tongue:
  • marskids
    marskids Posts: 296 Member
    How is the little boy? Is he o.k.? That must have really hurt his head!!
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    I'm very very sorry to hear you got hurt so badly....and yes being headbutted can really do a number on you ugh that must have really hurt.

    I am a mother of a wonderful Autistic child and I have to say that I don't agree w/ it being a very dangerous job caring for our children. Any child upset and confused would react similar to our children....if you know...and I'm not directing this to you honey as I know you work w/ our children and understand I hope the nature of Autism.....but if you know.....anything about these children and persons you will then understand the daily stuggles they face.....imagine being in a world where nothing makes sense.....and your sensories are totally all over the place...either things are too loud, too rough, too soft, too itchy...too bright......Autism effects everyone different....some people as some people w/out it are more agressive by nature. I hope that no one will ever judge a poor child w/ autism or think of it as a dangerous job....things happen and I'm very sorry...but that just sort of hit this momma the wrong way...I have much much much to say about this and I know it may seem I'm overacting...but I'm not.....not at all

    I'm sorry if that hurt anyones feelings...but I'm a bit upset now:cry: .

    and I'm truly sorry for your pain...I really am.

  • SoupNazi
    SoupNazi Posts: 4,229 Member
    I'm very very sorry to hear you got hurt so badly....and yes being headbutted can really do a number on you ugh that must have really hurt.

    I am a mother of a wonderful Autistic child and I have to say that I don't agree w/ it being a very dangerous job caring for our children. Any child upset and confused would react similar to our children....if you know...and I'm not directing this to you honey as I know you work w/ our children and understand I hope the nature of Autism.....but if you know.....anything about these children and persons you will then understand the daily stuggles they face.....imagine being in a world where nothing makes sense.....and your sensories are totally all over the place...either things are too loud, too rough, too soft, too itchy...too bright......Autism effects everyone different....some people as some people w/out it are more agressive by nature. I hope that no one will ever judge a poor child w/ autism or think of it as a dangerous job....things happen and I'm very sorry...but that just sort of hit this momma the wrong way...I have much much much to say about this and I know it may seem I'm overacting...but I'm not.....not at all

    I'm sorry if that hurt anyones feelings...but I'm a bit upset now:cry: .

    and I'm truly sorry for your pain...I really am.


    :brokenheart: :cry:
  • marskids
    marskids Posts: 296 Member
    I'm very very sorry to hear you got hurt so badly....and yes being headbutted can really do a number on you ugh that must have really hurt.

    I am a mother of a wonderful Autistic child and I have to say that I don't agree w/ it being a very dangerous job caring for our children. Any child upset and confused would react similar to our children....if you know...and I'm not directing this to you honey as I know you work w/ our children and understand I hope the nature of Autism.....but if you know.....anything about these children and persons you will then understand the daily stuggles they face.....imagine being in a world where nothing makes sense.....and your sensories are totally all over the place...either things are too loud, too rough, too soft, too itchy...too bright......Autism effects everyone different....some people as some people w/out it are more agressive by nature. I hope that no one will ever judge a poor child w/ autism or think of it as a dangerous job....things happen and I'm very sorry...but that just sort of hit this momma the wrong way...I have much much much to say about this and I know it may seem I'm overacting...but I'm not.....not at all

    I'm sorry if that hurt anyones feelings...but I'm a bit upset now:cry: .

    and I'm truly sorry for your pain...I really am.



    I also work with children of all different sorts of abilities and I totally agree with what Ali said. Sometimes things happen but I can say from personal experience that the awesome priviledge of working with children far outweighs anything else.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Awww... I hope you continue to heal and can avoid the root canals. My husband sends his sympathies - he was on the 'broken leg diet' for a few months. That basically consists of anything you can eat one-handed standing on one leg, or can put in a bag around your neck to carry from the kitchen to the table while using crutches! He ended up drinking a lot of SlimFast shakes in cans - and he cannot stand them now. :sick:

    Ali - I don't think anyone meant to judge anybody with autism or blame the child. You have every right to be sensitive, of course! Working with psychiatric patients or elderly adults with dementia can be 'dangerous' as well - that doesn't mean that any one is blaming the patients. People who dedicate their lives to helping individuals who need assistance and understanding deserve our respect and gratitude! As you say, things happen - and can in any job. I am sure that many teachers and nurses working with non-autistic children are sometimes injured, too! (I've never seen the show so I apologize if there is a different slant on it that would make the comment more offensive.) Hugs! :flowerforyou: :heart:
  • alimassa
    I dont think anyone meant any harm on the post..... I live in a very small town and our neighbors have a 7 year old who is also autistic. He is a very sweat boy. He is in my daughters first grade class and she is a mother hen to him. It has never crossed my mind to think of him as dangerous!

    I do feel very sorry for your pain as that would HURT HURT HURT. I remember my middle son loved to head butt me and got me in the teeth a couple times. And I have no excuse for him other then he thought it was funny!!

    I hope you feel better and that he didnt hurt his head!!

    (just my 2 cents!)

    :flowerforyou: Ali
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    I hope your teeth heal up and your pain subsides quickly.

    Just watch your ticker move to the right.....that will distract you some!:wink:

    I am so sorry you got hurt!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • mommared53
    mommared53 Posts: 9,543 Member
    I'm so sorry you got hurt. I hope everything turns out okay with your teeth. That must have hurt like crazy! How is the little one's head? :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • laurie49120
    laurie49120 Posts: 21 Member
    Hi. I just wanted to respond. No, the boy's head wasn't hurt at all, thank goodness. And the next day, I went back to his classroom and set up a sensory program for him (I'm an occupational therapist, but working as a sub teacher). I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.

    But it is a reality that working with autistic children/adults can be physically dangerous. There is a whole spectrum of autism and that includes some individuals that hurt their carers. I am one to know about the physical dangers of working with kids/teens with autism. Ten years ago, I was a carer to a bunch of disabled children in their different homes. I travelled from home to home. In the course of 2 years, I was hit in the head over 200 times, and all of the kids who hit me were autistic. From these hits, I developed traumatic brain injury, seizures, etc. It has taken me years to get my short-term memory back and recover from medical and other problems

    So, reality is, there is always a physical risk working with autistic children/teens. Would I change a moment I have spent with an autistic child? Not in a million years. I love their worlds and making a difference in each child's life. They have enriched my life to an infinitive degree.

    I continued to work in this classroom all week. I was bitten on the arm, and fell also. Do I blame the children? No. I love everyone one of them.

    What is sad about the situation, is that 9 of these children, with such behaviors as headbutting, biting, and self-abusive children are put in one classroom here in Michigan. They hardly get out of the classroom. All they do is negative behaviors because there is nothing set up for them. Not one of them has any kind of therapy. There are no one on one aides to help these children learn, when they desperately need them. The classroom staff is at their wits end and doesn't receive help, despite their pleas for help. What is it all about? Money. Few people care really about these children in this classroom. I have been advocating to get the basic needs, i.e. therapy to these children for over a year, to no avail. I have contacted my congressman, state legislators, and the Michigan Dept. of Education. Nothing changes despite any of my efforts. The schools' concern is how to do it the cheapest they can and do not care about the long-term well being of these precious children.

    I came from the bay area in CA, so I know a different way. I am tired of battling the "status quo" around here. And all it does is make me the "bad guy" for wanting change.

    And Ali, I do understand. These kiddos are wonderful. I didn't mean to upset you. I hope this more clearly explains my situation.
  • ali106
    ali106 Posts: 3,754 Member
    ya know what I appreciate what you do and sorry that has happened to you.....

    Do you have a child w/ autism? Do you know what it is like to have people fear your you know what it is like to have everyone think that they are all alike and look at your child differently. Do you know what it feels like to be afraid to die or get sick or old so that you can't take care of your child that someone else may have to and think of him as a dangerous job.....

    that's all.....I know extremely well what it takes....I live it everyday....I work w/in the schools and volunteer and run support groups as well dealing w/ all ranges of the spectrum....and added disorders as well.

    I'm not trying to downplay what you said.....I just do not like hearing its a dangerous job....I know you are w/in the field and yes things can happen......but when people make comments and others read them there are a lot of misconceptions that can be believed. I just don't think it should have been said like that or commented on like that and I know I must sound over the top.....but I know I'm not....

    I do know that I'm out of here though.....

    wish you all the best!
  • melissa20
    melissa20 Posts: 7 Member
    Not a good way to loose weight.
    I wish you a speedy recovery.