Just Saying hello

clarec83 Posts: 4
edited September 24 in Introduce Yourself

I have just started using my fitness pal again today (i didnt use it properly before).
I get married next year and i really want to lose about a stone or so before then. I have tried lots of diets and i have lost weight but they just havent been realistic to continue on long term. I'm hoping this will be.

Anyway, hello :)



  • Hi
    I just started this a couple of days ago. It's good to be able to see all that i am eating so as i can try to adjust my diet accordingly.
    I felt so guilty when i ate that chocolate cake. but it was soooo good.

    I weigh 167lbs my goal is 135lbs.
    no excuses i will do it.
    good luck to all

  • hi Clare!
    I am new to this too. still trying to figure it out.
    if you want a friend.
    Happy to do this with you!
  • christy if you need a friend send a request and we will do this together!
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