
I've been on these boards for awhile, but have yet to post anything. Initially I was just counting calories, but now I've been eating clean and really enjoying it!

I lost a 56lbs. back in 2003 with WW, but had my daughter in 2005 and gained it ALL back! I joined WW 3 times since then, but the weight just is not coming off. There are no medical conditions (I've been checked!)

My doctor told me not to worry about the number on the scale, to just focus on eating healthy. So, that's what I'm doing. And, if I lose some numbers on the scale in the mean time, yay!


  • autiemommy
    Hey !! I rarely post as well.But thanks for sharing your story. I never tried WW i have seen many people that were on it loose a lil but gain a lot. I agree with your doctor. Dont think of the number.. Good luck on your venture.
  • Carcharzel
    Thank you! I'm going to do my best to *not* focus on the number, but that's a challenge in itself!
  • jowod
    jowod Posts: 1
    Hi my first time on myfitnesspal.com. I've just been calorie counting as well but today I thought I would log onto website to update some details and goals. I'm not very good at exercising no motivation!! I'm trying to lose 20lbs I've lost 5 so far I don't have an exercise/diet partner which I think would help. 'Healthy Eating' sounds a lot better than dieting. I have a long term illness which prevents a lot of exercising problem is I was still eating like I used to when I was on my feet 20 hrs a day now I'm lucky if I manage 20 mins a time just doing housework!! I spend the rest of my time sitting on my backside watching tv!!
  • Carcharzel
    It's difficult for me to get motivation to exercise. I'm sorry to hear about your condition. Do your doctors have any suggestions for limited exercises?
  • theresalizotte
    Welcome to MFP If you need a friend I am here. I think you will love it here. We all support each other.