brand new, still crinkley :)

TeaRexParty Posts: 125 Member
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself
Howdy :) I used to belong to another weightloss community that was a huge support but all my weight loss buddies there drifted away. I was giving tons of support but not getting much and it seemed kids were taking it over so I felt it was time for a change. A friend told me this place was great so here I am to try it out. Hope to make many new friends. ~Lisa

p.s. I know it says I joined Jan 2009 but honestly I just made a ticker here and had no idea there was a community, lol


  • mistyb47711
    mistyb47711 Posts: 861 Member
    Welcome.....I love it here!
  • schpanks
    schpanks Posts: 468 Member
    Welcome! I hope you feel at home here.
  • Welcome... I have been here for... 5 days now... and i totally love it
  • ninyagwa
    ninyagwa Posts: 341 Member
    Nice! Welcome! If you need any new active friends feel free to add me. I'm down with the support system here, it rocks my socks!
  • emperorsdream
    emperorsdream Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome! The folks here are downright sugary sweet; you may gain weight from the caloric intake of all the sweet support! Good luck!
  • joanie775
    joanie775 Posts: 24 Member
    Welcome :flowerforyou: Iv been here for 36 days and i think its great, If you need suport add me as a friend
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Welcome - I've been here since last summer and love it!
  • StacySkinny
    StacySkinny Posts: 984 Member
    Lisa! I'm so glad to see you made it over here! :D This community helped me shed like over 50 pounds (I had lost about 20 before joining). :) I suggest adding as many friends as you can - more friends on your friends list will mean more support and more people who will help to keep you accountable!

    *warm hugs*
  • kaits108
    kaits108 Posts: 305 Member
    LOL "still crinkley"! Welcome! Hope you like it here!! :)
  • Hello all! I'm one week in. Weight has been up and down all week but I am commited to shed some pounds. I also published a vampire fantasy if anyone is interested. A percentage of the profits will be donated to the Transverse Myelitis Association. Here is a link to the book.
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