owning up

Meggie_pooh Posts: 316 Member
edited September 24 in Motivation and Support
I joined this site so i could lost the unwanted weight and finally get in shape. I told myself I would do it at any cost. I quit smoking 10 days ago, and my diet has suffered from that. I had my "time of the month" last week, so I couldn't accurately weigh myself. Now that's over and my slip up is over, but I gained back some of my weightloss I'm sure. I am so ashamed of myself for falling off the wagon...AGAIN. I was doing so good. And then BAM!! A pulled muscle in my left leg (no workouts last week)...TOM (eating binge) .... foxwood's casino yesterday was good cuz I took some time off the slot machines to just walk the buildings and run up the stairs so at least i would get some exercise in:bigsmile:

I don't know...I feel like sometimes, I am just NEVER gonna get to my goal, and although i haven't smoked in almost 2 weeks, maybe i should just start again so i can lose my weight...grrrr...i'm so ...GRRRRRR right now.

I cried this morning. I bought an Elliptical, but didn't realize how hard it was going to be on my breathing. The exercise itself felt great....it was the pains in my chest and the labored breathing I had issues with:huh: I only lasted 6 minutes on it before my breathing forced me to stop. I also bought the Zumba for my Wii....I'm just not latin enuff to dance like that! I can dance....believe me when I say I can dance....but not like that! And the belt they give u with the game to put around ur waist (holds the Wii remote) yeah...well good luck with that if ur fat like me:frown: The band is so SMALL! One size fits all.....PSSSSH

I told myself I wasn't gonna give up this time....but how can I keep going when I keep getting pushed down so easily???:sad:


  • katdanash
    katdanash Posts: 1,390 Member
    DONT GIVE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!DONT START SMOKING AGAIN!!!!!!!!

    You can do this. Don't let it get you down. We all have troubles sometimes. it is when we dwell on them that we find ourselves going backward instead of forword. You can do this.
    6 mins on the eliptical is good. go for 7 tomorrow.
    Really its one step at a time and one day at a time.
    we are here for you.
  • callmefor911
    callmefor911 Posts: 155 Member
    quit being so hard on your self... so u just let yesterday be yesterday and start fresh today.. trust me I know.. this week my girl scout cookies came in this week.. do I have to say more?? LOL

    with the wii zumba my theory is if I am moving then it is better then sitting on the couch and eating ice cream at least I am trying to do something.. and six minutes on the ellipitcal is good so tomorow u aim for 6 min and 30 seconds.. each day as something on

    I did that with the trendmill and now can walk for 30 minutes no problem. started out with 10 minutes huffing and puffing.

    keep up the great work..
  • I quit smoking 6 years ago and boy do I remember the labored breathing part! BUT...I used that as motivation, Every time I wanted to smoke I did some kind of cardio to REMIND myself why I quit. Dont give up...you can do it! :flowerforyou:
  • I also recently fell off the wagon. I had quit smoking and drinking for 3 months and it helped me lose 7 kilo's by just eating healthy...I wasn't even exercising at this point. Then I started gym in January but I started drinking at the same time...everytime I drink I want to smoke. I gained a kilo and have not lost any weight in 2 months of training. I have now quit drinking and smoking again and already feeling/seeing the differences. All I can say is do not start smoking again...the reason your breathing feels so bad is because of the cigarette's. The best thing you can do for yourself is to cut the ****, slap yourself and get back on track...in the nicest way possible :tongue:
  • Nomomush
    Nomomush Posts: 582 Member
    Take baby steps. You didn't change your overnight, you certainly won't change smoking and the weight overnight either. It takes small changes that add up to big things.

    Take one challenge one at a time. Just don't give up on anything.
    You've already overcome one of the hardest things...deciding to change.

    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!
    Don't let these little speed bumps slow you down or make you pull over. Just stomp on the gas and keep going.
  • The first time I stepped onto an elliptical, I lasted (I kid you not!) less than 30 seconds! When I started using it as part of my regular workout, I would push myself to 4 minutes, then 5, then 6. When I made it to 10 minutes, I felt like I'd conquered Olympus!

    Don't give up, for Heavens sake! But don't be too hard on yourself (or the elliptical *grin!) The fact that you're even stepping on it and trying it is all that matters! It'll get easier - it just takes time! :flowerforyou:
  • Everyone has moments like this! Trust me. You can not dwell on the past, all you can do is pick yourself up and move on. If you want this bad enough you will do it. DO NOT START SMOKING AGAIN!!! Your labored breathing is because of the smoking in addition to being overweight. Just remember that you may only be able to do 6 minutes now but with work you will be able to do more. You have to start somewhere and you can't be ashamed of where you are now. You are trying to do something about it and that is what is important. As for the Wii, just keep trying! It will get easier. Just remember you didn't get to the weight that you are in one day and it is not going to magically disappear in one day either.

    Keep your head up and don't give up!
  • I am with everyone else in saying DONT GIVE UP!!! There are going to be some down points but they wil just make all the up points feel so much better. Dont start smoking again, you wnat to get your breathing under control not hinder it even more. I know this all to well!!! I am with the other girls that had issues with the elliptical. I started by not using the arm part until I was able to do 10 minutes holding on. Start slow and work your way up. You will definately look back and say "look how far I have come!" Chin up!
  • I think Nike said it best "JUST DO IT"!! It's hard at first for everyone. But every little thing counts. Don't just focus on the big things, focus on the little things to! 6 minutes on the elliptical is great. My first time I did 3. So you are way far ahead. I bought Zumba and couldn't move to it at all. But now I'm doing pretty good. I went to a steakhouse Friday night and ate like a pig. But i worked out extra hard this weekend to make up for. Little things happen, doesn't mean quit. I just means keep at it. Nobody is perfect when it comes to weight loss. And if you were, you would probably be a gazillionare! Just keep going!
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    Wow, I feel for you and I'm sorry you're having such a rough time right now. Please don't give up and don't start smoking again.

    It sounds like you're trying to tackle too many life changes at once and your house of cards is starting to crumble. I would focus on one or two smaller things at a time.

    You quit smoking - GREAT!!! probably THE best thing you can do for yourself (I'm an ex-smoker from 2000) your lung function will improve over time as they begin to heal. Don't rush it.

    As for the elliptical - don't try to go fast or high tension. Just manage a comfortable walk where you can still breathe. The point is to get moving to begin with. This will also let you get some exercise without stressing your leg too. Walk to the point where you feel uncomfortable then slow it down just a hair. As you do this more and more, you will begin to build tolerance and endurance and you will be able to go faster and longer without breathing problems.

    If the leg is too much to even do the above, then let it rest - do some upper body weights and or yoga, pilates stretching and toning. Keep things moving - think about what' you could do if you were stuck in a wheel chair. Focus on what DOES work right now and what you can do to keep moving, even if it's slowly.

    As for the TOM eating... DO NOT USE THAT AS AN EXCUSE TO EAT WHATEVER AND WHATEVER QUANTITIES you need to focus on making good choices all the time. You might be hungrier - legitimately hungry - think about what our bodies are going through! That HAS to be more taxing on our system requiring more energy so - eat but eat wisely and don't sweat it. Try increasing your protein consumption the week before and week of - this should help curb those sweet carb cravings.

    What would be the lesson if you said I want to be thin and when you woke up you were? We didn't gain weight like that, so we sure won't LOSE it like that. Stuff happens - don't beat yourself up over something you can't change in the past - fix it by learning from the mistake - why did you feel you needed to eat? true hunger or emotional comfort? What did you choose? were there better options? How did you feel after you ate what you picked? did it satisfy that need or was it just wasted calories? Are you using food to punish yourself?

    Work towards cleaning house of that stinkin' thinkin' you got going on. YOU CAN DO THIS and YOU WILL DO THIS and YOU ARE DOING THIS!!! If you want to wallow in your errors, at least make a list and for every bad thing you think of, think of a good thing you've already done. Doesn't matter how small it might seem. You need to start visualizing your accomplishments and reinforcing the positives.

    I know this is all easier said then done. I've been there too. I still visit now and then but I try to at least do one thing everyday if nothing else- THINK ABOUT WHAT I'M PUTTING INTO MY MOUTH EVERY TIME I WANT TO REACH FOR FOOD. I think about why I'm thinking of food, what kind of food, what could I replace a bad choice with, what would help prevent these feelings in the first place, look at things going on in my life and see if the real solution is to fix something else first and the food will fall into place. I'm an emotional eater. I eat to feel better, I eat to punish myself. For that past month I have been eating because I'm hungry. I'm eating consciously. You're keeping a food journal on here, how about an emotional journal too. Get out these feelings your having of frustration, disappointment, self hating,etc. Talk about the foods you want to eat as a result of your feelings. Think about what you can choose instead - make that list and put it where you can see it - something like ... I want chocolate.... instead I will eat peanut (or other nut) butter. I want to eat an entire pizza.... I will make a healthy pizza using ingredient portions, instead of eating an entire prepared one (tortilla's are great for this or even a pita bread if you like a thicker crust and they're just the right size)

    Whatever you do don't give up and don't make yourself feel any worse. That will never help you in the long run. Write about today and then LET GO & LET GOD. He will handle whatever problem you give him - so long as you don't take it back.
  • GeauxDonielle
    GeauxDonielle Posts: 145 Member
    I quit the smoking- first time on treadmill I lasted 2minutes and was winded!! Now 2 months later I can go 25-30minutes and not get winded- my hips limit is that time right now (I have screws in pelvic bone). Slow and steady. Walk/jog-" Wogging" is a good start
  • jllipson
    jllipson Posts: 646
    I agree with everyone else. But wanted to add, on the leg injury, don't stop exercising, there are small things that you can do - every little bit helps.

    I pulled a muscle in my calf 2 weeks ago - jumping exercises still bother it. I don't push myself on those, but figured out that when it starts hurting a little I don't stop, but instead go to mini knee bends and bounce without letting my feet leave the ground - doesn't bother the calf muscle much, but it keeps the cardio going. Also, work on upper body, ab crunches, moving arms while holding weights and such, boxing - just moving arms in air - so much you can still do to get yourself moving - and several can be done while sitting too.

    Don't give up, just find ways to work around issues. As far as elliptical, I agree, even adding just 15 seconds a day will get you up on your time - good luck and remember to have some fun while exercising - play some favorite music or watch a favorite show while doing them - time goes a lot faster for you.

    Good Luck
  • carollane
    carollane Posts: 39 Member
    We all have those times that we feel like just giving up but you:flowerforyou: have to just keep trying!!! 6 mins on the eliptical is great!!! I some real skinny people that can't do 6 mins starting out!!! Look at how great that is!!! Just think in a week or two that will be doubled!! Please give yourself a big pat on the back for doing that well!!!
  • You should find a good support group and join. Dec. 2007, I weighed 248 lbs. I walked into a TOPS group not knowing anyone there but was welcomed by the most amazing group of people that were all fighting the same battle I was. Our weight! I did not lose the weight over night and neither will you. It is a daily journey. For the first year I did not have a gain. Some weeks my lose was less than 1/2 lb. but I lost. Now at 84 lbs less, it is still a struggle I will live with the rest of my life to maintain my weight. IT WAS SO WORTH IT! But I could never have done it with out the accountability at the scales each week, and the support of my friends at TOPS and the love and support of my husband. It was not easy. Some days I felt just like you are feeling, but DO NOT GIVE UP and someday you will be looking back and wonder who that other person is. Keep using myfitnesspal and most of all be honest with what you put in your daily journal. The only person you hurt is yourself if you aren't completely honest about your foods. Maybe you should start the exercise with walking first and then move up to more strenous exercise. You will make it! By the way, I am 70 years old.
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